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hatched [shaded] schraffiert
hatched [shaded]gestrichelt [schraffiert]
hatched markings [Br.] [on road] schraffierte Markierungen {pl} [auf Straße]
Hatchepsut [spv.]Hatschepsut {f} [Pharaonin der 18. Dynastie]
hatcherBruthenne {f}
hatcher [a person who hatches a plot] Anzetteler {m}
hatchery Brutplatz {m}
hatchery Brutstätte {f}
hatchery Brutbetrieb {m}
hatcheryBrutanstalt {f}
hatcheryBruthaus {n}
hatchery [of aquatic animals] Laichplatz {m}
hatchery egg Brutei {n}
hatchery of ideas Brutstätte {f} von Ideen
hatchesLukentüren {pl}
hatches Luken {pl}
hatchetBeil {n}
hatchetKriegsbeil {n}
hatchet kleine Axt {f}
hatchet Handbeil {n}
Hatchet [Adam Green]Hatchet
hatchet face [also coll. person]Raubvogelgesicht {n} [auch ugs. Person]
hatchet face [of a person]scharf geschnittenes Gesicht {n}
hatchet job [coll.](übler) Verriss {m}
hatchet man [Am.] [Can.] [coll.] [hired killer] gedungener Mörder {m}
hatchet man [coll.]knallharter / gnadenloser Sanierer {m}
hatchet man [coll.]Sparkommissar {m} [ugs.]
hatchet man [coll.] [person hired for unscrupulous tasks] Mann {m} fürs Grobe [Redewendung]
hatchet throwBeilwurf {m}
hatchet wasps [family Evaniidae]Hungerwespen {pl}
hatchetfish {pl} [genus Argyropelecus]Beilfische {pl}
hatchetfish [genus Argyropelecus] Beilfisch {m}
hatchetman [coll.] [spv.] [hired killer] gedungener Mörder {m} [geh.]
hatchets Beile {pl}
hatchets Kriegsbeile {pl}
hatching Schlupf {m}
hatchingSchraffierung {f}
hatching Schraffur {f}
hatching schraffierend
hatching Schlüpfen {n}
hatchingBrutgeschäft {n}
hatching [emerging from its egg]schlüpfend
hatching [incubating an egg or eggs] ausbrütend
hatching dateSchlupftermin {m}
hatching date Schlupfdatum {n}
hatching eggBrutei {n}
hatching eggs Bruteier {pl}
hatching habitat Schlüpfhabitat {n}
hatching periodSchlüpfperiode {f}
hatching rateSchlupfrate {f}
hatching success Schlüpferfolg {m}
hatching timeBrutzeit {f} [Brütedauer]
hatchite [AgTlPbAs2S5] Hatchit {m}
hatchless container ship lukendeckelloses Containerschiff {n}
hatchling Küken {n}
hatchling [young animal that has newly emerged from an egg] Schlüpfling {m} [gerade aus einem Ei geschlüpftes Tier, ob Vogel, Fisch oder Reptil]
Hatch-Slack pathway Hatch-Slack-Weg {m}
hatchwayLadeluke {f}
hatchway Luke {f}
hatchway Lukenöffnung {f}
hatchwaysSchiffsluken {pl}
hate Hass {m}
hateHaß {m} [alt]
Hate [Mathieu Kassovitz]Hass
hate campaign Hetzkampagne {f} [gegen eine Minderheit] [pej.]
hate crime Volksverhetzung {f}
hate crimeHassverbrechen {n}
hate crime Verbrechen {n} aus Hass
hate crime [sum of bias-motivated crimes] Hasskriminalität {f}
hate demonstrationHassdemonstration {f}
hate figureHassfigur {f}
hate for menMännerhass {m}
hate gathering Hassversammlung {f}
hate groupvon Hass getriebene Gruppierung {f}
hate groups Hassgruppen {pl}
Hate is baggage. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time. It's just not worth it. [American History X] Hass ist Ballast. Das Leben ist zu kurz dafür, dass man immer wütend ist. Das ist es einfach nicht wert.
hate letterHassbrief {m}
hate mailHassmail {f} [bes. österr. {n}]
hate mail {sg} Hassbriefe {pl}
hate mail {sg} Drohbriefe {pl}
hate mediaHetzmedien {pl}
hate mongering {sg} [esp. in speeches]Hasstiraden {pl}
hate objectHassobjekt {n}
hate of men Männerhass {m}
hate post Hasskommentar {m}
hate poster Hetzplakat {n} [pej.] [auch: Hetz-Plakat]
hate propaganda Hasspropaganda {f}
hate sermon Hasspredigt {f}
hate sheet [Am.] Hetzblatt {n} [pej.]
hate speech Volksverhetzung {f}
hate speech Hassrede {f}
hate speech {sg} [messages of hate] Hassbotschaften {pl}
hate subject Hassfach {n}
hate wordHasswort {n} [rassistisch, homophob usw.]
[hate speech on the net] Hassposting {n}
hateable hassenswert
hated gehasst
hatedgehaßt [alt]
« harsharvharvhashhasthatchatehaughaunhautHave »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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