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joking Gewitzel {n}
jokingulkig [ugs.]
jokingFlachserei {f} [ugs.]
Joking apart.Spaß beiseite.
Joking apart. Scherz beiseite!
Joking apart, ... Scherz beiseite, ...
Joking aside. Scherz beiseite.
joking mania [Moria] Witzelsucht {f}
jokingly zum Spaß
jokingly im Scherz
jokingly scherzend
jokinglyim Spaß
jokingly scherzhafterweise
jôkokuite [MnSO4·5H2O] Jôkokuit {m}
jokulhlaup [also spelled jökulhlaup] [from Icelandic] [glacier leap, glacier outburst flood]Gletscherlauf {m}
jökulhlaup [glacier burst] Gletscherlauf {m}
jokywitzig [scherzhaft]
jol [S.Afr.] [sl.] Fete {f} [ugs.]
Jola [also Diola]Jola {n} [auch Diola]
Jolie Blon's Bounce [James Lee Burke]Die Schuld der Väter
joliotite [(UO2)(CO3)·2H2O]Joliotit {m}
jolleyEindrehspindel {f}
jollier fideler
jollier netter
jollies [Br.] [sl.] [thrills]Kicks {pl} [ugs.]
jolliest fidelste
jolliffeite [(Ni,Co)AsSe] Jolliffeit {m}
jollification [coll.] ausgelassene Feier {f}
jollilyin heiterer Stimmung
jollily lustig
jollinessFröhlichkeit {f}
jollity Fröhlichkeit {f}
jollity Heiterkeit {f} [Fröhlichkeit]
jollity Ausgelassenheit {f}
jollof riceJollof-Reis {m}
jollop [Br.] [coll.] [derived from jalap][umgangssprachlicher Begriff für jedes flüssige Medikament, besonders gegen Husten oder Verstopfung]
jolly vergnügt
jolly fröhlich
jolly in heiterer Stimmung
jolly [Br.] [coll.] sehr
jolly [sl.]Joint {m} [Cannabis-Zigarette]
jolly (boat)Jolle {f} [Beiboot (breites, flaches Ruderboot)]
jolly fellow lustiger Kerl {m}
jolly fellow Bruder Lustig {m} [veraltend] [leichtlebiger Mensch]
jolly glad [Br.]gottfroh [regional] [ugs.] [heilfroh]
jolly glad [Br.] gottenfroh [schweiz.] [heilfroh]
jolly good recht gut
jolly good [Br.] [coll.]hervorragend
jolly good [Br.] [dated] prima [ugs.] [indekl.]
jolly good fellow famoser Kerl {m}
jolly green giant (nudibranch) [Miamira sinuata, syn.: M. nobilis, Ceratosoma sinuatum, Doris sinuata] Kleiner Grüner Riese {m} [Meeresschneckenart]
jolly hockey sticks [Br.] [hum.] [übermütiges, burschikoses und auch nüchternes Verhalten von Frauen, Schulmädchen der oberen Mittel-/ Oberschicht]
jolly moodBierlaune {f} [ugs.]
jolly person lustige Person {f}
Jolly reaction [Jolly's / Jolly test] Jolly'sche Reaktion {f}
Jolly Roger Piratenflagge {f}
Jolly RogerTotenkopfflagge {f}
Jolly RogerSeeräuberflagge {f}
jolly weather herrliches Wetter {n}
jollyboatJolle {f} [Beiboot]
Jolly's mouse lemur [Microcebus jollyae] Jolly-Mausmaki {m}
Jolly's test [also: Jolly test] [Jolly / Jolly's myasthenic reaction] Jolly'sche myasthenische Reaktion {f}
Jolly's test [also: Jolly test] [Jolly / Jolly's myasthenic reaction]Jolly'sche Reaktion {f}
joltSchock {m}
joltStoß {m} [Anprall]
jolt Ruck {m}
jolt [Am.] [sl.] Schuss {m} [Heroin etc.]
jolt of energy Energieschub {m}
jolt pack [game gear / guitar]Jolt Pack {n} [Spielkonsole / Gitarre]
jolt through the societyRuck {m} durch die Gesellschaft [Roman Herzog] [1997 Wort des Jahres, 2. Platz]
jolted aufgeschreckt
jolted concrete Rüttelbeton {m}
jolterhead Dummkopf {m} [pej.]
jolterheadSchafskopf {m} [fig.]
joltheadSchafskopf {m} [fig.]
jolthead [coll.] Dummkopf {m} [pej.]
jolthead porgy [Calamus bajonado]Dickkopf-Brasse {f}
jolting rüttelnd
jolting aufschreckend
jolting Rüttelei {f} [von Fahrzeug, Zug]
jolting Holpern {n}
jolting (about) Gerüttel {n} [oft pej.] [im Zug, Wagen usw.]
jolty [road, journey] holprig
Jōmon period [also: Jomon period] Jōmon-Zeit {f} [auch: Jomon-Zeit, Jômon-Zeit]
jon boat [Am.] [for hunting, fishing etc.] Flachbodenboot {n}
Jonagold (apple) [hybrid parentage: Golden Delicious × Jonathan] Jonagold {m} [Kreuzung: Golden Delicious × Jonathan]
Jonah Jona {m}
Jonah Jonas {m}
JonahUnglücksrabe {m}
JonahUnglücksbringer {m} [Sache, Mensch]
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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