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haemorrhoidal pain {sg} [Br.] Hämorrhoidenschmerzen {pl}
haemorrhoids [Br.]Hämorrhoiden {pl}
haemorrhoids [Br.] Hämorriden {pl}
haemosiderin [Br.] Hämosiderin {n}
haemosiderin deposition [Br.] Hämosiderin-Deposition {f} [auch: Hämosiderindeposition]
haemosiderosis [Br.]Hämosiderose {f}
haemospermia [Br.] Hämospermie {f}
haemostaseology [Br.]Hämostaseologie {f}
haemostasis [Br.]Blutstillung {f}
haemostasis [Br.]Hämostase {f}
haemostasis diagnostics [Br.] [treated as sg.]Hämostasediagnostik {f}
haemostasis system [Br.]Hämostasesystem {n}
haemostat [Br.]Hämostat {m}
haemostat [Br.] Gefäßklemme {f}
haemostat [Br.]Arterienklemme {f}
haemostatic [Br.] blutstillend
haemostatic [Br.]blutungsstillend
haemostatic [Br.]hämostatisch
haemostatic (agent) [Br.] Hämostatikum {n}
haemostatic agents [Br.]Hämostatika {pl}
haemostatic clamp [Br.] Arterienklemme {f}
haemostatic clamp [Br.] Gefäßklemme {f}
haemostatic equilibrium [Br.]hämostatisches Gleichgewicht {n}
haemostatic forceps {pl} [Br.] [one pair]Arterienklemme {f} [mit Branchen und Ringen]
haemostatic forceps {pl} [Br.] [one pair] Gefäßklemme {f} [mit Branchen und Ringen]
haemostatic sponge [Br.]blutstillender Schwamm {m}
haemostatic sponge [Br.]Hämostaseschwamm {m}
haemostyptic [Br.]hämostyptisch
haemostyptic (agent) [Br.]Hämostyptikum {n} [blutstillendes Mittel]
haemostyptics [Br.] Hämostyptika {pl}
haemotherapy [Br.]Hämotherapie {f}
haemothorax [Br.] Hämothorax {m}
haemothorax [Br.] Hämatothorax {m}
haemothorax [Br.] [blood in the pleural cavity]Blutbrust {f} [Blutansammlung im Pleuraraum]
haemotoxic [Br.] hämotoxisch
haemotoxicity [Br.]Hämotoxizität {f}
haemotoxicosis [Br.]Hämotoxikose {f}
haemotoxin [Br.] Hämotoxin {n}
haemotoxins [Br.]Blutgifte {pl}
haemotoxins [Br.]Hämotoxine {pl}
haemotympanum [Br.] Hämatotympanon {n}
haemovigilance system [Br.]Hämovigilanz-System {n}
haemozoin [esp. Br.] Hämozoin {n}
Haferlschuh [traditional Bavarian shoe]Haferlschuh {m}
Hafez [Iranian poet] Hafis {m} [persischer Dichter]
Haff disease Haffkrankheit {f}
Haffner Glacier Haffner-Gletscher {m}
Haflinger [off-road vehicle] Haflinger {m} [Geländewagen]
Haflinger horse Haflingerpferd {n}
Haflinger (horse)Haflinger {m}
hafnia [HfO2]Hafniumdioxid {n}
hafnium <Hf> Hafnium {n} <Hf>
hafnium atomHafniumatom {n}
hafnium diboride [HfB2] Hafniumdiborid {n}
hafnium dihydride [HfH2, H2Hf]Hafniumdihydrid {n}
hafnium dioxide [HfO2]Hafniumdioxid {n}
hafnium disulfide [Am.] [HfS2] Hafniumdisulfid {n}
hafnium isotope Hafniumisotop {n} [auch: Hafnium-Isotop]
hafnium oxide Hafniumoxid {n}
hafnium tetrabromide [HfBr4] Hafniumtetrabromid {n}
hafnium tetrachloride [HfCl4] Hafniumtetrachlorid {n}
hafnium tetrafluoride [HfF4] Hafniumtetrafluorid {n}
hafnium tetraiodide [HfI4]Hafniumtetraiodid {n}
hafnium triiodide [HfI3] Hafniumtriiodid {n}
hafnium(III) iodide [HfI3] Hafnium(III)-iodid {n}
hafnium(III) nitride [HfN] Hafnium(III)-nitrid {n}
hafnium(IV) chloride [HfCl4]Hafnium(IV)-chlorid {n}
hafnium(IV) fluoride [HfF4]Hafnium(IV)-fluorid {n}
hafnium(IV) iodide [HfI4] Hafnium(IV)-iodid {n}
hafnium(IV) oxide [HfO2] Hafnium(IV)-oxid {n}
hafnon [HfSiO4] Hafnon {m}
haft Heft {n} [geh.] [Griff]
haft Griff {m}
Haftarah Haftara {f}
hafts Griffe {pl}
hag [archaic]weiblicher Dämon {m}
hag [archaic]Drude {f}
hag [Harry Potter]Sabberhexe {f}
hag [Harry Potter]Vettel {f}
hag [Harry Potter]Waldhexe {f}
hag [pej.] [ugly old woman] (hässliches) altes Weib {n} [pej.]
hag [witch]Hexe {f}
hag stoneHühnergott {m} [nordd.]
Haganah Hagana {f}
Hagar Hagar {f}
Hägar the Horrible [Dik Browne] Hägar {m} der Schreckliche
hagbrier [Smilax hispida]Steifborstige Stechwinde {f}
Hageman factor [factor XII]Hageman-Faktor {m} [Faktor XII]
Hagemoser–Weinstein–Bresnick syndrome Hagemoser-Weinstein-Bresnick-Syndrom {n}
Hagen number <Hg>Hagen-Zahl {f} <Hg>
Hagenaar Haager {m}
Hagenaar [female]Haagerin {f}
Hagenbach-Bischoff system Hagenbach-Bischoff-Verfahren {n} [Sitzzuteilungsverfahren]
hagendorfite [NaCaMn(Fe,Fe,Mg)2(PO4)3] Hagendorfit {m}
Hagenees [Hagenaar] Haager {m} [Einwohner von Den Haag]
Hagenees [Hagenaar] [female]Haagerin {f} [Einwohnerin von Den Haag]
hagenia [Hagenia abyssinica, syn.: Banksia abyssinica Bruce] Kosobaum {m}
hagenia [Hagenia abyssinica, syn.: Banksia abyssinica] Kossobaum {m}
Hagen-Poiseuille's law [Hagen–Poiseuille equation]Hagen-Poiseuillesches Gesetz {n} [Gesetz von Hagen-Poiseuille]
Hagen's flying squirrel [Petinomys hageni] Hagen-Gleithörnchen {n}
« HabshackHadehaemhaemhaemHageHAHOhairhairhair »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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