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English-German Dictionary

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icon painter Ikonenmaler {m}
icon painter [female] Ikonenmalerin {f}
icon paintingIkonenmalerei {f}
icon selection Symbolauswahl {f}
icon wineKultwein {m}
IconiansIkonier {pl}
iconic kultig [ugs.]
iconic Kult-
iconic ikonenhaft
iconicmit Symbolcharakter [nachgestellt]
iconic ikonisch
iconic art ikonische Kunst {f}
iconic brand Markenikone {f}
iconic figure Ikone {f} [fig.]
iconic memoryikonisches Gedächtnis {n}
iconic site Kultstätte {f}
iconic tradition Bildtradition {f}
iconic turnikonische Wende {f}
iconically [of words, signs]ikonisch
iconicity Ikonizität {f}
iconist [icon painter]Ikonenmaler {m}
Iconium Ikonion {n}
iconoclasm Bildersturm {m}
iconoclasm Bilderstürmerei {f}
iconoclasm Ikonoklasmus {m}
iconoclasmsIkonoklasmen {pl}
iconoclast Bilderstürmer {m}
iconoclastIkonoklast {m}
iconoclast[jd., der Konventionen bricht]
iconoclastic bilderstürmend
iconoclastic bilderstürmerisch
iconoclastic controversy Bilderstreit {m}
iconoclastic riot Bildersturm {m}
iconoclasts Bilderstürmer {pl}
iconoduleIkonodule {m}
iconodulyBilderverehrung {f}
iconoduly Ikonodulie {f}
iconographerIkonograf {m}
iconographer [female] Ikonografin {f}
iconographic ikonographisch [bildliche Darstellungen betreffend]
iconographic program [Am.]Bildprogramm {n}
iconographical ikonographisch
iconographical ikonografisch
iconographically ikonographisch
iconography Ikonographie {f}
iconographyIkonografie {f}
iconography Bilddeutung {f}
iconolaterBilderverehrer {m}
iconolatry Bilderverehrung {f}
iconolatry Bilderanbetung {f}
iconolatryIkonolatrie {f}
iconolatry Bilderkult {m}
iconological ikonologisch
iconologically ikonologisch
iconology Ikonologie {f}
iconology Bilderlehre {f}
iconometerIkonometer {n} [Rahmensucher]
iconometer Bildmesser {m}
iconophobia Ikonophobie {f}
iconophobia Bilderangst {f} [Ikonophobie]
iconophobiaBilderfurcht {f} [Ikonophobie]
iconoscopeIkonoskop {n} [Fernsehaufnahmeröhre]
iconostas Ikonostas {m}
iconostasis Ikonostase {f}
iconostasis Ikonenwand {f}
iconostasis Ikonostasis {f}
iconotype Ikonotyp {m}
iconotype Iconotyp {m}
iconsIkonen {pl}
iconsikonische Zeichen {pl} [Ikonen]
icons for medical systems Bildzeichen {pl} für medizinische Systeme
iconspicuous blue-eye [Pseudomugil inconspicuus]Unscheinbares Blauauge {n}
I-cord Strickkordel {f} [Strickliesel]
icosagon Zwanzigeck {n}
icosagonal zwanzigeckig
icosahedral ikosaedrisch
icosahedral icosaedrisch [Rsv.]
icosahedral group <Ih> Ikosaedergruppe {f} <Ih>
icosahedral symmetryikosaedrische Symmetrie {f}
icosahedron Ikosaeder {n}
icosahedronZwanzigflächner {m}
icosahedronZwanzigflach {n}
icosane [C20C42] Eikosan {n}
icosane [C20H42] Eicosan {n}
icosanoic acid [C20H40O2]Icosansäure {f}
icosanoids [IUPAC name for eicosanoids] Icosanoide {pl} [IUPAC-Nomenklatur für Eicosanoide, Eikosanoide]
icosicosidodecahedronIkosikosidodekaeder {n}
icosidodecadodecahedron Ikosidodekadodekaeder {n}
icosidodecahedron Ikosidodekaeder {n}
icosihemidodecahedronIkosihemidodekaeder {n}
icosihenagon Einundzwanzigeck {n}
icosihenagonal einundzwanzigeckig
icositetrahedron Ikositetraeder {n}
ICRU radiation quality ICRU-Strahlenqualität {f}
-ics [when a branch of science, usually with the singular (ethics is)] -ik
ictal iktal
« icehicesicebIcelichticonictaI'drideaideaiden »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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