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English-German Dictionary

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harbour basin [Br.] Hafenbecken {n}
harbour basin [Br.] Hafenbassin {n} [veraltend] [Hafenbecken]
harbour bay [Br.] Hafenbucht {f}
harbour blockade [Br.]Hafenblockade {f}
harbour boozer [Br.] [coll.] [pej.] Hafenkaschemme {f} [pej.]
harbour bottom [Br.] Hafensohle {f}
harbour breakwater [Br.] Hafenmole {f}
harbour building [Br.] [structure] Hafenbau {m} [Gebäude]
harbour cafe [Br.] [also: harbour café]Hafencafé {n}
harbour city [Br.]Hafenstadt {f}
harbour commander [Br.] Hafenkommandant {m}
harbour construction [Br.]Hafenbau {m} [Bauen]
harbour crab [Br.] [Carcinus maenas, also C. moenas, syn.: Cancer granarius, C. granulatus, C. maenas, C. pygmeus, C. rhomboidalis, C. viridis, Carcinides maenas, Megalopa montagui] (Gemeine) Strandkrabbe {f}
harbour crab [Br.] [Carcinus maenas, also C. moenas, syn.: Cancer granarius, C. granulatus, C. maenas, C. pygmeus, C. rhomboidalis, C. viridis, Carcinides maenas, Megalopa montagui]Dwarslöper {m} [nordd.] [Querläufer] [Strandkrabbe]
harbour crane [Br.]Hafenkran {m}
harbour due [Br.] [rare for: harbour dues] Hafengebühr {f}
harbour dues {pl} [Br.]Hafengebühr {f}
harbour dues {pl} [Br.] Hafengeld {n}
harbour dues [Br.]Hafengebühren {pl}
harbour entrance [Br.] Hafeneingang {m}
harbour entrance [Br.]Hafeneinfahrt {f}
harbour exit [Br.] Hafenausfahrt {f}
harbour fees [Br.]Hafengebühren {pl}
harbour ferry [Br.] Hafenfähre {f}
harbour fortress [Br.] Hafenfestung {f}
harbour handbook [Br.] Hafenhandbuch {n}
harbour installation [Br.]Hafenanlage {f}
harbour installations [Br.]Hafenanlagen {pl}
harbour landscape [Br.]Hafenlandschaft {f}
harbour launch [Br.] Hafenbarkasse {f}
harbour light [Br.] [signalling the harbour entrance] Hafenfeuer {n} [Leuchtfeuer]
harbour master [Br.] Hafenmeister {m}
harbour master's office [Br.] Hafenmeisterei {f}
harbour master's office [Br.] [also: harbourmaster's office] [administration] Hafenamt {n} [Gebäude]
harbour mole [Br.] [breakwater] Hafenmole {f}
harbour of refuge [Br.] Nothafen {m}
harbour (office) building [Br.]Hafengebäude {n}
harbour patrol (unit) [Br.]Hafenpolizei {f}
harbour pilot [Br.] Hafenlotse {m}
harbour pilot [Br.] [female]Hafenlotsin {f}
harbour porpoise [Br.] [Phocoena phocoena] Schweinswal {m}
harbour project [Br.] Hafenprojekt {n}
harbour pub [Br.]Hafenkneipe {f}
harbour pubs [Br.] Hafenkneipen {pl}
harbour quarter [Br.] Hafenviertel {n}
harbour radio communication [Br.]Hafenfunk {m}
harbour rag [Br.] [Hediste diversicolor]Schillernder Seeringelwurm {m}
harbour ragworm [Br.] [Hediste diversicolor]Schillernder Seeringelwurm {m}
harbour railway [Br.] Hafenbahn {f}
harbour regulations {pl} [Br.]Hafenordnung {f}
harbour scene [Br.]Hafenansicht {f}
harbour seal [Br.] [Phoca vitulina] Seehund {m}
harbour seal [Br.] [Phoca vitulina] Gemeiner Seehund {m}
harbour square [Br.] Hafenplatz {m}
harbour stroll [Br.] Hafenbummel {m}
harbour tour [Br.] [by boat]Hafenrundfahrt {f}
harbour towboat [Br.] Hafenschlepper {m}
harbour town [Br.] Hafenstadt {f}
harbour train station [Br.] Hafenbahnhof {m}
harbour tug [Br.] Hafenschlepper {m}
harbour tugboat [Br.] [also: harbour tug boat]Hafenschlepper {m}
harbour water [Br.] [esp.: polluted] Hafenwasser {n}
(harbour) wall [Br.]Damm {m} [Hafendamm]
harbourage [Br.] Herberge {f}
harbourage [Br.] Zuflucht {f}
harbourages [Br.]Herbergen {pl}
harboured [Br.] geschützt
harboured [Br.] beherbergt
harboured [Br.] vor Anker liegend
harbourer [Br.]Beherberger {m}
harbouring [Br.]beherbergend
harbourless ohne Zuflucht
harbourmaster [Br.] Hafenmeister {m}
harbourmaster [Br.] [also: harbour master]Hafenkapitän {m}
harbourmistress [Br.] [also: harbour mistress] Hafenmeisterin {f}
harbours [Br.]Häfen {pl}
harbourside bar [Br.] Hafenschenke {f} [auch: Hafenschänke]
harbourside pub [Br.] Hafenschenke {f} [auch: Hafenschänke]
harcake [Br. regional] [soul cake]Allerseelenkuchen {m}
Harcourt's storm petrel [Oceanodroma castro]Madeirawellenläufer {m}
hard hart [auch Wasser]
hard heftig
hard kalkhaltig
hardschwer [ernst, hart, anstrengend, schwierig]
hardfest [kräftig]
hard mühevoll
hard schlimm [schwierig]
hard unnachgiebig
hard steif
hard stramm [Arbeit, Marsch]
hardstreng [hart]
hard [difficult]schwierig
hard [hard-fought] [e.g. a hard match] kampfbetont [hart oder erbittert umkämpft]
hard / difficult to assess [postpos.] schlecht / schwer schätzbar
hard / difficult to estimate [postpos.]schlecht / schwer schätzbar
hard agrocybe [Agrocybe dura, syn.: A. molesta]Rissiger Ackerling {m}
hard agrocybe [Agrocybe dura, syn.: A. molesta] Weißer Ackerling {m}
hard alloy Hartlegierung {f}
hard and fastverbindlich
« hankhaphhapphappharaharbhardhardhardhardhard »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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