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kawekaweau [Hoplodactylus delcourti] [most probably extinct] Kawekaweau-Gecko {m} [höchstwahrscheinlich ausgestorben]
kawiri [Dasyuroides byrnei]Doppelkamm-Beutelmaus {f}
Kawit Kawit {n}
kay <k> [sl.] [kilometre] [chiefly Aus.]Kilometer {m}
kaya [Torreya nucifera] Japanische Nusseibe {f}
kayak Kajak {n} [auch {m}]
kayak guide [kayak guide book]Kajakführer {m} [Buch]
kayak slalom [canoe slalom] Kanuslalom {m}
kayak tourKajaktour {f}
kayak transport Kajaktransport {m}
kayak tripKajaktour {f}
kayaker Kajakfahrer {m}
kayaker [female]Kajakfahrerin {f}
kayakingKajakfahren {n}
kayakingKajaken {n}
kayakingKajaking {n}
kayamba Kayamba {f}
Kayan River slow loris [Nycticebus kayan]Kayan-Plumplori {m}
kaydet [Am.] [military slang pronunciation of cadet]Kadett {m} [Offiziersanwärter]
Kayer rat [Dasyuroides byrnei] Doppelkamm-Beutelmaus {f}
kayfabeKayfabe {f}
kaylied [Br.] [sl.] betrunken
kayo [Am.] [sl.] [knockout] Knockout {m} [auch: Knock-out]
Kayqubad IKai Kobad I. {m}
Kayser-Fleischer (corneal) ring <KF ring> [caused by copper deposits]Kayser-Fleischer-Kornealring {m}
Kayser-Fleischer ring <KF ring> Kayser-Fleischer-Ring {m}
Kayseri lizard [Apathya cappadocica, syn.: Lacerta cappadocica]Kappadokische Eidechse {f}
kazachoc [Cossack dance]Kasatschok {m} [Kosakentanz]
Kazak [female] [spv.] Kasachin {f}
Kazak [spv.]Kasache {m}
KazakhKasache {m}
Kazakh Kasachisch {n}
Kazakh [female] Kasachin {f}
Kazakh dandelion [Taraxacum kok-saghyz]Russischer Löwenzahn {m}
Kazakh hamster [Allocricetulus eversmanni]Eversmann-Zwerghamster {m}
Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic <KSSR / KaSSR> Kasachische Sozialistische Sowjetrepublik {f} <KSSR / KaSSR>
Kazakh whiteheaded cattle {pl} [Kazakhskaya belogolovaya]Kasachisches Weißkopfrind {n}
Kazakh-Chinese border kasachisch-chinesische Grenze {f}
Kazakhs Kasachen {pl}
Kazakhstan <.kz> Kasachstan {n}
Kazakhstan vole [Microtus ilaeus, syn.: M. kirgisorum] Kasachstan-Wühlmaus {f}
Kazakhstani kasachstanisch
KazakhstaniKasache {m}
Kazakhstani [female]Kasachin {f}
Kazakhstani tenge <KZT, 〒> Tenge {m} <KZT, 〒>
kazakhstanite [Fe5V3V12O39(OH)9·9H2O]Kazakhstanit {m}
kazakovite [Na6(Mn,H2)TiSi6O18] Kazakovit {m}
KazanKasan {n}
Kazan city Stadt {f} Kazan
KazanlakKasanlak {n}
kazanskyite [BaNa3Ti2Nb(Si2O7)2O2(OH)2(H2O)4] Kazanskyit {m}
Kazazdagi fir [Abies nordmanniana, syn.: A. bornmuelleriana, A. equi-trojana, Pinus nordmanniana]Nordmann-Tanne / Nordmanntanne {f}
Kazbeg birch mouse [Sicista kazbegica] Kasbek-Birkenmaus {f}
Kaznakov's viper [Vipera kaznakovi]Kaukasusotter {f}
Kaznakow's viper [Vipera kaznakovi] Kaukasusotter {f}
kazooKazoo {n}
kazooist Kazoo-Spieler {m}
kbd Kilobaud {n}
K.C. Munchkin!Supermampfer
K-complete K-vollständig
k-connectivityk-Zusammenhang {m}
kea [Nestor notabilis] Bergpapagei {m}
kea [Nestor notabilis]Kea {m}
kea chickKea-Küken {n} [auch: Keaküken]
keatjunges Perlhuhn {n}
keatite [SiO2] Keatit {m}
kebab Grillspieß {m}
kebab Döner {m} [kurz für: Dönerkebab]
kebab Kebap {m} [Rsv.]
kebab roleKebaprolle {f} [Dürüm]
kebab shop Dönerbude {f} [ugs.]
kebab shop Döner-Imbiss {m}
kebab stall owner Dönerbudenbesitzer {m} [ugs.]
Kebaran Kebarien {n} [epipaläolithische Kultur in der Levante]
Kebarian culture Kebaran-Kultur {f}
kebrako [Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco] Quebrachobaum {m}
keck [Anthriscus sylvestris, syn.: Chaerophyllum sylvestre] Wild-Kälberkropf {m}
keck [Anthriscus sylvestris] Wiesenkerbel {m}
Keck telescopeKeck-Teleskop {n}
keckite [Ca(Mn,Zn)2Fe3(PO4)4(OH)3·2H2O] Keckit {m}
kecks [Br.] [coll.]Hose {f}
kecks [sl.] [also: kacks] [knickers] Höschen {pl} [Unterhosen]
Kedarites Kedrener {pl}
keder flapKederfahne {f}
keder rail [also: Keder rail] Kederschiene {f}
keder seam [also: Keder seam] Kederfahne {f} [bei Planen o. Ä.]
kedge[kleiner Anker]
kedge (anchor)Wurfanker {m}
K-edge filterK-Kantenfilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
k-edge-connected k-fach kantenzusammenhängend
kedgereeKedgeree {n} [Reisgericht mit Fisch und Eiern]
kedlock [Sinapis arvensis] [charlock]Acker-Senf / Ackersenf {m}
keds [family Hippoboscidae]Lausfliegen {pl}
keech [sl.] [vulg.] Scheiße {f} [vulg.]
keek [Rorippa sylvestris, syn.: Radicula sylvestris] Wilde Sumpfkresse {f}
keek [Rorippa sylvestris, syn.: Radicula sylvestris] Wald-Sumpfkresse / Waldsumpfkresse {f}
keelKiel {m}
keel [poet.] Schiff {n}
« kanoKaraKarlKarwkatakawekeelkeenKeepKeepkeep »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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