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innerbiblical innerbiblisch
innerbook Buchblock {m}
inner-church [attr.] innerkirchlich
inner-city [attr.] Innenstadt-
inner-city area Innenstadtbereich {m}
inner-city estate [Br.] innerstädtisches Wohngebiet {n}
inner-city neighborhood [Am.] Viertel {n} in der Innenstadt
inner-city schools Innenstadtschulen {pl}
inner-city suburb innenstadtnaher Stadtteil {m}
inner-directedness Innensteuerung {f}
inner-ear prosthesis Innenohrprothese {f}
inner-European innereuropäisch
inner-European market europäischer Binnenmarkt {m}
inner-German [border, dialogue, etc.]innerdeutsch [Grenze, Dialog usw.]
inner-German Wall [fortified inner-German border]antifaschistischer Schutzwall {m} [offizielle DDR-Terminologie]
inner-Korean border innerkoreanische Grenze {f}
inner-linerInnengummi {m}
inner-linerInnenseele {f}
innerliness [rare] Innerlichkeit {f}
innermost innerste
innermost beliefs {pl} ureigenste Glaubensvorstellung {f}
innermost partInnerstes {n}
innermost track innerste Spur {f}
Innerschwyz [half-canton of Switzerland from 1831-1833]Kanton {m} Innerschwyz [ehemaliger Halbkanton der Schweiz]
innersole Brandsohle {f}
innersole Innensohle {f}
Innerspace [Joe Dante]Die Reise ins Ich
innerspring mattress Federkernmatratze {f}
Innerste (River) Innerste {f}
inner-tube jointSchlauchnaht {f}
inner-tube splice Schlauchnaht {f}
inner-tube valve Schlauchventil {n}
inner-tube valve insert Schlauchventileinsatz {m}
innervated gekräftigt
innervated angeregt [stimuliert]
innervating anregend
innervation Innervation {f}
innervation nervale Versorgung {f}
innerworldInnenwelt {f}
inning Inning {n} [Spielrunde in Baseball]
innings Gelegenheit {f}
innings {pl} [baseball, softball]Innings {pl}
innings {pl} [cricket, baseball, softball etc.] Durchgänge {pl}
innings {pl} [cricket] Innings {pl}
innings {sg} [cricket] Durchgang {m}
innings [cricket] Innings {n}
..., innit? [Br.] [coll.] [isn't it] ..., nicht wahr?
..., innit? [Br.] [coll.] [isn't it] ..., nicht?
..., innit? [Br.] [coll.] [isn't it]..., gell? [südd.] [österr.] [ugs.]
..., innit? [Br.] [coll.] [isn't it] ..., oder? [ugs.]
innkeeperGastwirt {m}
innkeeperSchenk {m} [veraltet] [auch Schenck]
innkeeper Wirt {m}
innkeeper [archaic] Krüger {m} [nordd.] [veraltet] [Gastwirt]
innkeeper [archaic]Kretschmer {m} [regional] [auch: Kretschmar] [Gastwirt]
innkeeper [archaic] [female] Krügerin {f} [nordd.] [veraltet] [Gastwirt]
innkeeper [archaic] [female]Kretschmerin {f} [regional] [Gastwirtin]
innkeeper [female] Gastwirtin {f}
innkeeper [female] Wirtin {f}
innkeeper couple Wirtsehepaar {n}
innkeeper couple Wirteehepaar {n}
innkeeper echiuran [Urechis caupo] Kalifornischer Igelwurm {m}
innkeeper's liability Gastwirtshaftung {f}
innocenceArglosigkeit {f}
innocence Unschuld {f}
innocenceSchuldlosigkeit {f}
innocenceTreuherzigkeit {f}
innocence Ahnungslosigkeit {f} [Unschuld]
innocence incarnatedie personifizierte Unschuld {f}
innocency [archaic] Unschuld {f}
innocent unschuldig
innocent züchtig
innocent schuldlos
innocent gutartig
innocentUnschuldiger {m}
innocent Naivling {m} [ugs.]
innocent unschuldsrein [selten] [veraltet] [poet.]
innocent [female]Unschuldige {f}
innocent [free from moral wrong; naive]arglos [ohne Arg, unschuldig; naiv, vertrauensselig]
innocent [harmless] harmlos
innocent air Unschuldsmiene {f}
innocent as a newborn babe [idiom]unschuldig wie ein neugeborenes Kind [Redewendung]
Innocent Blood [John Landis]Bloody Marie – Eine Frau mit Biss
Innocent Blood [P. D. James]Ihres Vaters Haus
innocent bystander unbeteiligter Zuschauer {m}
innocent bystander unbeteiligter Dritter {m}
innocent bystander [female] unbeteiligte Zuschauerin {f}
innocent bystander [female]unbeteiligte Dritte {f}
innocent bystanders unbeteiligte Dritte {pl}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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