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junk mail Junkmail {f}
junk mailWerbemail {f}
junk mail Werbung {f} [Werbesendungen per Post oder E-Mail]
junk market Ramschmarkt {m}
junk market Tremplermarkt {m}
junk market Trödelmarkt {m}
junk paper Schrottpapier {n}
junk pile Müllhaufen {m}
junk product Ramschprodukt {n}
junk properties Schrottimmobilien {pl}
junk property {sg} Schrottimmobilien {pl}
junk rigDschunkensegel {n}
junk roomRumpelkammer {f} [ugs.]
junk room Trödelkammer {f} [selten] [veraltet] [Rumpelkammer]
junk scienceMinderwissenschaft {f}
junk shop Ramschladen {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
junk shopRamschgeschäft {n} [ugs.]
junk shopKramladen {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
junk shop [coll.]Trödelladen {m} [ugs.]
junk shop [coll.] Trödelbude {f} [ugs.]
junk status Ramschniveau {n}
junk status [coll.] Ramschstatus {m} [ugs.] [sehr schlechtes Rating bei Ratingagenturen]
junk store [esp. Am.]Ramschladen {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
junk value [Am.]Schrottwert {m}
junk yard Schrottplatz {m}
Junkanoo Junkanoo {m} [karibisches Maskenfest zur Weihnachtszeit, auch Musikstil]
junkdealerSchrotthändler {m}
junked [coll.]weggeschmissen [ugs.]
junker Blechkiste {f}
Junker [a young German nobleman]Junker {m}
junker [Am.] [coll.]Schrottwagen {m}
Junker Jörg [Martin's Luther's disguise at the Wartburg 1521-1522] Junker Jörg {m} [Martin Luthers Deckname auf der Wartburg 1521-1522]
junkerdom Junkertum {n}
Junkerlike [rare]junkerhaft [historisch, sonst veraltend]
junkers Blechkisten {pl}
junket Quark {m}
junket Quarkspeise {f}
junket Vergnügungsreise {f}
junketdicke Milch {f}
junket [coll.] [celebration, esp. one enjoyed by government officials at public expense] Lustbarkeit {f} [geh.] [veraltend] [Feier]
junk-heap carSchrottauto {n} [ugs.]
junkie Fixer {m}
junkie Junkie {m}
junkie Suchti {m} [ugs.]
junkie [female] Rauschgiftsüchtige {f}
junkie [sl.] Rauschgiftsüchtiger {m}
junkiesFixer {pl}
junkies Junkies {pl}
junkie's centre [Br.]Fixerstube {f}
junkie's centre [Br.] Fixerraum {m}
junking wegschmeißend [ugs.]
junksDschunken {pl}
junkyJunkie {m} [ugs.]
junky [room, garage, etc.] voll alten Gerümpels
junky [Am.] mies [ugs.] [minderwertig, schrottig]
junkyard [Am.] Schrottplatz {m}
junkyard [Am.]Autoverwertungsbetrieb {m}
junkyard [Am.] [car dump] Autofriedhof {m} [ugs.]
junkyard [Am.] [storage place]Trödellager {n}
junkyard dog [Am.] Schrottplatzhund {m}
Juno [Roman goddess] Juno {f} [römische Göttin]
Juno <⚵> [asteroid] Juno {f} <⚵> [Asteroid]
Juno and the Paycock [Seán O'Casey] Juno und der Pfau
Juno iris [Iris cycloglossa] Rundzungen-Schwertlilie {f}
Juno iris [Iris magnifica]Großartige Schwertlilie {f}
junoite [Pb3Cu2Bi8(S,Se)16] Junoit {m}
junta Junta {f}
juntasJunten {pl}
juntoClique {f}
Juodkrantė [Lithuania]Schwarzort {n} [bis 1945; jetzt Juodkrantė, Litauen]
juonniite [CaMgSc [OH|(PO4)2]·4H2O]Juonniit {m}
JupiterJupiter {m} [höchster röm. Gott]
Jupiter / Jupiter's atmosphere Jupiteratmosphäre {f}
Jupiter / Jupiter's diskJupiterscheibe {f}
Jupiter <♃>Jupiter {m} <♃> [Planet]
Jupiter Jones [known as "First Investigator" in The Three Investigators] Justus Jonas [Die drei ??? / Fragezeichen / Detektive]
Jupiter mass Jupitermasse {f}
Jupiter orbitJupiterumlaufbahn {f}
Jupiter (space) probeJupiter-Raumsonde {f} [auch: Jupiterraumsonde]
Jupiter (space) probe Jupiter-Sonde {f}
Jupiter Trojans Jupitertrojaner {pl}
Jupiter's beard [Anthyllis barba-jovis] [clover species]Jupiterbart {m} [Kleeart]
Jupiter's beard [Anthyllis barba-jovis] [clover species] Jupiterbart-Wundklee {m}
Jupiter's beard [Centranthus ruber] Rote Spornblume {f}
Jupiter's distaff [Salvia glutinosa]Klebriger Salbei {m}
Jupiter's distaff [Salvia glutinosa]Gelber Salbei {m}
Jupiter's distaff [Salvia glutinosa] Kleb-Salbei {m}
Jupiter's eye [Sempervivum tectorum]Dach-Hauswurz {f}
Jupiter's eye [Sempervivum tectorum]Echte Hauswurz {f}
Jupiter's eye [Sempervivum tectorum]Gewöhnliche Hauswurz {f}
Jupiter's eye [Sempervivum tectorum]Alpen-Hauswurz {f}
Jupiter's Ghost [NGC 3242] [a planetary nebula]Jupiters Geist {m} [ein planetarischer Nebel]
Jupiter's mass Jupitermasse {f}
Jupiter's moonJupitermond {m}
Jupiter's ringsJupiterringe {pl}
Jupiter's sage [Salvia glutinosa] Gelber Salbei {m}
Jupiter's sage [Salvia glutinosa] Klebriger Salbei {m}
Jupiter's sage [Salvia glutinosa]Kleb-Salbei {m}
jupon Unterrock {m}
jupon [coat of armour]Wappenrock {m} [Waffenrock]
« jumpjuncjungjunijunijunkJurajurojustJustjust »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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