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imbecile [pej.] idiotisch [ugs.] [pej.]
imbecile [pej.]Dummkopf {m} [pej.]
imbecile [pej.] Blödmann {m} [pej.]
imbeciles [coll.] [pej.] Schwachköpfe {pl} [pej.]
imbecilic [pej.] idiotisch [ugs.] [pej.]
imbecilically [rare] [pej.]idiotisch [ugs.] [pej.]
imbecilitiesGeistesschwächen {pl}
imbecilityGeistesschwäche {f}
imbecility Schwachsinn {m}
imbecility Beschränktheit {f}
imbecilityIdiotie {f}
imbedded eingeschlossen
imbedded eingebettet
Imbert-Fedorov effect Imbert-Fedorov-Effekt {m}
imbibed angenommen [aufgenommen]
imbibing annehmend
imbibingTrinken {n} [von Alkohol]
imbibitionAufsaugen {n}
imbibitionFlüssigkeitsaufnahme {f}
imbibitionImbibition {f}
imbibition Imbibierung {f} [selten]
imbibition Quellung {f} [von Samen]
imbricate schuppenartig
imbricate schuppenförmig
imbricate(dachziegelartig) überlappend
imbricate schuppenartig überlappend
imbricate bogmoos [Sphagnum affine, syn.: Sphagnum imbricatum] Verwandtes Torfmoos {n}
imbricate bogmoos [Sphagnum affine, syn.: Sphagnum imbricatum] Benachbartes Torfmoos {n}
imbricate bogmoos [Sphagnum affine, syn.: Sphagnum imbricatum] Kamm-Torfmoos {n}
imbricated bandageDachziegelverband {m}
imbricationÜberlappung {f}
imbrication Überschneidung {f}
imbricationImbrikation {f}
imbricationÜberlagerung {f}
imbrication [pattern of overlapping edges, e.g. fish scales] Schuppenmuster {n}
imbroglio Verwicklung {f}
imbroglioVerwirrung {f}
imbroglioverwickelte Lage {f}
imbrogliosVerwicklungen {pl}
imbrued gebadet [in etw., getränkt]
imbruingbadend (in) [färbend, tränkend]
imbu [Spondias tuberosa] Umbu {f}
imbued getränkt
imbued with erfüllt von
imbuement Durchtränkung {f} [geh.] [auch fig.]
imbues tränkt
imbuing [permeation] Permeation {f}
imbursements deducted [dated] abgezogene Aufwendungen {pl}
Imereti [dialect of Georgian] Imeretisch {n}
Imerina ground snake [Pseudoxyrhopus imerinae] Imerina-Erdnatter {f}
Imerkhevi [dialect of Georgian, spoken in Turkey]Imerchev {n}
I-message I-Botschaft {f}
IMF bossIWF-Chef {m}
imgreite [NiTe]Imgreit {m}
Imhoff cone Imhoffglas {n}
Imhoff tankEmscherbrunnen {m}
imhofite [Tl6CuAs16S40]Imhofit {m}
Im-hotepImhotep {m}
ImhotepImhotep {m}
imidazole Imidazol {n}
imidazole and triazole antifungalsAzol-Antimykotika {pl}
imidazolidine Ethylenharnstoff {m}
imidazoline receptorImidazolin-Rezeptor {m}
imide Imid {n}
imine Imin {n}
imipenem [C12H17N3O4S] Imipenem {n}
imipramine [C19H24N2] Imipramin {n}
imiprothrin [C17H22N2O4]Imiprothrin {n}
imiquimod [C14H16N4]Imiquimod {n}
imitability Nachahmbarkeit {f}
imitated imitiert
imitated silk Kunstseide {f}
imitated silk künstliche Seide {f}
imitately künstlich
imitating imitierend
imitating Nachahmung {f}
imitationFälschung {f}
imitation Nachahmung {f}
imitation Imitation {f}
imitation Nachbildung {f}
imitation Imitat {n}
imitationNachahmen {n}
imitation [mimicry] Nachäfferei {f} [pej.]
imitation bacon bits Sojagranulat {n}
imitation cheese Analogkäse {m}
imitation cheese Käseimitat {n}
imitation cheese Kunstkäse {m}
imitation furPelzimitation {f}
« imagimagimagimagimagimbeimitimmaimmeimmeimmi »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers