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English-German Dictionary

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juniper tarWacholderteer {m}
juniper tar oil Kadeöl {n}
juniper teaWacholdertee {m}
juniper titmouse [Baeolophus ridgwayi]Wacholdermeise {f}
juniper tree Wacholderstrauch {m}
juniper (tree) [Juniperus communis]Holderstrauch {m} [regional]
juniper webber [Dichomeris marginella] [moth]Wacholdergespinstmotte {f}
juniper webber [Dichomeris marginella] [moth] Wacholdermotte {f}
juniper webworm [Dichomeris marginella] [moth]Wacholdermotte {f}
juniper webworm [Dichomeris marginella] [moth]Wacholdergespinstmotte {f}
juniper wineWacholderwein {m}
juniper woodWacholderholz {n}
[juniper]Wachholder {m} [FALSCH für: Wacholder]
junipers [genus Juniperus of the cypress family Cupressaceae] Wacholder {pl}
junitoite [CaZn2Si2O7·H2O]Junitoit {m}
junk Ausschuss {m}
junkAusschuß {m} [alt]
junk Klamotte {f}
junkKluft {f} [Kleider]
junkunbrauchbares Material {n}
junk altes Zeug {n}
junk Rumpel {m} [südd.]
junk Ausschussware {f}
junkGerümpel {n}
junk Ramsch {m} [ugs.]
junk Schrott {m} [ugs.]
junkTrödel {m}
junk Kikikram {m} [ugs.] [wertloser Kram]
junkDschunke {f}
junk Klumpatsch {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [Plunder]
junk Krempel {m} [ugs.]
junkGeraffel {n} [südd.] [österr.]
junkhoppsaGeraffel {n} [südd.] [österr.]
junkGraffel {n} [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.]
junk Gruscht {m} [schwäbisch]
junkKlumpert {n} [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.] [wertloses Zeug]
junk Gelumpe {n} [ugs.]
junkZinnober {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [wertloses Zeug]
junk Schamott {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [Kram, Zeug, wertlose Sachen]
junkGlumpert {n} [südd., bes. österr.] [ugs.] [Gerümpel, wertloses Zeug]
junkKlump {n} [südd.] [ugs.] [Gerümpel, wertloses Zeug]
junkPlunder {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
junk {sg} [coll.] [old or discarded articles that are considered useless or of little value]Klamotten {pl} [Kram, Plunder]
junk [Am.] [vulg.] [scrotum]Sack {m} [derb] [Hodensack]
junk [cheap product] Billigsdorfer {m} [österr.] [ugs.]
junk [coll.]Gammel {m} [ugs.]
junk [coll.] [old or discarded articles that are considered useless or of little value]Kruscht {m} [ugs.] [regional]
junk [coll.] [old or discarded articles that are considered useless or of little value] Krusch {m} [ugs.] [regional]
junk [coll.] [old or discarded articles] Bettel {m} [ugs.] [altes, minderwertiges Zeug]
Junk [Melvin Burgess] Junk
junk [sl.]Stoff {m} [ugs.] [Rauschgift, bes. Heroin]
junk [sl.]Herointinktur {f}
junk [vulg.] Gehänge {n} [vulg.] [äußere männliche Geschlechtsorgane] [regional]
junk and clutter files {pl}Datenmüll {m}
junk bike Schrottvelo {n} [schweiz.]
junk bond Anleihe {f} mit Schrottwert
junk bondrisikoreiche spekulative Anleihe {f}
junk bond hochverzinsliche Anleihe {f}
junk bond Schrottanleihe {f}
junk bond Ramschanleihe {f}
junk bonds Risikopapiere {pl}
junk carSchrottfahrzeug {n}
junk car Schrottkarre {f} [ugs.]
junk car Schrottauto {n}
junk car Schrottwagen {m}
junk cars Schrottkarren {pl} [ugs.]
junk collectorLumpensammler {m} [veraltend]
junk dealerTrödler {m}
junk dealerAltwarenhändler {m}
junk dealer Gebrauchtwarenhändler {m}
junk dealer Schrotthändler {m}
junk dealerTandler {m} [österr.]
junk dealer [female]Trödlerin {f} [Händlerin]
junk DNA Erbgut-Müll {m}
junk DNAJunk-DNA {f}
junk DNA [dark matter] Müll-DNA {f} [nicht-kodierende Abschnitte auf der DNA]
junk DNA [obs.] nichtkodierende DNA {f}
junk drawer [coll.]Kruschtschublade {f} [ugs.] [regional: Kruschtlade]
junk drawer [coll.] Kramschublade {f} [ugs.] [Kramlade]
junk drawer [coll.]Krimskrams-Schublade {f} [ugs.]
junk drawer [coll.] Krempelschublade {f} [ugs.]
junk fairTremplermarkt {m}
junk foodminderwertige Nahrung {f}
junk food ungesundes Essen {n}
junk foodSchnellgerichte {pl}
junk food Junkfood {n}
junk food Junk-Food {n} [Rsv.]
junk goodsAltwaren {pl}
junk goods Ramschware {f} [ugs.]
junk goods {pl}Ramsch {m} [ugs.]
junk hand [poker]schlechte Hand {f} [Poker]
junk in the atticSpeichergerümpel {n} [Gerümpel am Dachboden]
junk in the trunk [Am.] [coll.] [fig.] [buttocks]praller Hintern {m}
junk jewellery [esp. Br.] Modeschmuck {m} [Billigschmuck]
junk jewelry [Am.] Modeschmuck {m} [Billigschmuck]
junk loan [coll.] Ramschkredit {m} [ugs.]
junk mail Werbepost {f}
junk mail Post {f} für den Papierkorb
junk mail Müll-Post {f}
junk mail unerwünschte Post {f}
« jumpjumpjuncjungjunijunijunkJurajurojustJust »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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