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jacksy [Br.] [coll.] Arsch {m} [vulg.] [Gesäß]
jack-to-jack cable Klinken-Klinken-Kabel {n}
jack-towelRollhandtuch {n}
jack-up drilling platformHubbohrinsel {f}
jack-up drilling platform Bohrhubinsel {f}
jack-up drilling platformHebebohrinsel {f}
jack-up oil rigHubbohrinsel {f}
jack-up oil rigBohrhubinsel {f}
jack-up oil rig Hebebohrinsel {f}
jack-up platform Hubinsel {f} [Off-Shore-Technik]
jack-up rig Hubinsel {f} [Off-Shore-Technik]
jack-up truck Rollbock {m}
jack-up-legsHubbeine {pl} der Plattform [Off-Shore-Technik]
jackwagon [Am.] [sl.] [dated] [jerk]Blödian {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
jacky [sl.] [pej.] [Am.]Matrose {m} [Kriegsmarine]
Jacky Winter [Microeca fascinans]Weißschwanzschnäpper {m}
Jacob Jakob {m}
Jacob Behmen [archaic]Jakob {m} Böhme
Jacob Boehme [also: Jakob Böhme]Jakob {m} Böhme
Jacobean jakobinisch [England]
Jacobean style jakobinischer Stil {m} [England]
Jacobean style jakobscher Stil {m}
Jacobi identity Jacobi-Identität {f}
Jacobi matrix Jacobi-Operator {m}
Jacobi operator Jacobi-Operator {m}
Jacobi polynomial Jacobi-Polynom {n}
Jacobi symbol Jacobi-Symbol {n}
Jacobian determinantFunktionaldeterminante {f}
Jacobian determinant Jacobi-Determinante {f}
Jacobian matrix Jacobimatrix {f}
Jacobian matrixJacobi-Matrix {f} [Funktionalmatrix]
Jacobian matrixAbleitungsmatrix {f} [Jacobi-Matrix]
Jacobian ratioJacobi-Verhältnis {n}
Jacobin Jakobiner {m}
Jacobin [Jacobinic, Jacobinical]jakobinisch [Frankreich]
Jacobin Club [French history] Jakobinerklub {m}
Jacobin cuckoo [Clamator jacobinus]Jakobinerkuckuck {m}
jacobin (pigeon)Perückentaube {f}
JacobinismJakobinismus {m}
Jacobins Jakobiner {pl}
Jacobi's four-square theorem [number theory]Satz {m} von Jacobi [Zahlentheorie]
Jacobi's theorem [also: theorem of Jacobi] [differential geometry] Satz {m} von Jacobi [Differentialgeometrie]
JacobiteJakobit {m}
Jacobite [female] Jakobitin {f}
Jacobites Jakobiten {pl}
Jacob's ladderJakobsleiter {f}
Jacob's ladderStrickleiter {f}
Jacob's ladder Hörnerblitzableiter {m}
Jacob's ladder Hörnerableiter {m} [kurz für: Hörnerblitzableiter]
Jacob's Ladder {sg} [crepuscular rays]Lichtbüschel {pl}
Jacob's Ladder {sg} [crepuscular rays]Strahlenbüschel {pl}
Jacob's Ladder {sg} [crepuscular rays] Wolkenstrahlen {pl}
Jacob's Ladder [Adrian Lyne] Jacob's Ladder – In der Gewalt des Jenseits
Jacob's ladder [also: Jacob's-ladder] [genus Polemonium] Himmelsleiter {f}
Jacob's ladder [also: Jacob's-ladder] [genus Polemonium] Jakobsleiter {f}
Jacob's ladder [coll.]Lotsentreppe {f}
Jacob's ladder [coll.] [high voltage traveling arc] Jakobsleiter {f}
Jacob's ladder [genus Polemonium, family Polemoniaceae] Sperrkraut {n}
