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joint swelling Gelenkschwellung {f}
joint system Kluftsystem {n}
joint tapGelenkpunktion {f}
joint tape Fugenband {n}
joint task Gemeinschaftsaufgabe {f}
joint task force gemeinsamer Einsatzverband {m} [mehrere Teilstreitkräfte]
joint tasks Gemeinschaftsaufgaben {pl}
joint tax return gemeinsame Steuererklärung {f}
joint taxation [household] gemeinsame Haushaltsbesteuerung {f} / Haushaltsveranlagung {f}
joint teamgemeinsame Arbeitsgruppe {f}
Joint Technical Committee <JTC>gemeinsames JTC {n} [ugs.]
Joint Technical Committee <JTC> [ISO, IEC] Gemeinsames Technisches Komitee {n} <GTK> [ISO, IEC]
joint technical committee of ISO and IEC Gemeinschaftskomitee {n} von ISO und IEC
joint tenancy gemeinsame Miete {f}
joint tenancy Miteigentum {n}
joint tenancy account Und/Oder-Konto {n}
joint tenantMiteigentümer {m}
joint tenant Mitmieter {m}
Joint Terrorism Task Force <JTTF> Gemeinsames Terrorismusabwehrzentrum {n} <GTAZ>
joint tortfeasor Mittäter {m} [im Deliktsrecht]
joint tour gemeinsamer Ausflug {m}
joint translation Gemeinschaftsübersetzung {f}
joint trip gemeinsamer Ausflug {m}
joint trouble {sg}Gelenkbeschwerden {pl}
joint tumor [Am.] Gelenktumor {m}
joint typeNahtart {f} [Schweißen]
joint undersigner Mitunterzeichner {m}
joint undertaking Gemeinschaftsunternehmen {n}
joint use gemeinschaftliche Nutzung {f}
joint useMitbenutzung {f}
joint use Mitnutzung {f}
joint userMitbenutzer {m}
joint venture Arbeitsgemeinschaft {f}
joint venture Joint Venture {n}
joint ventureJointventure {n}
joint venture gemeinsames Unternehmen {n}
joint venture Gemeinschaftsunternehmen {n}
joint venture Gemeinschaftsprojekt {n}
joint venture gemeinsame Gesellschaft {f}
joint venture <JV> gemeinsame Tochter {f} [ugs.] [gemeinsames Tochterunternehmen]
joint venture companyJoint-Venture-Unternehmen {n}
joint venture power generating plant Gemeinschaftskraftwerk {n}
joint water pressureKluftwasserdruck {m}
joint width Fugenbreite {f}
joint will gemeinschaftliches Testament {n}
joint workGemeinschaftsarbeit {f}
joint workgemeinsame Arbeit {f}
Joint Working Group <JWG>Gemeinsame Arbeitsgruppe {f} <GAG>
Joint Working Group between the Roman Catholic Church and the World Council of Churches <JWG> Gemeinsame Arbeitsgruppe {f} der römisch-katholischen Kirche und des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen
[joint of meat including ribs]Rippenstück {n}
[joint of pork, veal or lamb including ribs] Karree {n} [bes. österr.]
