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Jelecote pine [Pinus patula] Jelecote-Kiefer {f}
Jelecote pine [Pinus patula] Ausgebreitete Kiefer {f}
Jelecote pine [Pinus patula]Mexikanische Kiefer {f}
JelgavaMitau {n}
jellied geliert
jellied in Gelee [nachgestellt]
jellied in Sülze
jellied in Gelee eingelegt
jellied [e.g. eel] in Aspik eingelegt
jellied [meat, eel, etc.]in Aspik [nachgestellt]
jellied brawn [Br.] Sülzwurst {f}
jellied eels {pl} Aal {m} in Aspik
jellied loafSülze {f}
jellied meat Sülzfleisch {n}
jellied pork Schweinesülze {f}
jelliesGelees {pl}
jellies [Jelly shoes]Jelly-Schuhe {pl}
jellies [jellyfish] Quallen {pl}
Jellinek's sign [also: Jellinek sign] Jellinek-Zeichen {n}
jello [Am.] Wackelpudding {m}
Jell-O [Am.] Wackelpeter {m}
Jell-O [Am.]Wackelpudding {m}
jello [Am.] Wackelpeter {m}
jello [Am.]Götterspeise {f} [Wackelpudding]
Jell-O [Am.] Götterspeise {f} [Wackelpudding]
Jell-O mold [Am.] ®Sülzform {f}
jello shotWackelpudding {m} mit Alkohol
jelly Gallert {n}
jelly Gelee {n} {m}
jelly [Am.] Marmelade {f}
jelly [Br.] Wackelpeter {m}
jelly [Br.] Wackelpudding {m}
jelly [Br.] Götterspeise {f} [Wackelpudding]
jelly [Br.] [coll.] [gelignite] Gelatinedynamit {n}
jelly [sl.] [short for jealous] neidisch
jelly baby [Br.][Fruchtgeleefigur in der Form eines Babys]
jelly bag capZipfelmütze {f}
jelly bean Geleebonbon {n}
jelly beanGeleebohne {f}
jelly bean plant [Sedum pachyphyllum]Schnapsnase {f}
jelly bean plant [Sedum rubrotinctum, syn.: Sedum x rubrotinctum] [pork and beans] (Mexikanische) Ampel-Fetthenne / Ampelfetthenne {f}
jelly bean tetra [Ladigesia roloffi] Orangeroter Zwergsalmler {m}
jelly bean tetra [Ladigesia roloffi] Sierra-Leone-Zwergsalmler {m}
jelly beans Geleebohnen {pl}
jelly bracelet [silicone bracelet]Silikonarmband {n}
jelly bryozoan [Alcyonidium gelatinosum, syn.: A. reticulum, Halodactyle diaphane]Klammer-Moostierchen / Klammermoostierchen {n}
jelly bryozoan [Alcyonidium gelatinosum, syn.: A. reticulum, Halodactyle diaphane] Gallert-Moostierchen {n}
jelly candies [Am.] Geleebonbons {pl}
jelly crep [Crepidotus mollis] [peeling oysterling] Gallertfleischiges Stummelfüßchen {n}
jelly donut [Am.] Berliner {m} [nordd.]
