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English-German Dictionary

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harvestman [order Opiliones] Kanker {m}
harvestman [order Opiliones] Opa Langbein {m} [ugs.] [Weberknecht]
harvestman [order Opiliones]Zimmermann {m} [schweiz.] [Weberknecht]
harvestman [order Opiliones] Habergeiß {f} [regional]
harvestmen [order Opiliones] Weberknechte {pl}
harvestmen [order Opiliones] Zimmermänner {pl} [schweiz.] [Weberknechte]
harvestsErnten {pl}
harvesttimeErntezeit {f}
Harvey [Henry Koster] Mein Freund Harvey
Harvey's blackhead [Apostolepis multicincta] Vielbändige Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
Harwell Glacier Harwell-Gletscher {m}
Harwich Harwich {n}
Harwood's francolin [Pternistis harwoodi] Harwoodfrankolin {m}
Harz [attr.] Harzer [indekl.]
Harz cheeseHarzer Roller {m} [Sauermilchkäse]
Harz cheeseHarzer {m} [Sauermilchkäse]
Harz foreland Harzvorland {n}
Harz Mountain rollerHarzer Roller {m} [Kanarienvogel]
Harz Mountain rollerHarzer Edelroller {m} [Kanarienvogel]
Harz (Mountain) cheese Harzer Käse {m}
Harz (Mountain) roller [domestic canary, Upper Harz, Germany] Harzvogel {m} [Harzer Roller]
Harz Mountains {pl} Harz {m}
(Harz Mountains) Mooskappe [miners' clothing, Germany] (Harzer) Mooskappe {f} [Bergmannskleidung]
Harz National Park Nationalpark {m} Harz
Harz red mountain cattle {pl}Harzer Rotvieh {n}
Harz roller [name of a breed of domestic canary bred in the Upper Harz mountains of Germany]Harzer Roller {m}
harzburgite Harzburgit {m}
Harzer cheese Harzer Roller {m}
Harzer's sign Harzer-Zeichen {n}
Has a goal been scored?Ist ein Tor gefallen?
Has Anybody Seen My Gal? [Douglas Sirk]Hat jemand meine Braut gesehen?
Has anyone left an umbrella here?Ist hier ein Schirm stehen geblieben?
Has anything happened to her? Ist ihr etwas zugestoßen?
Has been settled.Hat sich erledigt.
Has been taken care of.Hat sich erledigt.
Has he indeed? Hat er das wirklich?
Has he not understood? Hat er nicht verstanden?
Has it ever occurred to you that ... ? Hast du je daran gedacht, dass ... ?
Has it finally clicked? [coll.]Hast du's endlich geschnallt? [ugs.]
Has it occurred to you that ...Ist dir eigentlich mal der Gedanke gekommen, dass ...
Has it occurred to you that ... Ist dir eigentlich mal in den Sinn gekommen, dass ...
Has the cat got your tongue? [idiom] Hat es dir die Sprache verschlagen? [Redewendung]
has-been [coll.] abgehalftert [fig.]
has-been [sl.] [pej.] vergangene Größe {f}
has-been [sl.] [pej.]vergessene Größe {f}
has-been [sl.] [pej.]ehemalige Größe {f}
Haßberge Hills [German region]Haßberge {pl}
hasbian [sl.][eine lesbische Frau, die heterosexuell lebt]
Hase (River)Hase {f}
Haselton GlacierHaselton-Gletscher {m}
Haselton IcefallHaselton-Eisfall {m}
Hasenheide (park) [Berlin]Hasenheide {f} [Berlin]
hasenpfeffer [Am.] Hasenpfeffer {m}
hashHackfleisch {n}
hashHaschee {n}
hashFaschiertes {n} [österr.]
hash [Am.]Grieß {m} [Bildrauschen]
hash [coll.] [hashish]Shit {m} {n} [ugs.] [Haschisch]
hash [dish with minced or cubed meat] Haché {n} [fachspr.] [Haschee]
hash [sl.] [hashish]Haschisch {n} {m}
hash [sl.] [hashish] Hasch {n} [ugs.] [Haschisch]
hash <#> Doppelkreuz-Zeichen {n} <#>
hash <#>Rautenzeichen {n} <#>
hash <#>Lattenzaun {m} <#> [ugs.] [Rautenzeichen]
hash <#> [esp. Br.] Raute {f} <#>
hash <#> [esp. Br.] Rautezeichen {n} <#>
hash algorithm Hash-Algorithmus {m}
hash browned potatoes {pl} Rösti {f}
hash brownsKartoffelpuffer {m}
hash browns Rösti {pl} [schweiz. {sg.}]
hash code Hash-Code {m}
hash cookieHaschkeks {m}
hash function Hash-Funktion {f}
hash key [esp. Br.]Rautetaste {f} [z. B. Telefon]
hash map <HM>Hashtabelle {f} <HT>
hash mark Rautensymbol {n}
hash mark [coll.] [U.S. military service stripe] Dienstzeitstreifen {m} [auch: Dienstzeit-Streifen]
hash mark [the symbol #] [coll.] Nummernraute {f} [#-Zeichen]
hash oilHaschöl {n}
hash searchHash-Suche {f}
hash smoker [coll.] Hascher {m} [ugs.] [veraltend] [Haschischraucher]
hash sumHash-Summe {f} [Prüfsumme]
hash table <HT> Hashtabelle {f} <HT>
hash table <HT>Streuwerttabelle {f}
hash tag <#>Hashtag {n} {m} <#>
hash totalPrüfsumme {f}
hash value [cryptography] Hashwert {m} [Kryptographie]
hash-based message authentication code <HMAC>Hash-Nachrichtenauthentifizierungscode {m}
hashed zerlegt
hashed gehackt
Hashemite Haschemit {m}
hashemite [Ba(Cr,S)O4] Hashemit {m}
Hashemite Kingdom of Hejaz [1916-1932] Haschemitisches Königreich {n} Hedschas
Hashemite Kingdom of JordanHaschemitisches Königreich {n} Jordanien
Hashimoto thyreoiditis [struma lymphomatosa Hashimoto]Hashimoto-Thyreoiditis {f}
Hashimoto thyroiditis [struma lymphomatosa Hashimoto]Hashimoto-Thyroiditis {f}
hashing hackend
hashingStreuspeicherverfahren {n}
hashing zerlegend
« harmharpharrharsharvharvhashhasthatchatehaug »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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