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hanky-panky [sl.] Mauscheleien {pl}
hanky-panky [sl.] Tricks {pl}
hanky-panky [sl.] [amorous] Techtelmechtel {n} [ugs.] [Fummeln, Knutscherei]
hanky-panky [sl.] [amorous] Knutscherei {f} [ugs.]
hanky-panky [sl.] [groping, petting] Gefummel {n} [ugs.]
hanleite [Ca3Cr2(SiO4)3]Uwarowit {m} [ein Granat]
hanleite [Ca3Cr2(SiO4)3]Hanleit {m} [auch: Hanléit]
Hanlon's razor Hanlons Rasiermesser {n}
Hannah Arendt [Margarethe von Trotta]Hannah Arendt
hannayite [(NH4)2Mg3H4(PO4)4·8H2O] Hannayit {m}
hannebachite [Ca2(SO3)2·H2O]Hannebachit {m}
Hannibal [Thomas Harris] Hannibal
Hannibal Brooks [Michael Winner]Hannibal Brooks
Hannibal Rising [Thomas Harris] Hannibal Rising
Hanning filter Hanning-Filter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
Hanning windowVon-Hann-Fenster {n}
Hannoverian (horse) [spv.] [Hanoverian]Hannoveraner {m} [Pferderasse]
Hann's window Hann-Fenster {n}
Hanoi Hanoi {n}
Hanover Hannover {n}
Hanover [attr.] Hannoveraner [indekl.]
Hanover Airport <HAJ, EDDV>Flughafen {m} Hannover <HAJ, EDDV>
Hanover houndHannoverscher Schweißhund {m} <HSH>
Hanover was incorporated into Prussia. Hannover wurde Preußen angegliedert.
Hanoverian hannoversch
HanoverianHannoveraner {m}
Hanoverian hannoveranisch
Hanoverian [female]Hannoveranerin {f}
Hanoverian [relating to the city of Hanover or its citizens] hannöverisch [selten] [Hannover, die Hannoveraner betreffend]
Hanoverian [relating to the city of Hanover or its citizens]hannöversch [seltener neben: hannoversch] [Hannover, die Hannoveraner betreffend]
Hanoverian bridle [also: hanoverian bridle] hannoveranisches Reithalfter {n}
Hanoverian (horse) Hannoveraner {m} [Pferderasse]
Hanoverian hound Hannoverscher Schweißhund {m} <HSH>
Hanoverian scenthound <HS> Hannoverscher Schweißhund {m} <HSH>
(Hanoverian) Wendland [Lower Saxony, Germany] (Hannoversches) Wendland {n} [Niedersachsen]
Hans in Luck [Grimm Brothers] Hans im Glück [Brüder Grimm]
Hans Married [Grimm Brothers] Hans heiratet [Brüder Grimm]
Hans Moleman [The Simpsons] Hans Maulwurf / Ralph Melish [Die Simpsons]
Hans My Hedgehog [Grimm Brothers] Hans mein Igel [Brüder Grimm]
(Hans) Holbein the Elder (Hans) Holbein {m} der Ältere
HansaHanse {f}
Hansa [Hanseatic League] Hansa {f} [selten] [Hanse]
hansa townHansestadt {f}
hansa townsHansestädte {pl}
Hansard [transcripts of parliamentary debates in the Westminster system of government]Parlamentsprotokoll {n}
Hanse area Hanseraum {m}
Hanse region Hanseraum {m}
hanse town Hansestadt {f}
hanse townsHansestädte {pl}
Hanseatic hanseatisch
Hanseatic cityHansestadt {f}
Hanseatic City of Lübeck Hansestadt {f} Lübeck
Hanseatic city of Stralsund Hansestadt {f} Stralsund
Hanseatic cogHansekogge {f}
Hanseatic Diet Hansetag {m}
Hanseatic era Hansezeit {f}
Hanseatic kontorHansekontor {n}
Hanseatic League Hansa {f}
Hanseatic League Hanse {f}
Hanseatic merchants Hansekaufleute {pl}
hanseatic town Hansestadt {f}
hanseatic townsHansestädte {pl}
hansel [gift for good luck at the beginning of a new year] [archaic or dialect] [spv.] [handsel] Neujahrsgeschenk {n}
Hansel and Gretel [Grimm Brothers]Hänsel und Gretel [Brüder Grimm]
Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters [Tommy Wirkola]Hänsel und Gretel: Hexenjäger
Hansen / Hansen's disease <HD>Morbus Hansen {m} <MH>
Hansen / Hansen's disease <HD> [leprosy]Hansen-Krankheit {f} [Lepra]
hansenosis [leprosy] [caused by Mycobacterium leprae]Hansen'sche Krankheit {f} [Lepra]
Hansen's disease [leprosy] Lepra {f}
Hansen's disease <HD> [leprosy]Hansen'sche Krankheit {f} [Lepra]
hansom (cab)Hansom {m}
Hanson's lily [Lilium hansonii]Gold-Türkenbund-Lilie / Goldtürkenbundlilie {f}
Hanswurst Hanswurst {m} [Theaterfigur]
hant [Am.] [haunt]Geist {m} [Gespenst]
hantavirosisHantavirose {f}
hantavirusHantavirus {n}
hantavirus infection Hantavirus-Infektion {f}
hantu water shrew [Chimarrogale hantu]Malaiische Wasserspitzmaus {f}
Hantzsch dihydropyridine synthesis Hantzsche Dihydropyridinsynthese {f} [alt]
Hantzsch dihydropyridine synthesisHantzsch'sche Dihydropyridinsynthese {f}
Hantzsch dihydropyridine synthesisHantzsch-Dihydropyridinsynthese {f}
Hantzsch pyridine synthesis Hantzsch-Pyridinsynthese {f} [Hantzsch-Dihydropyridinsynthese]
Hantzsch-Widman nomenclature Hantzsch-Widman-System {n}
Hanukah [spv.]Chanukka {n}
Hanukkah Chanukka {n}
Hanukkah menorah Chanukkaleuchter {m} [Chanukkia]
Hanuman langurs [genus Semnopithecus]Indische Languren {pl}
Hanuman langurs [genus Semnopithecus] Hanuman-Languren {pl}
Hanuman langurs [genus Semnopithecus]Hulmane {pl}
Hanuman langurs [genus Semnopithecus] Graue Languren {pl}
Hanunó'o alphabet Hanunó'o-Schrift {f}
hap Zufall {m}
hapantotype Hapantotyp {m}
hapantotype Hapantotypus {m}
hapax legomenon Hapaxlegomenon {n}
hapaxanthic hapaxanth
ha'penny [esp. Br.] [spv.] [dated] halber Penny {m}
haphazard zufällig
« handhandhandhanghanghankhaphhapphappharaharb »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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