Jacob's ladder [Linaria vulgaris, syn.: Antirrhinum linaria, A. vulgaris]Gewöhnliches Leinkraut {n}
Jacob's ladder [Linaria vulgaris, syn.: Antirrhinum linaria, A. vulgaris] Echtes Leinkraut {n}
Jacob's ladder [Linaria vulgaris, syn.: Antirrhinum linaria, A. vulgaris] Gemeines Leinkraut {n}
Jacob's ladders [also: Jacob's-ladders] [genus Polemonium]Jakobsleitern {pl}
Jacob's ladders [also: Jacob's-ladders] [genus Polemonium]Himmelsleitern {pl}
Jacob's ladders [also: Jacob's-ladders] [genus Polemonium] Sperrkräuter {pl} [Sperrkraut, Sperrkrautgewächse]
Jacob's ladders [genus Polemonium, family Polemoniaceae] Sperrkrautgewächse {pl} [Jakobsleitern]
Jacob's staff [also surveying] Jakobsstab {m} [auch Landvermessung]
Jacob's staff [Baculus Jacobi] [also surveying] Gradstock {m} [auch Landvermessung]
Jacob's staff [Fouquieria splendens]Jakobsstab {m}
Jacob's staff [Verbascum thapsus] Kleinblütige Königskerze {f}
Jacob's staff [Verbascum thapsus]Echte Königskerze {f}
Jacob's staff [Verbascum thapsus]Marienkerze {f}
Jacob's staff [Verbascum thapsus] Frauenkerze {f}
Jacob's staff [Verbascum thapsus] Wollblume {f}
Jacob's staff [Verbascum thapsus] Kleinblütiges Wollkraut {n}
Jacob's staff [Verbascum thapsus] Himmelsbrand {m}
Jacob's staff [Verbascum thapsus] Fackelkraut {n}
Jacob's staff [Verbascum thapsus] Wetterkerze {f}
Jacob's staff [Verbascum thapsus]Feldkerze {f}
Jacob's staff [Verbascum thapsus] [common mullein] Brennkraut {n} [Kleinblütige Königskerze]
Jacobs taper <JT> Bohrfutterkegel {m} nach Jacobs
Jacobsen epoxidationJacobsen-Epoxidierung {f}
Jacobsen syndrome <JS> [also Jacobsen's syndrome]Jacobsen-Syndrom {n} <JS>
Jacobsen-Katsuki epoxidation Jacobsen-Katsuki-Epoxidierung {f}
jacobsite [(Mn,Fe,Mg)(Fe,Mn)2O4]Jakobsit / Jacobsit {m} [ein Spinell]
Jacob's-ladder family {sg} [family Polemoniaceae]Sperrkrautgewächse {pl}
Jacob's-ladder family {sg} [family Polemoniaceae]Himmelsleitergewächse {pl}
Jacobsohn's finger flexion sign [Bekhterev-Jacobsohn reflex]Handrückenreflex {m} [Bechterew-Jacobsohn-Reflex]
Jacobson radical [also: Jacobson's Ring]Jacobson-Radikal {n} [auch: Jacobsonradikal]
Jacobson's canal [Canaliculus tympanicus (inferior)]Jacobson-Kanal {m}
Jacobson's cartilage [Cartilago vomeronasalis] Jacobson-Knorpel {m}
Jacobson's organ [Organon vomeronasale]Jacobson-Organ {n} [auch Vomeronasales Organ, Jacobsonsches Organ]
jacot toolZapfenpoliermaschine {f}
jacquard Jacquard {m}
jacquard bar Jacquard-Barre {f}
jacquard design Jacquardmuster {n}
jacquard fabric Jacquardgewebe {n}
jacquard loom Jacquardwebmaschine {f}
jacquard loom jacquardscher Webstuhl {m}
Jacquard loom Jacquardwebstuhl {m}
Jacquard loom Jacquardstuhl {m} [auch: Jacquard-Stuhl]
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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