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English-German Dictionary

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hay harvestHeuernte {f}
hay harvesting Heuernte {f}
hay makingHeuernte {f}
hay market [also: hay-market] [capitalized as a proper noun]Heumarkt {m}
hay meadow Mähwiese {f}
hay meadow Heuwiese {f}
hay meadow Mähweide {f}
hay milkHeumilch {f}
hay mowerHeumäher {m} [ugs.] [Grasmäher]
hay mower and crusherMähquetschzetter {m}
hay pelletHeupellet {n}
hay rack Heuraufe {f}
hay rackRaufe {f} [Heuraufe]
hay rake [agricultural machinery]Schwader {m} [Landtechnik]
hay rake [hand tool]Heurechen {m}
hay reservesHeureserven {pl}
Hay River Formation [Canada: Northwest Territories] Hay-River-Formation {f}
hay roll Heuballen {m}
hay roll Heurolle {f}
hay shock [Am.] [regional] [haycock] Heuhaufen {m}
hay store Heulager {n}
hay supply Heuvorrat {m}
hay tedderHeuwender {m}
hay turning machine Heuwender {m}
hay wagon Heuwagen {m}
hay wagon Leiterwagen {m}
haya [Myrica faya, syn.: Morella faya]Gagelbaum {m}
Hayashi trackHayashi-Linie {f}
hay-binder Heubinder {m}
haycock Heuhaufen {m}
hay-cockHeuhaufen {m}
haycockite [Cu4Fe5S8] Haycockit {m}
haycocksHeuhaufen {pl}
Haydamaks Haidamaken {pl}
haydeeite [Cu3Mg(OH)6Cl2] Haydeeit {m}
hayer Heuer {m} [regional]
hayfever Heuschnupfen {m}
Hayflick limit Hayflick-Grenze {f}
haying Heuernte {f}
hayingHeuen {n}
haying weatherHeuwetter {n}
haylageHeulage {f}
hayloftHeuboden {m}
hayloftHeudiele {f} [schweiz.] [Heuboden]
hayloft Heubühne {f} [schweiz. für: Heuboden]
hayloft Bühne {f} [regional] [Heuboden]
haymaker Heumacher {m}
haymaker [coll.] [boxing] Schwinger {m}
haymaker [female]Heumacherin {f}
haymaker mushroom [Panaeolus foenisecii, syn.: Panaeolina foenisecii, Psathyrella foenisecii, Psilocybe foenisecii] Heudüngerling / Heu-Düngerling {m}
haymaker mushroom [Panaeolus foenisecii, syn.: Panaeolina foenisecii, Psathyrella foenisecii, Psilocybe foenisecii]Heuschnittpilz {m}
haymaker's lung [farmer's lung] Erntearbeiterlunge {f} [auch: Erntearbeiter-Lunge] [Farmerlunge]
haymaker's mushroom [Panaeolus foenisecii, syn.: Panaeolina foenisecii, Psathyrella foenisecii, Psilocybe foenisecii] Heudüngerling / Heu-Düngerling {m}
haymaker's mushroom [Panaeolus foenisecii, syn.: Panaeolina foenisecii, Psathyrella foenisecii, Psilocybe foenisecii] Heuschnittpilz {m}
haymaker's mushroom [Panaeolus foenisecii, syn.: Panaeolina foenisecii] Heudüngerling {m}
haymaker's panaeolus [Panaeolus foenisecii, syn.: Panaeolina foenisecii, Psathyrella foenisecii, Psilocybe foenisecii]Heudüngerling / Heu-Düngerling {m}
haymaker's toadstool [Panaeolus foenisecii, syn.: Panaeolina foenisecii] Heudüngerling {m}
haymaking Heumachen {n}
haymaking Heuen {n}
haymaking Heumahd {f} [regional]
haymakingHeugewinnung {f}
haymaking Heuernte {f}
hay-makingHeuen {n} [Vorgang]
hay-making Heumachen {n}
haymaking seasonHeuerntezeit {f}
haymowHeuboden {m}
haymow [haycock] Heuschober {m}
haynesite [(UO2)3(SeO3)2(OH)2·5H2O] Haynesit {m}
haynet Heunetz {n}
hayrack Harpfe {f} [österr.]
hayrack Schwedenreuter {m} [regional] [Schwedenreiter]
hayrick Heudieme {f} [niederd.]
hayrickHeumiete {f}
hayrick Heuschober {m} [südd.] [österr.] [großer Heuhaufen]
hayrickHeustock {m} [schweiz.]
hayride [Am.] Heuwagenfahrt {f}
Hays Code [Motion Picture Production Code]Hays Code {m}
Hays MountainsHays Mountains {pl}
hay-scented fern [Dennstaedtia punctilobula, syn.: Dicksonia punctilobula] Nordamerikanischer Schüsselfarn {m}
hayseed [Am.] [coll.] [mildly pej.] [person] Landei {n} [ugs.] [fig.] [hum.] [leicht pej.]
haystack Heuhaufen {m}
haystack Heuschober {m} [südd.] [österr.] [großer Heuhaufen]
haystackPfostenspeicher {m}
haystackHeumiete {f}
haystack [hay drying pole] Hiefler {m} [österr.] [regional]
haystack [hay drying pole] Heureiter {m}
hay-stack bug [Scolopostethus pictus] Schwarzweiße Bodenwanze {f}
hay-stack bug [Scolopostethus pictus] Langhorn-Wicht {m} [Schwarzweiße Bodenwanze]
haystacks Heuhaufen {pl}
haystacksHeuschober {m}
haystacks Diemen {pl} [ostd.]
haystacksHeumanderl {pl} [österr.] [südd.]
hay-trusserHeubinder {m}
haywain [archaic]Heuwagen {m}
Hay-Wells syndrome Hay-Wells-Syndrom {n}
haywire [coll.]übergeschnappt [ugs.]
haywire [baling wire]Bindedraht {m} [für Heu]
haywire [coll.] völlig durcheinander
haywire [coll.]durchgedreht [ugs.]
haywire [coll.] [not functioning properly, broken]kaputt [ugs.] [beschädigt, defekt]
« hautHavehaviHawahawkhayhHaywhazahazehazyHebr »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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