(joint) protector Gelenkschützer {m}
jointed zusammengefügt
jointed charlock [Raphanus raphanistrum] Acker-Rettich {m}
jointed charlock [Raphanus raphanistrum] Hederich {m}
jointed charlock [Raphanus raphanistrum]Wilder Rettich {m}
jointed doll Gliederpuppe {f}
jointed glasswort [Salicornia europaea, syn.: S. annua, S. europaea var. herbacea, S. herbacea, S. obscura] (Gemeiner) Glasschmelz {m}
jointed glasswort [Salicornia europaea, syn.: S. annua, S. europaea var. herbacea, S. herbacea, S. obscura] (Gemeiner) Queller {m}
jointed glasswort [Salicornia europaea, syn.: S. annua, S. europaea var. herbacea, S. herbacea, S. obscura] Europäischer Queller {m}
jointed goat grass [Aegilops cylindrica, syn.: Triticum cylindricum]Walzenförmiger Walch {m}
jointed hare Hasenklein {n}
jointed moss animal [Urnatella gracilis, syn.: U. dnjestriensis, U. indica, walkerii]Kelchwurm {m}
jointed rush [Juncus articulatus, syn.: J. lampocarpus, J. aquaticus, J. tatewakii] (Gewöhnliche) Glieder-Binse / Gliederbinse {f}
jointed rush [Juncus articulatus, syn.: J. lampocarpus, J. aquaticus, J. tatewakii] Glanz-Binse / Glanzbinse {f}
jointed rush [Juncus articulatus, syn.: J. lampocarpus, J. aquaticus, J. tatewakii]Glieder-Simse / Gliedersimse {f}
jointed rush [Juncus articulatus, syn.: J. lampocarpus, J. aquaticus, J. tatewakii] Glanzfrüchtige Binse {f}
jointed rush [Juncus articulatus, syn.: J. lampocarpus, J. aquaticus, J. tatewakii] Gegliederte Simse {f}
jointed rush [Juncus articulatus, syn.: J. lampocarpus, J. aquaticus, J. tatewakii] Gegliederte Binse {f}
(jointed) Alpine rush [Juncus alpinus, syn.: J. alpestris, J. alpinoarticulatus] Alpen-Binse / Alpenbinse {f}
(jointed) Alpine rush [Juncus alpinus, syn.: J. alpestris, J. alpinoarticulatus]Gebirgs-Binse / Gebirgsbinse {f}
(jointed) Alpine rush [Juncus alpinus, syn.: J. alpestris, J. alpinoarticulatus] Alpen-Simse / Alpensimse {f}
(jointed) Alpine rush [Juncus alpinus, syn.: J. alpestris, J. alpinoarticulatus] Gebirgs-Simse / Gebirgssimse {f}
(jointed) glassworts [genus Salicornia] Queller {pl} [Gattung der Fuchsschwanzgewächse]
jointed-arm robot Gelenkarmroboter {m}
jointer Abrichthobelmaschine {f}
jointer [long plane for shaping the edges of planks] Abrichte {f} [Abrichthobelmaschine]
jointer planeRaubank {f}
jointer plane Fugbank {f}
jointfir [Ephedra distachya]Gewöhnliches Meerträubel {n}
joint-friendly gelenkschonend
joint-heirMiterbe {m}
jointing Abdichtung {f}
jointingVerfugung {f}
jointing Klüftung {f}
jointing chiselFugenmeißel {m}
jointing compound Dichtstoff {m}
jointing compound Dichtmasse {f}
jointing sleeveVerbindungshülse {f}
jointing technology Fügetechnik {f}
jointleaf / joint-leaf rush [Juncus articulatus, syn.: J. lampocarpus, J. aquaticus, J. tatewakii] (Gewöhnliche) Glieder-Binse / Gliederbinse {f}
jointleaf / joint-leaf rush [Juncus articulatus, syn.: J. lampocarpus, J. aquaticus, J. tatewakii]Glanz-Binse / Glanzbinse {f}
jointleaf / joint-leaf rush [Juncus articulatus, syn.: J. lampocarpus, J. aquaticus, J. tatewakii] Glieder-Simse / Gliedersimse {f}
jointleaf / joint-leaf rush [Juncus articulatus, syn.: J. lampocarpus, J. aquaticus, J. tatewakii]Glanzfrüchtige Binse {f}
jointleaf / joint-leaf rush [Juncus articulatus, syn.: J. lampocarpus, J. aquaticus, J. tatewakii]Gegliederte Simse {f}
jointleaf / joint-leaf rush [Juncus articulatus, syn.: J. lampocarpus, J. aquaticus, J. tatewakii] Gegliederte Binse {f}
joint-leaved rush [Juncus articulatus, syn.: J. lampocarpus, J. aquaticus, J. tatewakii] Gegliederte Simse {f}
joint-leaved rush [Juncus articulatus, syn.: J. lampocarpus, J. aquaticus, J. tatewakii] (Gewöhnliche) Glieder-Binse / Gliederbinse {f}
joint-leaved rush [Juncus articulatus, syn.: J. lampocarpus, J. aquaticus, J. tatewakii]Glieder-Simse / Gliedersimse {f}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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