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[John the Baptist as a boy]Johannesknabe {m}
johnbaumite [Ca5(AsO4)3(OH)]Johnbaumit {m}
johnbaumite-M [(Ca,Sr)5(AsO4,PO4)3(OH)]Johnbaumit-M {m}
johnboat [Am.] [for hunting, fishing etc.] Flachbodenboot {n}
John-BonitesJohannboniten {pl}
Johne's disease [paratuberculosis]Johne'sche Krankheit {f} [paratuberkulöse Darmentzündung]
johninnesite [Na2Mn9(Mg,Mn)7(OH)8(AsO4)2(Si6O17)2] Johninnesit {m}
johnny Bummler {m}
johnny [Am.] [coll.] [tie-back hospital gown]Krankenhemd {n} [Flügelhemd]
johnny [Br.] [sl.] Präser {m} [ugs.] [Kondom]
johnny [Br.] [sl.] Verhüterli {n} [ugs.] [hum.] [Kondom]
johnny [Br.] [sl.] Präservativ {n}
johnny [Br.] [sl.] [condom]Kondom {n} {m}
johnny [Br.] [sl.] [condom]Nahkampfsocke {f} [ugs.] [hum.] [Kondom]
johnny [Br.] [sl.] [condom] Lümmeltüte {f} [ugs.]
johnny [sl.] hergelaufener Kerl {m}
Johnny and the SpritesJohnny und die Sprites / Singt und lacht mit Johnny und den Sprites
Johnny English [Peter Howitt] Johnny English
Johnny English Reborn [Oliver Parker] Johnny English – Jetzt erst recht!
Johnny Guitar [Nicholas Ray] Johnny Guitar – Wenn Frauen hassen
Johnny Handsome [Walter Hill]Johnny Handsome - Der schöne Johnny
Johnny Head-in-the-Air Hans-guck-in-die-Luft {m} [ugs.] [Träumer] [Struwwelpeter]
johnny (house) [Am.] [coll.] [regional] [outdoor toilet] Abort {m} [Außenklo, Häuschen]
Johnny I Hardly Knew You [Edna O'Brien] Ich kannte ihn kaum [auch: Johnny, ich kannte dich kaum]
Johnny jump up [Am.] [Viola tricolor] Schöngesicht {n}
Johnny jump up [Am.] [Viola tricolor]Gedenkemein {n}
Johnny jump up [Am.] [Viola tricolor]Muttergottesschuh {m}
Johnny jump up [Am.] [Viola tricolor](Wildes) Stiefmütterchen {n}
Johnny Mnemonic [Robert Longo]Vernetzt – Johnny Mnemonic
Johnny Mnemonic [William Gibson] Der mnemonische Johnny
johnny pump [Am.] [coll.] [New York City fire hydrant] [Feuerhydrant in New York City]
Johnny Rebel / Reb [Am.] [sl.][konföderierter Soldat]
Johnny Reno [R.G. Springsteen] Sheriff Johnny Reno
Johnny Seven (One Man Army) <Johnny Seven O.M.A.>Johnny Seven {f} [ehemals sehr populäre Spielzeugwaffe mit sieben Funktionen]
johnny shirt / gown [Am.] [coll.] [tie-back hospital gown] Krankenhemd {n} [Flügelhemd]
johnny shirt / gown [coll.] [tie-back hospital gown] Operationskittel {m} [Flügelhemd für Patienten]
Johnny Stool Pigeon [William Castle]Kokain
Johnny (Tightlips) [The Simpsons] Johnny (Schmallippe) [Die Simpsons]
Johnny-come-lately [coll.]Neuankömmling {m}
Johnny-come-lately [coll.] Neuer {m}
Johnny-come-lately [coll.] Neuling {m}
Johnny-jump-up [Viola arvensis, syn.: V. tricolor L. subsp. arvensis] [field pansy] (Wildes) Stiefmütterchen {n}
Johnny-raw Frischling {m} [Anfänger]
Johns GlacierJohns-Gletscher {m}
Johns Hopkins GlacierJohns-Hopkins-Gletscher {m}
Johns Hopkins University <JHU> Johns-Hopkins-Universität {f}
John's langur [Trachypithecus johnii, syn.: Presbytis johnii]Nilgiri-Langur {m}
John's sand boa [Eryx johnii] Indische Sandboa {f}
John's sand boa [Eryx johnii]Persische Sandboa {f}
John's snapper [Lutjanus johnii](Johns) Schnapper {m}
johnsenite-(Ce) [Na12(Ce,REE,Sr)3Ca6Mn3Zr3W(Si25O73)(OH)3(CO3)·H2O] Johnsenit-(Ce) {m}
johnsomervilleite [Na2Ca(Mg,Fe,Mn)7(PO4)6]Johnsomervilleit {m}
johnson [sl.] Penis {m}
johnson bar [Am.] [sl.] [dildo]Dildo {m}
Johnson Family Vacation [Christopher Erskin]Familie Johnson geht auf Reisen
Johnson grass [Sorghum halepense]Wilde Mohrenhirse {f}
Johnson grass / Johnsongrass [Sorghum halepense, syn.: Holcus halepensis, Sorghum miliaceum]Aleppohirse {f}
Johnson solid Johnson-Körper {m}
Johnson-Corey-Chaykovsky reaction <JCC reaction> Johnson-Corey-Chaykovsky-Reaktion {f}
Johnsongrass [Sorghum halepense, syn.: Holcus halepensis, Sorghum miliaceum] Wilde Mohrenhirse {f}
Johnsongrass [Sorghum halepense, syn.: Holcus halepensis, Sorghum miliaceum]Aleppogras {n}
Johnsonian(im Stil) an Dr. Johnson gemahnend [geh.]
Johnson's centipede snake [Tantilla johnsoni]Chiapas-Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
Johnston AtollJohnston-Atoll {n}
Johnstone GlacierJohnstone-Gletscher {m}
Johnstone River teak [Intsia bijuga] [merbau]Merbau Ipil {m}
Johnstone's bush robin / Johnston's bush-robin [Tarsiger johnstoniae] Taiwanblauschwanz / Taiwan-Blauschwanz {m}
Johnstone's bush robin / Johnston's bush-robin [Tarsiger johnstoniae] Formosablauschwanz {m}
Johnstone's bush robin / Johnston's bush-robin [Tarsiger johnstoniae] Taiwanrötel {m}
Johnstone's lorikeet [Trichoglossus johnstoniae] Mindanaolori {m}
Johnston's balloon eolis [Tergipes tergipes, syn.: T. despectus, Eolidia despecta, Limax tergipes] Anhängselschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
Johnston's balloon eolis [Tergipes tergipes, syn.: T. despectus, Eolidia despecta, Limax tergipes] Tergipes {f} [Meeresnacktschneckenart]
Johnston's crocodile [Crocodylus johnsoni, Crocodylus johnstoni]Australien-Krokodil {n}
Johnston's genet [Genetta johnstoni] Liberia-Genette {f}
Johnston's mangabey [Lophocebus johnstoni] Johnston-Mangabe {f}
Johnston's organJohnston'sches Organ {n}
Johnston's (three-horned) chameleon [Trioceros johnstoni, syn.: Chamaeleo johnstoni]Johnston-Chamäleon {n}
Johnston's (three-horned) chameleon [Trioceros johnstoni, syn.: Chamaeleo johnstoni]Uganda-Dreihornchamäleon {n}
Johnston's treefrog / tree frog [Leptopelis flavomaculatus]Gelbbrauner Waldsteigerfrosch {m}
johnstrupite Johnstrupit {m} [Mosandrit]
johntomaite [Ba(Fe,Ca,Mn)2Fe2 [OH|PO4]3] Johntomait {m}
johnwalkite [K(Mn,Fe,Fe)2(Nb,Ta)(PO4)2O2(H2O,OH)2]Johnwalkit {m}
joice Freude {f}
Joice IcefallJoice-Eisfall {m}
joie de vivre Lebensfreude {f}
joie de vivre [love of life] Daseinsfreude {f}
join Verknüpfung {f}
join Verbund {m}
join [database table operation] relationaler Verbund {m} [in einer Datenbank]
Join the club! [coll.] [idiom] Willkommen im Club! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
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joinder Verbindung {f}
joinder Klagebeitritt {m}
joinder Klageverbindung {f}
joinder Intervention {f}
joinder of offences [Br.] Tatmehrheit {f}
joinder of partiesStreitgenossenschaft {f}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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