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joggle (joint) Konstruktionsverbindung {f} [Stein, Holz etc., ineinander eingepasst]
joggles schüttelt
joggling schüttelnd
joggling plateAusrichtplatte {f}
jogpants {pl} [Am.] [one pair]Jogginghose {f}
jogtrotZotteltrab {m}
jogtrot Zuckeltrab {m} [ugs.]
jogwheel Handrad {n} [i. d. R. elektronisch]
jogwheelDatenrad {n}
jogwheelJogwheel {n}
johachidolite [CaAlB3O7]Johachidolith {m}
johachidolite [CaAlB3O7] Johachidolit {m}
(Johann) Carl Friedrich Gauss(Johann) Carl Friedrich Gauß {m}
Johanna thrush [Turdus bewsheri] Komorendrossel {f}
Johanna's sunbird [Nectarinia/Cinnyris johannae] Grünscheitel-Nektarvogel {m}
Johannes Alasco [Polish reformer Jan Łaski]Johannes a Lasco {m} [polnischer Reformator Jan Łaski]
Johannes OecolampadiusJohannes Oekolampad {m}
Johannes Vermeer [also: Johan, Jan]Jan Vermeer {m}
Johannesburg Johannesburg {n}
Johannes's pygmy tyrant [Hemitriccus iohannis] Johannesspateltyrann {m}
Johannes's tody tyrant [Hemitriccus iohannis]Johannesspateltyrann {m}
Johannine johanneisch <joh.>
Johannine traditionJohannestradition {f}
Johannische ChurchJohannische Kirche {f} [Joseph Weißenberg]
johannite [Cu(UO2)2(SO4)2(OH)2·8H2O]Johannit {m}
johannsenite [CaMnSi2O6] Johannsenit {m} [ein Klinopyroxen]
Johanson-Blizzard syndromeJohanson-Blizzard-Syndrom {n}
Johansson gage [spv.]Endmaß {n}
Johansson gaugeEndmaß {n}
Johansson gauges Endmaße {pl}
johillerite [Na(Mg,Zn)3Cu(AsO4)3] Johillerit {m}
John Hans {m}
JohnJohannes {m}
JohnJan {m}
John Johann {m}
john [Am.] [coll.] [toilet]Klo {n} [ugs.]
john [Am.] [coll.] [toilet]Scheißhaus {n} [vulg.]
john [Am.] [coll.] [toilet]Örtchen {n} [ugs.]
john [Am.] [coll.] [toilet] Häusl {n} [ugs.] [österr.]
john [Am.] [coll.] [toilet] Lokus {m} [ugs.]
john [Am.] [sl.] [prostitute's client] Freier {m} [einer Prostituierten]
john [Br.] [cockney rhyming slang: John Hopper = copper] [Cockney Rhyming Slang für: Polizist]
John a Lasco [Polish reformer Jan Łaski]Johannes a Lasco {m} [polnischer Reformator Jan Łaski]
John and Mary [Peter Yates] John und Mary
John Barleycorn [Jack London] König Alkohol
John Bull[nationale Personifikation des Königreichs Großbritannien i. Allg. u. Englands i. Bes., geschaffen 1712 v. John Arbuthnot; entspricht als Karikatur des typischen Engländers etwa dem Deutschen Michel]
John CalvinJohannes Calvin {m}
John Capistrano Johannes Capistranus {m}
John Carpenter presents Body Bags [John Carpenter, Tobe Hooper, Larry Sulkis] Body Bags
John Carpenter's Christine [Bruce Hunt] Christine
John Carpenter's Ghosts of Mars [John Carpenter] Ghosts of Mars
John Carpenter's Halloween [John Carpenter] Halloween – Die Nacht des Grauens
John Carpenter's In the Mouth of Madness [John Carpenter] Die Mächte des Wahnsinns
John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness [John Carpenter]Die Fürsten der Dunkelheit
John Carpenter's The Fog [John Carpenter, 1980] The Fog – Nebel des Grauens
John Carpenter's The Thing [John Carpenter] Das Ding aus einer anderen Welt
John Carpenter's The Vampires [John Carpenter] Vampire
John Carpenter's Village of the Damned [John Carpenter] Das Dorf der Verdammten
John Cassian Johannes Cassianus {m}
John Chrysostom Johannes Chrysostomus {m}
John Chrysostom Johannes Chrysostomos {m}
John Climacus Johannes Klimakos {m}
John Company [coll.] [(British) East India Company] [1707-1874]Britische Ostindien-Kompanie {f}
John Company [coll.] [(English) East India Company] [1600-1707]Englische Ostindien-Kompanie {f}
John crow [Jamaican] [Cathartes aura]Truthahngeier {m}
John Crow bead [Abrus precatorius, syn.: A. precatorius subsp. precatorius] [rosary pea] Paternostererbse {f}
John Crow bead [Abrus precatorius, syn.: A. precatorius subsp. precatorius] [rosary pea]Krabbenaugenwein {m} [Paternostererbse]
John D. Rockerduck [Disney] Klaas Klever
John Doe Otto Normalverbraucher {m} [ugs.]
John DoeDer Fall John Doe!
John Doe Max Mustermann {m}
John Doe [Am.] ein Unbekannter {m}
John Dory [Zeus faber] Heringskönig {m}
John Dory [Zeus faber]Petersfisch {m}
John Dory [Zeus faber] Sankt / St. Petersfisch {m}
John Dory [Zeus faber]Martinsfisch {m}
John Dory [Zeus faber] Christusfisch {m} [Petersfisch]
John Dory [Zeus faber]Sonnenfisch {m} [selten] [Petersfisch]
John Dory [Zeus faber]Saint Pierre {m}
John Frederick the MagnanimousJohann Friedrich {m} der Großmütige [Johann Friedrich I. von Sachsen]
John Gabriel Borkman [Henrik Ibsen] John Gabriel Borkman
John Hancock [Am.] [coll.]Unterschrift {f}
John Hancock [Am.] [coll.] [signature]Friedrich Wilhelm {m} [ugs.] [veraltend für: Unterschrift]
John Hyrcanus [king of Judea]Johannes Hyrkan {m}
John Lackland [King of England]Johann {m} Ohneland [König von England]
John Laski [Polish reformer Jan Łaski]Johannes a Lasco {m} [polnischer Reformator Jan Łaski]
John Maynard [John Maynard! - Who is John Maynard? - John Maynard was our helmsman, ...]John Maynard [Theodor Fontane]
John MilíčJohann Militsch {m}
john mirror [Am.] [coll.]Klospiegel {m} [ugs.:Toilettenspiegel]
John of Nikiu Johannes {m} von Nikiu
John of the Cross Johannes {m} vom Kreuz
John Q [Nick Cassavetes] John Q – Verzweifelte Wut
John Q. Public [Am.] Max Mustermann {m}
John Q. Public [Am.]Hans Meier {m} [schweiz.]
John Q. Public [Am.] [coll.] Otto Normalverbraucher {m} [ugs.]
John Sample - Any Street - Any City - Any State 12345 Max Muster / Mustermann - Musterstraße - 12345 Musterstadt
John Smith Max Mustermann {m}
John Smith PhDDr. John Smith {m}
John Smith, who died in 1994, was ... Der 1994 verstorbene John Smith war ...
John the Baptist der Täufer Johannes {m}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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