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Jerusalem-oak / Jerusalem oak goosefoot [Chenopodium botrys, syn.: Dysphania botrys]Drüsiger Gänsefuß {m}
Jerusalem-oak / Jerusalem oak goosefoot [Chenopodium botrys, syn.: Dysphania botrys]Klebriger Drüsengänsefuß {m}
Jerusalem-oak / Jerusalem oak goosefoot [Chenopodium botrys, syn.: Dysphania botrys]Gewöhnlicher Drüsengänsefuß {m}
Jerusalem's Lot [Stephen King] Briefe aus Jerusalem
Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome <JLNS> Jervell-Lange-Nielsen-Syndrom {n} <JLNS>
Jervis Bay Territory <JBT> Jervis-Bay-Territorium {n}
jervisite [(Na,Ca,Fe)(Sc,Mg,Fe)Si2O6]Jervisit {m}
jery [Neomixis tenella] Graunackentimalie {f}
Jesenice Aßling {n}
jess Fessel {f} [Beizvögel]
jess [in falconry] Geschühriemen {m} [Falknerei]
jessamine [genus Jasminum] Jasmin {m}
jessamine [Jasminum officinale] Gewöhnlicher Jasmin {m}
jessamine [Jasminum officinale]Echter Jasmin {m}
jessaul [cavalry captain of the cossacks] Jessaul {m} [Kosakenrittmeister]
Jesse James [Henry King] Jesse James, Mann ohne Gesetz
Jesse Tree Wurzel Jesse {f}
jesses {pl} [one pair of short straps fastened around the legs of a hawk or other bird used in falconry, to which a leash may be fastened]Geschüh {n} [meistens Lederbänder an den Füßen der Greifvögel]
jesses {pl} [one pair] [in falconry]Geschühe {n} [Falknerei]
Jessie [Scot.] [coll.]Muttersöhnchen {n} [ugs.]
jest Scherz {m}
jest Spaß {m}
jestNarretei {f} [geh.] [Scherz]
jest literatureSchwankliteratur {f}
Jest, Satire, Irony, and Deeper Significance Scherz, Satire, Ironie und tiefere Bedeutung [Christian Dietrich Grabbe]
jesterSpaßmacher {m}
jesterWitzbold {m}
jesterNarr {m} [Hofnarr]
jester [clown]Pojaz {m} [Rsv.] [regional] [auch jiddisch] [Bajazzo]
jester [female]Spaßmacherin {f}
jester [person who habitually plays the fool] Spaßvogel {m}
jesters Narren {pl} [Hofnarren]
jesters Spaßvögel {pl}
jesting scherzend
jesting scherzhaft
jestingSpaßen {n}
jesting Scherzen {n}
jesting wordScherzwort {n}
jestinglyim Spaß
jestingly scherzhaft
jestingly im Scherz
Jesu [poet.]Jesus {m}
Jesu [poet.] Jesu {m} [geh.] [selten]
Jesuanic jesuanisch
Jesuit Jesuit {m}
Jesuit [attr.] jesuitisch
Jesuit churchJesuitenkirche {f}
Jesuit College Jesuitenschule {f}
Jesuit college Jesuitenkolleg {n}
Jesuit dramaJesuitendrama {n}
Jesuit gymnasium [secondary school] [also as a proper noun: Jesuit Gymnasium] Jesuitengymnasium {n}
Jesuit missionaryJesuitenmissionar {m}
Jesuit morality [pej.] Jesuitenmoral {f} [pej.]
Jesuit Order Jesuitenorden {m}
Jesuit priest Jesuitenpater {m}
Jesuit reductionJesuitenreduktion {f}
Jesuit ReductionsJesuitenreduktionen {pl}
Jesuit State [also: Jesuit state] Jesuitenstaat {m}
Jesuit theatre [Br.] Jesuitentheater {n}
Jesuitic [also fig.] [using oversubtle reasoning] jesuitisch [auch fig., pej.]
jesuitical [also fig.] [using oversubtle reasoning]jesuitisch [auch fig., pej.]
Jesuitism Jesuitismus {m}
Jesuitism Jesuitentum {n}
JesuitsJesuiten {pl}
Jesuit's tea [Chenopodium ambrosioides] Jesuitentee {m}
Jesuit's tea [Dysphania ambrosioides, syn.: Chenopodium ambrosioides, C. ambrosioides var. ambrosiodes] Mexikanisches Teekraut {n}
Jesuit's tea [Dysphania ambrosioides, syn.: Chenopodium ambrosioides, C. ambrosioides var. ambrosiodes] Karthäusertee {m}
Jesuit's tea [Dysphania ambrosioides, syn.: Chenopodium ambrosioides, Chenopodium ambrosioides var. suffruticosum, Teloxys ambrosioides] Wohlriechender Gänsefuß {m}
Jesuit's tea [Dysphania ambrosioides, syn.: Chenopodium ambrosioides, Chenopodium ambrosioides var. suffruticosum, Teloxys ambrosioides]Mexiko-Drüsengänsefuß {m}
Jesuit's tea [Dysphania ambrosioides, syn.: Chenopodium ambrosioides, Chenopodium ambrosioides var. suffruticosum, Teloxys ambrosioides]Mexikanischer Traubentee {m}
Jesuit's tea [Dysphania ambrosioides, syn.: Chenopodium ambrosioides, Chenopodium ambrosioides var. suffruticosum, Teloxys ambrosioides] Amerikanisches Wurmkraut {n}
Jesuit's tea [Dysphania ambrosioides, syn.: Chenopodium ambrosioides, Chenopodium ambrosioides var. suffruticosum, Teloxys ambrosioides] Wurmtreibender Gänsefuß {m}
Jesus Jesus {m}
Jesus, be now praisedJesu, nun sei gepreiset [J. S. Bach, BWV 41]
Jesus birds [family Jacanidae]Blatthühnchen {pl}
Jesus birds [family Jacanidae] Jacanas {pl}
Jesus bug [family Gerridae] Wasserläufer {m}
Jesus bugs [family Gerridae]Schneider {pl} [ugs.] [auch: Wasserschneider]
Jesus carrying the/his crossKreuzschlepper {m}
Jesus Christ <JC> Jesus Christus {m}
Jesus Christ <XP> [from the first two Greek letters of 'CHRISTOS']Jesus Christus {m} <XP> [aus den ersten beiden griechischen Buchstaben von 'CHRISTOS']
Jesus Christ lizard [Basiliscus basiliscus] [common basilisk] Helmbasilisk {m}
Jesus Christ lizard [Basiliscus plumifrons] [green basilisk] Stirnlappenbasilisk {m}
Jesus Christ lizard [Basiliscus plumifrons] [green basilisk] Federbuschbasilisk {m}
Jesus Christ!Du lieber Himmel!
Jesus Christ! Herr Gott (nochmal)!
Jesus H. Christ! [coll.] [often hum.][Ausruf der Wut oder der Überraschung, häufig auch humorvoll verwendet]
Jesus lizard [Basiliscus basiliscus]Helmbasilisk {m}
Jesus, Mary and Joseph! [coll.]Jesus, Maria und Joseph! [ugs.] [Ausruf des Erstaunens]
Jesus, Mary, Joseph <JMJ>Jesus, Maria, Joseph <JMJ>
Jesus movement Jesusbewegung {f}
Jesus of Nazareth [Franco Zeffirelli] Jesus von Nazareth
Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews <I.N.R.I.> Jesus von Nazareth, König der Juden <I.N.R.I.>
Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews <INRI> [Jesus Nazarenus Rex Judaeorum] Jesus von Nazareth {m}, der Juden König <I. N. R. I.>
Jesus Prayer Jesusgebet {n}
Jesus sandalsJesuslatschen {pl} [ugs.]
Jesus' self-offering on the cross Kreuzeshingabe {f} Jesu
« jeepjelljellJerdjersJeruJesuJetSjewejeweJewi »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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