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Judeophobia [Am.] Judeophobie {f}
Judeophobia [Am.] Judenphobie {f}
Judeo-Spanish [Ladino]Judenspanisch {n}
Judeo-Tat [also: Juhuri] Judäo-Tatisch {n}
Judesmo Judenspanisch {n}
Judezmo Judenspanisch {n}
judge Sachverständiger {m}
judge Punktrichter {m}
judge Gerichtsherr {m} [veraltet]
judge [casting show]Jurymitglied {n}
judge [e.g. in athletics, gymnastics, swimming] Kampfrichter {m}
judge [female] Sachverständige {f}
judge [female] [in a talent contest] Preisrichterin {f}
judge [in a talent contest] Preisrichter {m}
judge <J.>Richter {m}
judge <J.> [female]Richterin {f}
judge advocateRechtsoffizier {m}
Judge Advocate General's Corps <JAG> [USA]Oberste Militärstaatsanwaltschaft {f}
Judge for yourself ... Urteilen Sie selbst ...
Judge not, that ye be not judged. Richtet nicht, auf dass ihr nicht gerichtet werdet.
Judge not, that ye be not judged. [Mt 7:1; KJV]Richtet nicht, auf daß ihr nicht gerichtet werdet. [Mt 7,1; Luther 1912]
judge of a juvenile court Jugendrichter {m}
judge of a juvenile court [female] Jugendrichterin {f}
judge of appeal Berufungsrichter {m}
judge of character Menschenkenner {m}
judge of character [female]Menschenkennerin {f}
judge of factSachrichter {m}
judge of human nature [female] Menschenkennerin {f}
judge of the dead Totenrichter {m}
judge of the Federal Constitutional Court Bundesverfassungsrichter {m}
judge of the worldWeltenrichter {m}
judge sitting singly Einzelrichter {m}
judge sitting singly [female] Einzelrichterin {f}
judge that ordered writ of attachment Arrestrichter {m} [schweiz.]
judge that ordered writ of attachment [female]Arrestrichterin {f} [schweiz.]
[judge making solo decisions]Einzelrichter {m}
judgeable einschätzbar
judged geurteilt
judged [rated, ranked] eingestuft
judged on its own meritsfür sich selbst beurteilt
judged on one's own merits ausschließlich nach Leistungen / Verdiensten beurteilt
judge-made law Richterrecht {n}
judgementBeurteilung {f}
judgement Urteil {n}
judgementrichterliche Entscheidung {f}
judgement Urteilsvermögen {n}
judgement Ermessen {n}
judgementRichtspruch {m} [veraltet]
judgementRichterspruch {m}
judgement [formation of an opinion] [Br.] Urteilsbildung {f}
judgement by confessionAnerkenntnisurteil {n}
judgement by defaultVersäumnisurteil {n}
judgement call Ermessensentscheidung {f}
judgement criterion Beurteilungskriterium {n}
judgement debtVollstreckungsschuld {f}
judgement debtvom Gericht anerkannte Schuld {f}
judgement debtor Vollstreckungsschuldner {m}
Judgement of ParisUrteil {n} des Paris
judgement seat [also: judgment seat] Richterstuhl {m}
judgement under appeal angefochtenes Urteil {n}
[judgement establishing a principle]Grundsatzurteil {n}
judgemental beurteilend
judgemental wertend
judgemental [critical]ablehnend
judgementsUrteile {pl}
(judgements / judgments) docket [Br.]Urteilsregister {n}
judgesRichter {pl}
judges {pl} Kampfgericht {n}
judges [female] Richterinnen {pl}
judge's gavelRichterhammer {m}
judge's gownRichterrobe {f}
judge's robe Richterrobe {f}
judge's robes {pl} Richterrobe {f}
(judge's) chambers {pl} Richterzimmer {n}
judgeshipRichteramt {n}
judgeshipRichterposten {m}
judgeships Richterämter {pl}
judging beurteilend
judgingBeurteilen {n}
judgingWertung {f}
judgingUrteilen {n}
Judging AmyFür alle Fälle Amy
Judging by ... ... nach zu schließen
judging by / from sth. etw. [Dat.] nach zu urteilen
judging by / from what ... nach dem zu urteilen, was ...
judging by his words seinen Worten nach zu urteilen
judging criteria {pl} Beurteilungskriterien {pl}
judging criteria {pl}Beurteilungskriterien {pl}zeugs
judging from the fact (that) ... wenn man bedenkt, dass ...
judging from what you say nach dem zu urteilen, was du sagst
judgmaticalklug [vernünftig, überlegt]
judgment Beurteilung {f}
judgment Urteil {n}
judgment richterliche Entscheidung {f}
judgmentGericht {n}
judgment [ability] Urteilsvermögen {n}
judgment [ability]Urteilskraft {f}
« JosijourjourjoyojuanJudejudgjudijudojug-juju »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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