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jumpy [motion] ruckartig
jumpy market sprunghafter Markt {m}
jumpy pig disease [Myoclonia congenita] [congenital tremor syndrome] Ferkelzittern {n}
jumuʿah (prayer) [Friday prayer of the Muslims] Freitagsgebet {n}
junction Anschluss {m}
junction Knotenpunkt {m}
junctionVerzweigungsstelle {f}
junctionAbzweigung {f}
junctionKontakt {m}
junction Kontaktstelle {f}
junction Lötstelle {f}
junctionVerbindungsstelle {f}
junction Übergang {m}
junction Zusammenführung {f}
junctionSperrschicht {f}
junctionAnschlussstelle {f}
junctionKreuzung {f}
junction Kreuzungspunkt {m}
junction Schnittpunkt {m}
junction [connection, interface] Verbindung {f}
junction [of rivers]Zusammenfluss {m}
junction box Anschlussdose {f}
junction boxKlemmenkasten {m}
junction boxVerteilerdose {f}
junction boxAnschlusskasten {m}
junction box Kabelkasten {m}
junction box Verbindungsdose {f}
junction box Verteilerkasten {m}
junction boxAbzweiger {m} [ugs.]
junction box Stromkasten {m} [ugs.]
junction boxKlemmkasten {m}
junction boxAnschlussbox {f}
junction diodeFlächendiode {f}
junction field effect transistor <junction FET, JFET, JUGFET>Sperrschicht-Feldeffekttransistor {m} <Sperrschicht-FET, SFET>
junction indicator Richtungsanzeiger {m}
junction line Verbindungsbahn {f}
junction lineVerbindungsleitung {f}
junction of the wing with the fuselageAnschluss {m} des Flügels an den Rumpf
junction point Anschlusspunkt {m}
junction rail Anschlussschiene {f}
junction region Übergangsbereich {m}
junction selectorAmtswähler {m}
Junction SpurJunction Spur {m}
junction stage Durchschaltebene {f}
junction station Knotenbahnhof {m}
junction station Trennungsbahnhof {m}
junction stationAbzweigbahnhof {m} [bes. österr. und schweiz.]
junction station Verzweigungsbahnhof {m} [seltener]
junction tableBrückentabelle {f}
junction temperatureSperrschichttemperatur {f}
junction transistorFlächentransistor {m}
junction with [of river] Einmündung {f} in
[junction of five or more roads]Spinne {f} [im Straßenbau, z. B. Straßenspinne]
junctional junktional
junctional complex Haftkomplex {m}
junctional ectopic tachycardia <JET> junktionale ektope Tachykardie {f}
junctional epithelium <JE> Saumepithel {n}
junctional naevus [Br.] Junktionsnävus {m} [auch: Junktionsnaevus]
junctional naevus [Br.] junktionaler Nävus {m} [auch: junktionaler Naevus]
junctional nevus [Am.] Junktionsnävus {m} [auch: Junktionsnaevus]
junctional nevus [Am.] junktionaler Nävus {m} [auch: junktionaler Naevus]
junctional re-entrant tachycardiajunktionale Reentrytachykardie {f}
junction-box Abzweigdose {f}
junctionsVerbindungen {pl}
juncturekritischer Augenblick {m}
juncture Verbindungspunkt {m}
juncture Verbindungsstelle {f}
junctures Verbindungspunkte {pl}
June Juno {m} [Juni] [meist nur in gesprochenem Deutsch zur Vermeidung einer Verwechslung mit "Juli"]
June [attr.] Juni-
June <Jun.> Juni {m} <Jun.>
June afternoon Juninachmittag {m}
June bell [Campanula rapunculoides, syn.: C. cordifolia, C. rapunculoides var. ucranica, C. rhomboidales, C. trachelioides] Acker-Glockenblume / Ackerglockenblume {f}
June bell [Campanula rapunculoides, syn.: C. cordifolia, C. rapunculoides var. ucranica, C. rhomboidales, C. trachelioides]Rapunzel-Glockenblume / Rapunzelglockenblume {f}
June bell [Campanula rapunculoides, syn.: C. cordifolia, C. rapunculoides var. ucranica, C. rhomboidales, C. trachelioides] Ausläufertreibende Glockenblume {f}
June bell [Campanula rapunculoides, syn.: C. cordifolia, C. rapunculoides var. ucranica, C. rhomboidales, C. trachelioides] Kriechende Glockenblume {f}
June bell [Campanula rapunculoides, syn.: C. cordifolia, C. rapunculoides var. ucranica, C. rhomboidales, C. trachelioides] Rapunzelartige Glockenblume {f}
June bug [Amphimallon solstitiale] [Am.]Junikäfer {m}
June dayJunitag {m}
June daysJunitage {pl}
June evening Juniabend {m}
June grass [Koeleria pyramidata]Großes Schillergras {n}
June grass [Koeleria pyramidata] Pyramiden-Schillergras {n}
June grass [Poa pratensis] Wiesen-Rispengras / Wiesenrispengras {n}
June morningJunimorgen {m}
June nightJuninacht {f}
June nightsJuninächte {pl}
June serviceberry [Amelanchier arborea] Schnee-Felsenbirne / Schneefelsenbirne {f}
June sunJunisonne {f}
June War [Six-Day War, 1967] Junikrieg {m} [Sechstagekrieg]
(June) long-horned bee [Eucera longicornis] Juni-Langhornbiene {f}
juneberry [Amelanchier alnifolia]Erlenblättrige Felsenbirne {f}
juneberry [Amelanchier alnifolia] Saskatoon {f}
juneberry [Amelanchier alnifolia] Saskatoon-Beere {f}
juneberry [Amelanchier alnifolia] Saskatunbeere {f}
juneberry [Amelanchier alnifolia] Apfelbeere {f}
juneberry [Amelanchier lamarckii] Kupfer-Felsenbirne {f}
juneberry [Amelanchier lamarckii] Korinthenbaum {m}
juneberry [Amelanchier lamarckii] Großblütige Felsenbirne {f}
juneberry [Amelanchier lamarckii]Kanadische Felsenbirne {f}
« juggjuicJulyjumpjumpjumpjunejunijunijunkJupi »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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