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jellyfish {pl} Medusen {pl} [auch: Medusae]
jellyfish [coll.]Waschlappen {m} [ugs.] [Feigling, Schwächling]
jellyfish aquarium Quallenaquarium {n}
jellyfish bloomQuallenblüte {f}
Jellyfish Fields [SpongeBob SquarePants]Quallenfelder {pl} [SpongeBob Schwammkopf]
jellyfish jelly [SpongeBob SquarePants]Quallengelee {n} [SpongeBob Schwammkopf]
jellyfish migration [SpongeBob SquarePants] Quallenwanderung {f} [SpongeBob Schwammkopf]
jellyfish net Quallennetz {n}
jellyfish salad Quallensalat {m}
jellyfish sting Quallenstich {m}
jellyfish stings Quallenbisse {pl}
jellyfish tree [Medusagyne oppositifolia] Quallenbaum {m}
jellyfishing [SpongeBob SquarePants] Quallenfischen {n} [SpongeBob Schwammkopf]
jellyfishy [rare] quallig [selten]
jelly-like gelartig
jelly-like gallertartig
jellynose fishes [family Ateleopodidae in the order Ateleopodiformes]Ateleopodiden {pl} [Tiefseequappen]
jellynose fishes [order Ateleopodiformes, family Ateleopodidae] Tiefseequappen {pl}
Jelski's Altiplano mouse [Abrothrix jelskii, syn.: Acodon jelskii, Chroeomys jelskii] Gepunktete Peru-Feldmaus {f}
Jelski's Altiplano mouse [Abrothrix jelskii, syn.: Acodon jelskii, Chroeomys jelskii]Jelski-Andenfeldmaus {f}
Jelski's bush tyrant [Knipolegus signatus]Jelskimohrentyrann {m}
Jelski's chat tyrant [Ochthoeca jelskii] Jelskityrann {m}
Jelski's grass mouse [Abrothrix jelskii, syn.: Acodon jelskii, Chroeomys jelskii] Gepunktete Peru-Feldmaus {f}
Jelski's grass mouse [Abrothrix jelskii, syn.: Acodon jelskii, Chroeomys jelskii]Jelski-Andenfeldmaus {f}
Jelski's tinamou [Crypturellus transfasciatus] Brauentinamu {m}
jemmy [Br.] Brecheisen {n}
Jemnice [Czech Republic]Jamnitz {n}
Jena Jena {n}
Jena glassJenaer Glas {n}
Jena Rules [also: Jena rules]Jenaer Regeln {pl}
jenday conure [Aratinga jandaya]Jendayasittich {m}
jendaya conure [Aratinga jandaya]Jendayasittich {m}
Jendrassik maneuver <JM> [Am.] [also: Jendrassik's maneuver] Jendrassik-Handgriff {m}
Jendrassik maneuver <JM> [Am.] [also: Jendrassik's maneuver]Jendrassik'scher Handgriff {m}
Jendrassik manoeuvre <JM> [Br.] [also: Jendrassik's manoeuvre]Jendrassik-Handgriff {m}
Jendrassik manoeuvre <JM> [Br.] [also: Jendrassik's manoeuvre] Jendrassik'scher Handgriff {m}
Jendrassik's hand gripJendrassik-Handgriff {m}
jenever Genever {m}
jenever Jenever {m}
Jenghis Khan Dschingis Khan {m}
Jenghiz Khan [spv.] Dschingis Khan {m}
Jenkin's scorpionfish [Scorpaenopsis cacopsis]Riesen-Drachenkopf {m}
Jenkins' shrew tenrec [Microgale jenkinsae] Jenkins-Kleintenrek {m}
Jenkins' shrew tenrec [Microgale jenkinsae] Jenkins-Kleintanrek {m}
Jenkin's spire shell [Potamopyrgus antipodarum, formerly Potamopyrgus jenkinsi](Neuseeländische) Zwergdeckelschnecke {f}
Jenkin's spire shell [Potamopyrgus antipodarum, formerly Potamopyrgus jenkinsi] Neuseeländische Deckelschnecke {f}
Jenkin's spire shell [Potamopyrgus antipodarum, formerly Potamopyrgus jenkinsi] Neuseeland-Zwergdeckelschnecke {f}
Jenkin's spire snail [Potamopyrgus antipodarum, formerly Potamopyrgus jenkinsi] (Neuseeländische) Zwergdeckelschnecke {f}
Jenkin's spire snail [Potamopyrgus antipodarum, formerly Potamopyrgus jenkinsi] Neuseeländische Deckelschnecke {f}
Jenkins's shrew [also: Jenkins' shrew, Jenkin's shrew] [Crocidura jenkinsi] Jenkins-Weißzahnspitzmaus {f}
Jenner's cowry [also Jenner's cowrie] [Jenneria pustulata] Jenners Kaurischnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
jennet Eselin {f}
JenniferJennifer {f}
jennite [Ca9H2Si6O18(OH)8·6H2O]Jennit {m}
jenny [female donkey]Eselstute {f}
jenny [female donkey]Eselin {f}
Jenny by Nature [Erskine Caldwell] Jenny, wie sie ist
Jenny Treibel [trans. by Ulf Zimmermann] Frau Jenny Treibel oder „Wo sich Herz zum Herzen find't“ [Theodor Fontane]
Jenny's stonecrop [Sedum rupestre, syn.: Petrosedum rupestre, Sedum reflexum] Felsen-Fetthenne {f}
Jenny's stonecrop [Sedum rupestre, syn.: Petrosedum rupestre, Sedum reflexum]Felsen-Mauerpfeffer {m}
Jenny's stonecrop [Sedum rupestre, syn.: Petrosedum rupestre, Sedum reflexum] Tripmadam {f}
Jenolan CavesJenolan-Höhlen {pl}
jensenite [Cu3 [TeO6]·2H2O] Jensenit {m}
Jensen's formula Jensen-Formel {f}
Jensen's inequalityJensen'sche Ungleichung {f}
Jensen's inequalityjensensche Ungleichung {f}
Jensen's inequalityJensen-Ungleichung {f}
jentacular zum Frühstück gehörend
Jentink's dormouse [Graphiurus crassicaudatus]Jentinks Bilch {m}
Jentink's duiker [Cephalophus jentinki]Jentink-Ducker / Jentinkducker {m}
Jentink's flying squirrel [Hylopetes platyurus] Jentink-Gleithörnchen {n}
Jentink's squirrel [Sundasciurus jentinki] Jentink-Hörnchen {n}
jentschite [TlPbAs2(Sb,As)S6]Jentschit {m}
jeopardiesGefahren {pl}
jeopardised [Br.]gefährdet
jeopardising [Br.] gefährdend
jeopardized gefährdet
jeopardized by excessive soil wetnessvernässungsgefährdet
jeopardizing gefährdend
jeopardy Gefahr {f}
jeopardyWagnis {n}
jeopardyRisiko {n}
jeppeite [(K,Ba)2(Ti,Fe3+)6O13] Jeppeit {m}
Jequetepeque centipede snake [Tantilla capistrata] Jequetepeque-Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
jequirity [Abrus precatorius]Paternostererbse {f}
jequirity [Abrus precatorius] Krabbenaugenwein {m}
jequirity bean [Abrus precatorius, syn.: A. precatorius subsp. precatorius] [rosary pea]Paternostererbse {f}
jequirity bean [Abrus precatorius, syn.: A. precatorius subsp. precatorius] [rosary pea]Krabbenaugenwein {m} [Paternostererbse]
jequirity seeds {pl} [treated as sg.] [Abrus precatorius, syn.: A. precatorius subsp. precatorius] [rosary pea] Paternostererbse {f}
jequirity seeds {pl} [treated as sg.] [Abrus precatorius, syn.: A. precatorius subsp. precatorius] [rosary pea]Krabbenaugenwein {m} [Paternostererbse]
jerboa pouched-mouse [Antechinomys laniger] Springbeutelmaus {f}
jerboa-marsupial [Antechinomys laniger] Springbeutelmaus {f}
« javejawvjazzjeanjelljelljerbjerrJeruJesujetn »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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