jelly donut [Am.] [esp. during Shrovetide]Faschingskrapfen {m} [österr.] [südd.] [Berliner]
jelly ear [Auricularia auricula-judae, syn.: A. auricula, A. sambucina, Hirneola auricula-judae] [Jew's ear]Wolkenohrpilz {m} [Judasohr, Mu Err]
jelly ear [Auricularia auricula-judae, syn.: A. auricula, A. sambucina, Hirneola auricula-judae] [Jew's ear] Wolkenohrenpilz {m} [Judasohr, Mu Err]
jelly ear [Auricularia auricula-judae, syn.: A. auricula, A. sambucina, Hirneola auricula-judae] [Jew's ear] Mu-Err {m} [Judasohr]
jelly ear [Auricularia auricula-judae, syn.: A. auricula, A. sambucina, Hirneola auricula-judae] [Jew's ear] Mu-Err-Pilz {m} [Judasohr]
jelly ear [Auricularia auricula-judae, syn.: A. auricula, A. sambucina, Hirneola auricula-judae] [Jew's ear] Holunderpilz {m}
jelly ear [Auricularia auricula-judae, syn.: A. auricula, A. sambucina, Hirneola auricula-judae] [Jew's ear]Holunderschwamm {m}
jelly ear [Auricularia auricula-judae, syn.: A. auricula, A. sambucina, Hirneola auricula-judae] [Jew's ear] Ohrlappenpilz {m}
jelly ear [Auricularia auricula-judae, syn.: A. auricula, A. sambucina, Hirneola auricula-judae] [Jew's ear] Judasohr {n}
jelly filled donut [Am.]Berliner {m} [Gebäck]
jelly (filled) donut [Am.] Pfannkuchen {m} [bes. ostd. für: Berliner Pfannkuchen]
jelly (filled) donut [Am.] Berliner Ballen {m}
jelly hedgehog [Pseudohydnum gelatinosum](Gallertiger) Zitterzahn {m}
jelly hedgehog [Pseudohydnum gelatinosum] [fungus] Eispilz {m}
jelly hedgehog [Pseudohydnum gelatinosum] [fungus]Eiszitterpilz {m}
jelly hedgehog [Pseudohydnum gelatinosum] [fungus]Gallertstacheling {m}
jelly hedgehog [Pseudohydnum gelatinosum] [fungus]Zitterling {m}
jelly jarWeckglas {n}
jelly leaf [Tremella foliacea] [leafy brain fungus]Rotbrauner Zitterling {m}
jelly leaf [Tremella foliacea] [leafy brain fungus]Blattartiger Zitterling {m}
jelly legs [anxiety symptom] Gummibeine {pl} [ugs.]
jelly lichen Gallertflechte {f}
jelly melon [Cucumis metuliferus, syn.: C. metulifer]Afrikanische Gurke {f}
jelly melon [Cucumis metuliferus] Horngurke {f}
jelly melon [Cucumis metuliferus] Hornmelone {f}
jelly mould [Br.] Sülzform {f}
jelly okra [Hibiscus sabdariffa, syn.: Sabdariffa rubra] Rosella / Roselle {f}
jelly palm [Butia yatay, syn.: B. poni, Cocos poni, C. yataySyagrus yatay]Yatay-Geleepalme {n}
jelly palm [Butia yatay, syn.: B. poni, Cocos poni, C. yataySyagrus yatay] Yatay-Palme / Yataypalme {n}
jelly plum [Sclerocarya birrea] Marula-Baum {m}
jelly plum [Sclerocarya birrea] Elefantenbaum {m}
jelly roll [Am.] Biskuitrolle {f} mit Marmelade
jelly rolls [fig.] [rolls of fat]Speckfalten {pl} [ugs.]
jelly rot [Merulius tremellosus, syn.: Phlebia tremellosa] Gallertfleischiger Fältling {m}
jelly shoes Jelly-Schuhe {pl}
jelly spoon Geleelöffel {m}
jelly spot fungus [Dacrymyces stillatus, syn.: Dacryomyces stillatus, Dacrymyces deliquescens] Zerfließende Gallertträne {f}
jelly spot fungus [Dacrymyces stillatus, syn.: Dacryomyces stillatus, Dacrymyces deliquescens]Gelbe Gallertträne {f}
jelly tooth [Pseudohydnum gelatinosum] Zitterzahn {m}
jelly tooth [Pseudohydnum gelatinosum]Gallertiger Zitterzahn {m}
jelly tooth [Pseudohydnum gelatinosum] [fungus] Eispilz {m}
jelly tooth [Pseudohydnum gelatinosum] [fungus]Eiszitterpilz {m}
jelly tooth [Pseudohydnum gelatinosum] [fungus]Gallertstacheling {m}
jelly tooth [Pseudohydnum gelatinosum] [fungus]Zitterling {m}
jelly wolffish [Anarhichas denticulatus] Blauer Seewolf {m}
jellybabyGummibärchen {n}
jellybaby / jelly baby [Leotia lubrica, syn.: Elvella lubrica, Helvella gelatinosa, Peziza cornucopiae]Grüngelbes Gallertkäppchen {n}
jellybaby / jelly baby [Leotia lubrica, syn.: Elvella lubrica, Helvella gelatinosa, Peziza cornucopiae] Schlüpfriger Kappenpilz {m}
jellybaby / jelly baby [Leotia lubrica, syn.: Elvella lubrica, Helvella gelatinosa, Peziza cornucopiae] Schlüpfriger Kappenschwamm {m}
jellybaby / jelly baby [Leotia lubrica] (Gemeines) Gallertkäppchen {n}
« JavaJavajawtjazzjeanJelejelljequjerkJeruJesu »
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