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Islamic leader [religious leader]Islamischer Führer {m} [religiöser Führer]
Islamic preacher Islamprediger {m}
Islamic Religious Authority of AustriaIslamische Glaubensgemeinschaft {f} in Österreich <IGGiÖ>
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan <.af> Islamische Republik {f} Afghanistan
Islamic Republic of Iran <.ir> Islamische Republik {f} Iran
Islamic Republic of Mauritania <.mr>Islamische Republik {f} Mauretanien
Islamic Republic of PakistanIslamische Republik {f} Pakistan
Islamic revolution islamische Revolution {f} [1979]
Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps <IRGC> Korps {n} der Islamischen Revolutionsgarde
Islamic scholar Islamwissenschaftler {m}
Islamic scholar [female] Islamwissenschaftlerin {f}
Islamic scholarship Islamwissenschaft {f}
Islamic schoolKoranschule {f}
Islamic school Islamschule {f}
Islamic stateislamischer Staat {m}
Islamic State <IS> [jihadist group] Islamischer Staat {m} <IS> [Organisation]
Islamic State of / in Iraq and Syria <ISIS> Islamischer Staat {m} von Irak und Syrien <ISIS>
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant <ISIL>Islamischer Staat {m} im Irak und der Levante <ISIL>
Islamic studies {pl} Islamkunde {f}
Islamic studies {pl} Islamwissenschaft {f}
Islamic theologyislamische Theologie {f}
Islamic university Islamuniversität {f}
IslamicistIslamist {m}
IslamificationIslamisierung {f}
Islamisation [Br.] Islamisierung {f}
Islamism Islamismus {m}
Islamist Islamist {m}
Islamist islamistisch
Islamist [female] Islamistin {f}
Islamist cellIslamistenzelle {f}
Islamist group Islamistengruppe {f}
Islamist leaderIslamistenführer {m}
Islamist militant militanter Islamist {m}
Islamist militiaIslamistenmiliz {f}
Islamist scene Islamistenszene {f}
Islamist terror attack islamistischer Terroranschlag {m}
Islamist terrorismislamistischer Terrorismus {m}
Islamists Islamisten {pl}
IslamizationIslamisierung {f}
Islamofascism Islamfaschismus {m}
IslamophiliaIslamophilie {f}
Islamophobia Islamhass {m}
Islamophobia Islamophobie {f}
islamophobic islamophobisch
Islamophobic [also: islamophobic] islamophob
Islamophobic [also: islamophobic]islamfeindlich
Islamshahr Islamschahr {n}
islandEiland {n} [geh.]
islandInsel {f}
island [superstructure of an aircraft carrier] Insel {f} [Aufbauten an Deck eines Flugzeugträgers]
island administratorInselverwalter {m}
island advertisementInselanzeige {f}
island airport [also: island's airport] Inselflughafen {m}
island applesnail / apple snail [Pomacea insularum] Insel-Apfelschnecke {f} [Süßwasserschneckenart]
island applesnail / apple snail [Pomacea insularum] Gefurchte Apfelschnecke {f} [Süßwasserschneckenart]
island arc Inselbogen {m}
island arc sequence [also: island-arc sequence] Inselbogenfolge {f}
island arc volcanism Inselbogenvulkanismus {m}
island bakery Inselbäckerei {f}
island barb [Puntius oligolepis] Eilandbarbe {f}
island bayInselbucht {f}
island beach Inselstrand {m}
island bedfreistehendes Bett {n}
island bed Inselbeet {n}
island biogeography Inselbiogeographie {f}
island bluetail damselfly [Ischnura genei] Insel-Pechlibelle {f}
island booth [at a trade fair, exhibition]Inselstand {m} [auf einer Messe, Ausstellung]
island booth [at a trade fair, exhibition] Blockstand {m} [auf einer Messe, Ausstellung]
island bronze-naped pigeon [Columba malherbii]Malherbetaube / Malherbe-Taube {f}
island burrowing sand snake [Sonora punctatissima] Espiritu-Santo-Sandnatter {f}
island busInselbus {m}
island canary [Serinus canaria] Kanarengirlitz {m}
island capitalInselhauptstadt {f}
island chainInselkette {f}
island cityInselstadt {f}
island coastInselküste {f}
island collared dove [Streptopelia bitorquata]Kichertaube {f}
island collared dove [Streptopelia bitorquita] Javanische Turteltaube {f}
island council Inselrat {m}
island countryInselstaat {m}
island culture Inselkultur {f}
island darter [Sympetrum nigrifemur] Madeira-Heidelibelle {f}
island darter [Sympetrum nigrifemur] Kanaren-Heidelibelle {f}
island day gecko [Phelsuma nigristriata] Schwarzstreifen-Taggecko / Schwarzstreifentaggecko {m}
island displayVerkaufsinsel {f}
island doctor Inselarzt {m}
island doctor [female] Inselärztin {f}
island dwarfingInselverzwergung {f}
island ecologyInselökologie {f}
island effect Inselbildung {f}
island endemicinselendemisch
island endemismInselendemismus {m}
island fauna Inselfauna {f}
island ferry Inselfähre {f}
island festival [festival on an island] Inselfestival {n}
island floraInselflora {f}
island flycatcher [Eumyias panayensis]Azurschnäpper {m}
island fortress Inselfestung {f}
island frogfish [Antennatus bermudensis]Bermuda-Anglerfisch {m}
island fruit fly [Trypeta musae, syn.: Rioxa musae, R. pornia] Insel-Fruchtfliege {f}
« irreirriIsanIsthischIslaislaislaisocisogisol »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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