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English-German Dictionary

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hard and fast feststehend
hard and fastbindend
hard and fast answer Pauschalantwort {f}
hard and soft deposits [teeth] harte und weiche Beläge {pl} [Zähne]
hard and soft location factorsharte und weiche Standortfaktoren {pl}
hard and soft top jaws harte und weiche Aufsatzbacken {pl}
hard antler (hartes) Geweih {n}
hard aport hart backbord
hard as iron eisenhart
hard as nails [fig.]stahlhart [fig.]
hard as stone steinhart
hard astern hart nach achtern
hard bargainnachteiliges Geschäft {n}
hard birch [Betula alleghaniensis, syn.: B. lutea] Gelb-Birke / Gelbbirke {f}
hard blowharter Schlag {m}
hard blow plötzliches Unglück {n}
hard blowschwerer Schlag {m}
hard braking scharfes Bremsen {n}
hard bread Knäckebrot {n}
hard brushSchrubber {m}
hard budget constraint harte Budgetbeschränkung {f}
hard by nahe bei
hard candy Lutschbonbon {n}
Hard Candy [Andrew Vachss]Hard Candy
hard capsule Hartkapsel {f}
hard caseschwerer Fall {m}
hard case [difficult case] schwieriger Fall {m}
hard cash Münzgeld {n}
hard cash Bargeld {n}
hard cashHartgeld {n}
hard cash klingende Münze {f}
hard cashBares {n} [ugs.] [Bargeld]
hard cash {sg} Münzen {pl}
hard checkSelbstüberprüfung {f}
hard cheeseHartkäse {m}
hard cheese knifeSchnittkäsemesser {n}
hard cheese knife Hartkäsemesser {n}
hard chined boatKnickspanter {m}
hard chrome plated hartverchromt
hard chrome-platedhartverchromt
hard chromium plating Hartverchromen {n}
hard cider [Am.]Apfelwein {m} [voll vergoren]
hard cider [Am.] Zider {m}
hard cider [Am.] [Can.] Apfelmost {m} [österr.] [Apfelwein]
hard clam [Callista chione, syn.: C. (Callista) chione, C. coccinea, C. vulgaris, Cytherea chione, Pectunculus glaber, Venus chione] Braune Venusmuschel {f}
hard clam [Callista chione, syn.: C. (Callista) chione, C. coccinea, C. vulgaris, Cytherea chione, Pectunculus glaber, Venus chione] Glatte Venusmuschel {f}
hard clam [Callista chione, syn.: C. (Callista) chione, C. coccinea, C. vulgaris, Cytherea chione, Pectunculus glaber, Venus chione]Glänzende Venusmuschel {f}
hard clam [Mercenaria mercenaria]Venusmuschel {f}
hard clam [Mercenaria mercenaria]Nördliche Venusmuschel {f}
hard clam [Mercenaria mercenaria] (Nördliche) Quahog-Muschel {f}
hard clump of dirt Erdbrocken {m}
hard coalSteinkohle {f}
hard coal Anthrazit {m}
hard coal Hartkohle {f}
hard coal briquetteSteinkohlebrikett {n}
hard coal briquetteSteinkohlenbrikett {n}
hard coal coke Steinkohlenkoks {m}
hard coal mining [mining of hard coal] Steinkohleförderung {f}
hard coal mining industry Steinkohlenbergbau {m}
hard coal unit <HCU> [rare]Steinkohleeinheit {f} <SKE>
hard coal-fired power station Steinkohlekraftwerk {n}
hard codedfest eingebaut
hard contact lenses harte Kontaktlinsen {pl}
hard copy Ausdruck {m}
hard copyHartkopie {f}
hard copySchwarzpause {f}
hard copy Bildschirmkopie {f}
hard copyAusgabe {f} auf Papier [Hard Copy]
hard copyHard Copy {f}
hard copy connection Hardcopy-Anschluss {m}
hard copy of screen contentKopie {f} des Bildschirminhalts
hard copy printoutAusdruck {m}
hard copy printoutHartkopie {f}
hard corals [Scleractinia]Steinkorallen {pl}
hard core harter Kern {m}
hard corePacklage {f} [Straßenbau, Unterbau befestigter Außenflächen]
hard corn [Clavus durus]hartes Hühnerauge {n}
hard court Hartplatz {m} [Tennis]
hard cover fester Einband {m}
hard cover (book)gebundenes Buch {n}
hard crust [on top of deep snow]Harschdeckel {m}
hard cured getrocknet
hard cured sausageHartwurst {f}
hard currencies harte Währungen {pl}
hard currenciesHartwährungen {pl}
hard currency harte Währung {f}
hard currency Hartwährung {f}
hard currency countries Hartwährungsländer {pl}
hard currency countryHartwährungsland {n}
hard currency policyHartwährungspolitik {f}
hard data Fakten {pl} und Zahlen
hard daymühevoller Tag {m}
hard decision [difficult decision] schwere Entscheidung {f}
hard decision [difficult decision] schwierige Entscheidung {f}
hard disc drive <HDD>Festplattenlaufwerk {n}
hard disk Festplatte {f}
hard disk Hartplatte {f}
hard disk casing Festplattengehäuse {n}
hard disk controllerFestplattencontroller {m}
hard disk crash Festplattenabsturz {m}
« haphhapphappharaharbhardhardhardhardhardhard »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers