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jack-in-the-boxSchachtelteufel {m}
Jack-in-the-bush [esp. Br.] [coll.] [Alliaria petiolata, Alliaria officinalis, Erysimum alliaria, Sisymbrium alliaria]Lauchrauke {f} [Knoblauchsrauke]
Jack-in-the-pulpit [Arisaema triphyllum, syn.: A. atrorubens, Alocasia triphylla, Arum atrorubens, A. triphyllum] Dreiblättriger Aron {m}
Jack-in-the-pulpit [Arisaema triphyllum, syn.: A. atrorubens, Alocasia triphylla, Arum atrorubens, A. triphyllum]Dreiblättriger Feuerkolben {m}
Jack-in-the-pulpit [Arisaema triphyllum] Dreiblatt-Feuerkolben {m}
jack-jack cableKlinken-Klinken-Kabel {n}
jack-jump-about [Aegopodium podagraria] Zipperleinskraut {n}
jack-jump-about [Aegopodium podagraria] Podagrakraut {n}
jack-jump-about [Aegopodium podagraria] Giersch {m}
jack-jump-about [Aegopodium podagraria] Geißfuß {m}
Jack-jump-up-and-kiss-me [Viola arvensis, syn.: V. tricolor L. subsp. arvensis] (Wildes) Stiefmütterchen {n}
jackknife Klappmesser {n}
jack-knife Klappmesser {n}
jackknife (großes) Taschenmesser {n}
jackknife [dive] gehechteter Kopfsprung {m}
jackknife [dive]Hechtsprung {m}
jackknife clams [family Pharidae] Rasiermessermuscheln {pl}
jackknife clams [family Pharidae] Messermuscheln {pl}
jackknife convulsions [West syndrome]Klappmesser-Krämpfe {pl} [West-Syndrom]
jackknife doorFalltür {f} [Bus, Eisenbahnwagen]
jackknife (exercise) Klappmesser {n} [sportliche Übung]
jackknife method [variance estimation]Jackknife-Verfahren {n}
jackknife position Taschenmesserposition {f}
jackknife position Jackknife-Lagerung {f}
jackknife position Klappmesserposition {f}
jack-knife sectionKippteil {n}
jack-knifed lorry [Br.]querstehender Lkw {m}
jack-knifefish [Equetus lanceolatus]Gebänderter Ritterfisch {m}
jack-knifing Einknicken {n} [Lkw mit Anhänger oder Sattelanhänger]
jack-knifing Querstellen {n} [Zugmaschine mit Anhänger]
jack-knifing (effect) Klappmessereffekt {m}
jack-knives Klappmesser {pl}
jackleg [Am.] [coll.]inkompetent
Jackman's clematis [Clematis x jackmanii, syn.: C. jackmanii, C. lanuginosa x C. viticella] Jackmans Waldrebe {f}
jacknut Abdrückmutter {f}
jack-of-all-trades Hansdampf {m} in allen Gassen
jack-of-all-trades Alleskönner {m}
jack-o'-lantern Jack-O'-Lantern {m} [geschnitzer Kürbiskopf zu Halloween]
jack-o'-lantern Kürbislaterne {f}
jack-o'-lantern Irrwisch {m} [Irrlicht]
jack-o'-lantern [archaic] [will-o'-the wisp] Irrlicht {n}
jack-o'the-rocks [Heuchera rubescens]Herzblättriges Purpurglöckchen {n}
jackpot Haupttreffer {m}
jackpot Jackpot {m}
jackpot Hauptgewinn {m}
jackpot Lotterie-Jackpot {m}
jackpot [also fig.] Glückslos {n} [Haupttreffer] [auch fig.]
jackpot [poker]Einsatz {m} [Poker]
jackrabbit [Am.] [genus Lepus] Hase {m}
jackrabbits [genus Lepus] Echte Hasen {pl}
jackroller [Am.] [sl.] [jemand, der Betrunkene ausraubt]
Jack-run-in-the-country [Convolvulus arvensis, syn.: Calystegia arvensis] [bindweed] Acker-Winde / Ackerwinde {f}
jacks Steckdosen {pl}
jacks Wagenheber {pl}
jacks [Kinderspiel mit kleinem Gummiball und Metallsternchen]
jacks {pl} [Irish] [sl.] Toilette {f}
jacks [in playing cards]Buben {pl} [in Spielkarten]
Jack's Back [Rowdy Herrington] The Ripper
Jack's test [also: Jack test] [podology] Jack-Test {m} [Podologie]
jackscrew Abdrückschraube {f}
jackscrew Dehnschraube {f}
jackscrew Dehnungsschraube {f}
jackshaft Blindwelle {f}
jackshaftZwischenwelle {f}
jacksie [Br.] [coll.] Arsch {m} [vulg.] [Gesäß]
jacksnipe [Lymnocryptes minimus]Zwergschnepfe {f}
Jackson crib Jacksonklammer {f}
Jackson cribWiegeklammer {f}
Jackson cross cylinderKreuzzylinder {m}
Jackson-Pratt ™ drain <JP drain> Jackson-Pratt-Drainage {f} [Jackson-Pratt ™]
Jackson's akalat [Sheppardia aequatorialis, syn.: Erithacus aequatorialis]Ugandarötel {m}
Jackson's akelat [Sheppardia aequatorialis]Ugandarötel {m}
Jackson's bustard [Neotis denhami]Stanleytrappe {f} [auch: Stanley-Trappe]
Jackson's bustard [Neotis denhami]Kafferntrappe {f}
Jackson's chameleon [Chamaeleo jacksonii]Jacksons Chamäleon {n}
Jackson's chameleon [Trioceros jacksonii, syn.: Chamaeleo jacksonii](Ostafrikanisches) Dreihornchamäleon {n}
Jackson's crimsonwing / crimson-wing [Cryptospiza jacksoni] Jacksons Bergastrild {m}
Jackson's crimsonwing / crimson-wing [Cryptospiza jacksoni] Jacksonastrild {m}
Jackson's fat mouse [Steatomys jacksoni] Jackson-Fettmaus {f}
Jackson's (forest) lizard [Adolfus jacksoni]Tanzania-Eidechse {f}
Jackson's francolin [Pternistis jacksoni]Jacksonfrankolin {m}
Jackson's francolin [Pternistis jacksoni] Bambusfrankolin {m}
Jackson's honeyguide [Indicator meliphilus, syn.: I. narokensis] Olivmantel-Honiganzeiger {m}
Jackson's honeyguide [Indicator meliphilus, syn.: I. narokensis] Tavetahoniganzeiger {m}
Jackson's hornbill [Tockus jacksoni] Jackson-Toko {m}
Jackson's mongoose [Bdeogale jacksoni] Jackson-Manguste {f}
Jackson's mongoose [Bdeogale jacksoni]Jackson-Ichneumon {m} {n}
Jackson's mongoose [Bdeogale jacksoni]Jackson-Hundemanguste {f}
Jackson's pipit [Anthus latistriatus]Jacksonpieper {m}
Jackson's test [also: Jackson test] Jackson-Test {m}
Jackson's three-horned chameleon [Trioceros jacksonii, syn.: Chamaeleo jacksonii] (Jacksons) Dreihornchamäleon {n}
Jackson's three-horned chameleon [Trioceros jacksonii, syn.: Chamaeleo jacksonii] (Ostafrikanisches) Dreihornchamäleon {n}
Jackson's whydah [Euplectes jacksoni]Leierschwanzwidah {f}
Jackson's widowbird [Euplectes jacksoni] Leierschwanzwidah {f}
(Jackson's) black tree snake [Thrasops jacksonii] Schwarze Baumschlange {f}
(Jackson's) black tree snake [Thrasops jacksonii] Jacksons Baumschlange {f}
Jacksonville [city in Florida, USA] Jacksonville {n}
jackstones [Kinderspiel mit kleinem Gummiball und Metallsternchen]
jackstraws [Am.]Mikado {n}
jacksy [Br.] [coll.]Arsch {m} [vulg.] [Gesäß]
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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