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English-German Dictionary

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hypothetical [presumed] vermutet
hypothetical question hypothetische Frage {f}
hypothetical reference circuit <HRC>hypothetischer Bezugskreis {m} <HBK>
hypothetical subjunctive Irrealis {m}
hypothetically als Hypothese
hypothyreosis Unterfunktion {f} der Schilddrüse [Hypothyreose]
hypothyreosisHypothyreose {f}
hypothyroid hypothyreot
hypothyroidism Schilddrüsenunterfunktion {f}
hypothyroidismHypothyreose {f}
hypothyrosis [less common for: hypothyreosis] Schilddrüsenunterfunktion {f}
hypothyrosis [less common for: hypothyreosis]Hypothyreose {f}
hypotonia Hypotonie {f}
hypotonia [the state of having hypotonic muscle tone]Muskelhypotonie {f}
hypotonic bladderhypotone Harnblase {f}
hypotonic dehydration hypotone Dehydratation {f}
hypotonic drinkhypotonisches Getränk {n}
hypotonic duodenographyhypotone Duodenographie {f}
hypotonic duodenography hypotone Duodenografie {f}
hypotonic solutionhypotonische Lösung {f}
hypotonically hypoton
hypotonicity Hypotonizität {f}
hypotony Hypotonie {f}
hypotrichosisHypotrichose {f}
hypotrichous hypotrich
hypotrochoidHypotrochoide {f}
hypotrophic hypotrophisch
hypotrophyHypotrophie {f}
hypotropia [downward strabismus] Hypotropie {f}
hypotympanumPaukenkeller {m}
hypotympanum Hypotympanon {n}
hypotympanum Hypotympanicum {n}
hypouricaemia [Br.] Hypourikämie {f}
hypouricemia [Am.]Hypourikämie {f}
hypovascular hypovaskulär
hypoventilationabgeflachte Atmung {f}
hypoventilationHypoventilation {f}
hypoventilation Atemdepression {f}
hypovigilanceverminderte Wachsamkeit {f}
hypovitaminosis Hypovitaminose {f}
hypovitaminosisVitaminmangelkrankheit {f}
hypovitaminosisVitaminmangelerkrankung {f}
hypovolaemia [Br.] Hypovolämie {f}
hypovolaemic [Br.] hypovoläm
hypovolaemic [Br.] hypovolämisch
hypovolaemic shock [Br.]hypovolämischer Schock {m}
hypovolaemic shock [Br.]Volumenmangelschock {m}
hypovolemia [Am.] Hypovolämie {f}
hypovolemic [Am.]hypovoläm
hypovolemic [Am.] hypovolämisch
hypovolemic shock [Am.]hypovolämischer Schock {m}
hypovolemic shock [Am.]Volumenmangelschock {m}
hypoxaemia [Br.] Hypoxämie {f}
hypoxaemic [Br.]hypoxämisch
hypoxanthine [C5H4N4O] Hypoxanthin {n}
hypoxemia [Am.] Hypoxämie {f}
hypoxemia [Am.] Sauerstoffunterversorgung {f} [Sauerstoffmangel im Blut]
hypoxemic [Am.]hypoxämisch
hypoxia Sauerstoffmangel {m} [im Gewebe]
hypoxiaHypoxie {f}
hypoxia Sauerstoffunterversorgung {f} [Mangelversorgung des Gewebes mit Sauerstoff]
hypoxia Sauerstoffminderversorgung {f}
hypoxia marker Hypoxiemarker {m}
hypoxia-ischaemia <HI, H/I> [Br.] Hypoxie-Ischämie {f} <HI, H/I>
hypoxia-ischemia <HI, H/I> [Am.]Hypoxie-Ischämie {f} <HI, H/I>
hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction <HPV> [Euler-Liljestrand mechanism] hypoxisch pulmonale Vasokonstriktion {f} <HPV> [Euler-Liljestrand-Mechanismus]
hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction <HPV> [Euler-Liljestrand mechanism] hypoxische pulmonale Vasokonstriktion {f} <HPV>
hypoxic training <HT> Hypoxietraining {n}
hypoxic-ischemic [Am.] [e.g. encephalopathy] hypoxämisch-ischämisch [z. B. Enzephalopathie]
hypoxis family {sg} [family Hypoxidaceae]Hypoxidaceen {pl}
hypoxyphiliaHypoxyphilie {f}
hypozincemia Zinkmangel {m}
hypromellose Hypromellose {f}
hypsarrhythmiaHypsarrhythmie {f}
hypselodonty Hypselodontie {f}
hypsiphobia Hypsiphobie {f}
Hypsipyle Hypsipyle {f}
hypsochromic shift Hypsochromie {f}
hypsodont hypsodont
hypsodont hochkronig
hypsodonty Hypsodontie {f}
hypsographic hypsografisch
hypsographic curvehypsographische Kurve {f}
hypsographic curvehypsografische Kurve {f}
hypsography Hypsografie {f}
hypsographyHypsographie {f}
hypsometerBaumhöhenmesser {m}
hypsometric hypsometrisch
« hypohypohypohypohypohypohypshystI   IamhIamv »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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