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English-German Dictionary

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hackly [jagged] zerhackt
hackmatack [Larix laricina] Ostamerikanische Lärche {f}
hackmatack [Larix laricina] Amerikanische Lärche {f}
hackmatack [Larix laricina]Tamarack-Lärche {f}
hackmatack [Larix laricina]Tamarack {f}
hackmatack [Populus balsamifera (subsp. balsamifera), syn.: Populus tacamahaca, P. candicans] [(eastern) balsam poplar]Balsampappel / Balsam-Pappel {f}
hackneyLohnarbeiter {m}
hackneyPferd {n} [gewöhnliches Zug- und Reitpferd]
hackney Mietgaul {m}
hackney Kutschpferd {n}
hackney Droschkengaul {m}
hackney Droschke {f}
hackney Hackney {n} [Pferderasse]
hackney Miet-
hackney [sl.] [archaic] [prostitute] Straßendirne {f} [veraltet]
hackney cab Pferdedroschke {f}
hackney carriage [Br.]Fiaker {m} [österr.]
hackney carriage [Br.] [official term for a taxi] Taxi {n} [schweiz. auch {m}]
hackney carriage [Br.] [taxicab]Kraftdroschke {f} [veraltet] [Taxi]
hackney-coach Mietwagen {m}
hackney-coach Mietdroschke {f}
hackneyed ausgeleiert [ugs.] [Redensart]
hackneyedabgenudelt [ugs.]
hackneyed abgeleiert [ugs.]
hackneyed abgelutscht [ugs.]
hackneyed ausgelutscht [ugs.]
hackneyed [phrase] abgedroschen [ugs.]
hackneyed [phrase] abgenutzt [Redensart]
hackneyed [literary, language]floskelhaft
hackneyed clichés abgedroschene Klischees {pl}
hackneyed idea Versatzstück {n} [fig.]
hackneyed phrase Klischee {n}
hackneyed phrase stereotype Redewendung {f}
hackneyed phrase Phrase {f} [pej.] [abgegriffene Redensart oder Aussage]
hackneyed saying abgedroschene Redewendung {f} [ugs.]
hackneyed saying abgedroschene Redensart {f} [ugs.]
hackneyed sayingabgedroschene Floskel {f} [ugs.]
hackneyed word Allerweltswort {n} [ugs.]
hackneyedness [rare] [triteness]Abgedroschenheit {f}
hackneysLohnarbeiter {pl}
hacksaw Bügelsäge {f}
hacksawBügelsägemaschine {f}
hacksaw Metallsäge {f}
hacksawEisensäge {f}
hacksaw Hubsäge {f}
hacksaw Metallbügelsäge {f}
Hacksaw [TaleSpin] Hackebeil [Käpt'n Balu und seine tollkühne Crew]
hacksaw bladeBügelsägeblatt {n}
hacksaw bladeSägeblatt {n}
hacksaw frame Bügelsäge {f}
hack-silver Hacksilber {n}
hacksilver [also: hacksilber] Hacksilber {n}
hacktivism Hacktivismus {m} [Verwendung von Computern und Computernetzwerken als Protestmittel]
hacktivist [jargon: hack + activist]Hacktivist {m} [politisch engagierter Hacker]
hackworkGeschmiere {n}
hackworkRoutinearbeit {f}
hackwork Nullachtfünfzehn-Arbeit {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
hacky [Br.] [regional] [dirty] dreckig [ugs.]
hacky [coll.] [amateurish] amateurhaft
hacky [coll.] [jerky, hacking]ruckhaft
Hacky Sack ™ [footbag]Hacky Sack ® {m} [Footbag]
Hacquet's lousewort [Pedicularis hacquetii] Karst-Läusekraut {n}
Hacquet's lousewort [Pedicularis hacquetii] Hacquets Läusekraut {n}
had a chatgeplaudert
had a critical look [at sth.]auseinandergesetzt [sich mit etw.]
had a holiday [period away from work]freigehabt [ugs.]
had a presentimentvorgeahnt
had a temperature gefiebert
had breakfast gefrühstückt
Had I been able (to), I would have killed him.Wenn ich gekonnt hätte, hätte ich ihn umgebracht.
Had I but known! Wenn ich es nur gewusst hätte!
had in mind vorgeschwebt
had on angehabt
had togemusst
had to goweggemusst
hadada (ibis) [Bostrychia hagedash] Hagedasch {m} [Ibisart]
hadada (ibis) [Bostrychia hagedash] Hagedasch-Ibis {m}
hadal hadal
hadal zone hadale Zone {f}
hadal zone Hadal {n}
Hadamard 2-designHadamard-2-Blockplan {m}
Hadamard 3-designHadamard-3-Blockplan {m}
Hadamard code Hadamard-Code {m} [Walsh-Code]
Hadamard matrixHadamard-Matrix {f}
Hadamard method Hadamard-Methode {f}
Hadamard productHadamard-Produkt {n}
Hadamard's inequality Hadamard-Ungleichung {f}
haddock [Melanogrammus aeglefinus]Schellfisch {m}
haddock-bone [also haddock bone] Schellfischgräte {f}
Haddon's carpet anemone [Stichodactyla haddoni]Teppichanemone {f}
Hadean Erdurzeit {f}
HadeanHadaikum {n}
hadeda (ibis) [Bostrychia hagedash] Hagedasch-Ibis {m}
hadeda (ibis) [Bostrychia hagedash]Hagedasch {m} [Ibisart]
hadephobia Höllenscheu {f}
hadephobiaHadephobie {f}
« gyrah[lehabihabiHabshackHadehaemhaemhaemHage »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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