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hauteur [literary] Hochmütigkeit {f}
hauteur [literary] Hochnäsigkeit {f}
haut-relief [high relief]Hautrelief {n} [Hochrelief]
hauyne [(Na,Ca)4-8Al6Si6(O,S)24(SO4,Cl)1-2]Hauyn {m}
haüyne [(Na,Ca)4-8Al6Si6(O,S)24(SO4,Cl)1-2] Haüyn {m}
hauynite [(Na,Ca)4-8Al6Si6(O,S)24(SO4,Cl)1-2] [also: haüynite] Hauynit {m} [veraltet] [Hauyn, Haüyn]
havage [Br.] [regional] Abstammung {f}
Havana Havanna {n}
Havana [cigar] Havanna {f} [Zigarre]
Havana Bay [Martin Cruz Smith] Nacht in Havanna
Havana cigar Havanna {f} [Zigarre]
Havana ground snake [Arrhyton dolichura]Havana-Erdnatter {f}
Havana (rabbit)Havannakaninchen {n}
Havana racerlet [Arrhyton dolichura] Havana-Erdnatter {f}
Havana (tobacco)Havanna {m} [Zigarrentabak]
Havanese Havaneser {m}
Havannah tobacco [Nicotiana repanda] Geigenblätteriger Tabak {m}
Havarie-grosse große Havarie {f}
Havasupai people [also: Havsuw' Baaja]Havasupai {pl} [auch: Havsuw' Baaja] [Indianerstamm in Arizona]
havdalah [also: havdala, habdala, habdalah] Habdala {f}
Havdalah candle Hawdalakerze {f}
Havdalah candleholderHawdalaleuchter {m}
Have / Get a good rest!Gute Erholung!
Have a care! [Br.] [dated]Pass auf!
Have a go at it! Versuch's doch mal!
Have a go! [esp. Br.] [coll.] [Have a try!] Probieren Sie mal! [formelle Anrede]
Have a good day at work! Frohes Schaffen! [Redewendung] [Bürospruch]
Have a good evening. Ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Abend.
Have a good flight!Guten Flug!
Have a good New Year! Guten Rutsch (ins neue Jahr)! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
Have a good one. [coll.] Schönen Tag wünsche ich dir.
Have a good one. [coll.] Ich wünsch dir was. [ugs.]
Have a good one! Schönen Tag noch!
Have a good time!Viel Vergnügen!
Have a good trip! Gute Reise!
Have a good trip! Gute Fahrt!
Have a good turkey day! [Am.] [coll.] [Ein schönes Thanksgiving!]
Have a good weekend!(Ein) schönes Wochenende!
Have a great holiday! Schönen Urlaub!
Have a great holiday!Schöne Ferien!
Have a great time!Lass es dir gut gehen!
Have a heart! Sei kein Unmensch!
Have a heart! [coll.] [idiom]Sei so nett!
Have a look around! Sehen Sie sich um! [formelle Anrede]
Have a look around! [said to one person]Sieh dich um!
Have a look around! [said to two or more people]Seht euch um!
Have a look! Guck mal! [ugs.]
Have a nice day. Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag.
Have a nice day. [esp. Am.]Schönen Tag noch!
Have a nice day. <HAND> [Note: only in texting] HAND [nur in Textnachrichten und dergleichen in der Bedeutung: Schönen Tag (noch)! / Viel Spaß!]
Have a nice Easter!Schöne Ostern!
Have a nice evening!Schönen Feierabend!
Have a nice flight. Angenehmen Flug.
Have a safe journey! [to somebody you are expecting]Sichere Anreise!
Have a safe trip home! Gute Heimfahrt!
Have a safe trip home! Gute Heimreise!
Have a safe trip home!Komm gut nach Hause! [Gute Heimfahrt!]
Have a seat. [idiom] Setzen Sie sich! [formelle Anrede]
Have a seat, please! Bitte nehmen Sie Platz! [formelle Anrede]
Have a smell. Riech mal. [ugs.]
Have a smoke?Willst du rauchen?
Have a think about it. [coll.]Überlegen Sie es sich einmal. [formelle Anrede]
Have a think about it. [esp. Br.] [coll.]Denken Sie mal darüber nach. [formelle Anrede]
Have a try! Versuch es mal!
(Have a) Blessed Ramadan! Einen gesegneten Ramadan!
(Have a) safe journey! [esp. Br.]Gute Fahrt!
(Have a) safe trip!Gute Fahrt!
Have another go!Probier es noch einmal!
Have at it! [coll.]Leg los!
Have at you! [dated] [exclamation when someone is about to strike] Nimm dies! [veraltet] [Ausruf, wenn man zum Schlag ausholt]
Have courage!Halt dich tapfer!
Have fun dancing!Viel Spaß beim Tanzen!
Have fun!Viel Vergnügen!
Have fun! Gönn dir! [ugs.] [Jugendsprache]
Have fun! <HF> Viel Spaß!
Have good sport! Viel Glück!
Have him report to me in 24 hours. Er soll sich binnen 24 Stunden bei mir melden.
Have I ever lied to you?Habe ich dich je belogen?
Have I made myself clear? Habe ich mich klar und deutlich ausgedrückt?
Have I not made myself clear? Muss ich deutlicher werden?
Have it your own way! Machen Sie, was Sie wollen!
Have it your own way! [coll.] [idiom]Mach, was du willst!
Have it your way. [thus ending a discussion] Ganz wie du willst. [als Ende einer Auseinandersetzung]
Have mercy! Hab Erbarmen!
Have one for me! [drink] Trink einen für mich mit!
Have Q do an analysis of this. [Moonraker]Lassen Sie Q eine Analyse davon machen. [Moonraker - Streng geheim]
Have the goods ready by ... Stellen Sie die Ware bis ... bereit.
Have to see what can be done. Mal sehen, was sich machen lässt.
Have we met before? Sind wir uns schon mal begegnet?
Have we met?Kennen wir uns (irgendwoher)?
Have you actually been to that museum? Waren Sie eigentlich in diesem Museum? [formelle Anrede]
Have you any change?Haben Sie Kleingeld? [formelle Anrede]
Have you any money ? Hast du Geld?
Have you anything on tonight?Hast du heute Abend etwas vor?
Have you anything to declare? Haben Sie etwas zu verzollen?
Have you been keeping things from me? Haben Sie mir etwas vorenthalten?
Have you been living under a rock? [idiom] Lebst du hinter dem Mond? [Redewendung]
Have you been telling porkies again? [Br.] [sl.] Erzählst du wieder Geschichten? [ugs.]
Have you been telling porkies again? [Br.] [sl.]Erzählst du wieder Lügen?
Have you ever been on ...? [coll.] [drugs] Warst du jemals auf ... [Dat.]? [ugs.] [Drogen]
« hasthatchatehaughaunhautHavehaviHawahawkhayh »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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