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kelpSeetang {m}
kelp Kelp {n}
kelp bream [Aus.] [Lutjanus bohar] [Bohar snapper, two-spot red snapper]Zweifleckenschnapper {m} [Doppel-Schnapper, Doppelfleckschnapper]
kelp flies [family Coelopidae] Tangfliegen {pl}
kelp flies [family Helcomyzidae; Helcomyzinae in family Coelopidae]Algenfliegen {pl}
kelp flies [family Helcomyzidae; Helcomyzinae in family Coelopidae] Scheufliegen {pl}
kelp flies [family Helcomyzidae; Helcomyzinae in family Coelopidae]Strandfliegen {pl}
kelp forest Kelpwald {m}
kelp forestAlgenwald {m}
kelp forest Tangwald {m}
Kelp Forest [SpongeBob SquarePants] Seetangwald {m} [SpongeBob Schwammkopf]
kelp goose [Chloephaga hybrida]Kelpgans {f}
kelp goose [Chloephaga hybrida] Tanggans {f}
kelp gull [Larus dominicanus] Dominikanermöwe {f}
kelp sea perch [Aus.] [Lutjanus bohar] [Bohar snapper, two-spot red snapper] Zweifleckenschnapper {m} [Doppel-Schnapper, Doppelfleckschnapper]
kelper [coll.] [native or inhabitant of the Falkland Islands] Falkländer {m}
kelp-milk [SpongeBob Squarepants] Seetangmilch {f} [SpongeBob Schwammkopf]
kelt Kelt {m} [nach dem Laichen abwandernder Lachs]
kelt [Salmo salar]Atlantischer Lachs {m}
Keltic Keltisch {n}
Keltie Glacier Keltie-Gletscher {m}
kelvin <K> Kelvin {n} <K>
Kelvin body Kelvin-Körper {m}
Kelvin scale Kelvinskala {f}
Kelvin waveKelvinwelle {f}
Kelvin-Helmholtz contraction Kelvin-Helmholtz-Kontraktion {f}
Kelvin-Helmholtz instability Kelvin-Helmholtz-Instabilität {f}
kelyanite [[Hg2]6(SbO6)BrCl2] Kelyanit {m}
Kemalism Kemalismus {m}
Kemalist kemalistisch
KemalistKemalist {m}
Kemalist [female] Kemalistin {f}
Kemalist ideology Kemalismus {m}
kemanak Kemanak {n}
Kemerovo Kemerowo {n}
keming [coll.] [improper kerning] schlechte Unterschneidung {f}
kemiri [Aleurites moluccana] Kerzennuss {f}
kemiri [Aleurites moluccana] Kemirinuss {f}
kemiri [Aleurites moluccana] Lichtnussbaum {m}
Kemler number [hazard identification number]Kemler-Nummer {f} [Nummer zur Kennzeichnung der Gefahr]
kemmlitzite [(Sr,Ce)Al3(AsO4)(SO4)(OH)6] Kemmlitzit {m}
kemosabe [Am.] [coll.] [friend]Freund {m}
kemp {sg} Stichelhaare {pl}
kemp [brittle fiber in a sheep's wool fleece] Grannenhaar {n}
Kempeitai [also: Kenpeitai] [Japan, 1881-1945, military police]Kempeitai {f} [Japan, 1881-1945, Militärpolizei]
kemper [Scot.] fahrender Ritter {m}
kempite [ Mn2Cl(OH)3] Kempit {m}
Kempner seriesKempner-Reihe {f}
Kemp's gerbil [Gerbilliscus (Taterona) kempii, syn.: Gerbilliscus kempi, Tatera kempi / kempii] Kemps Nacktsohlenrennmaus {f}
Kemp's grass mouse [Deltamys kempi]Kemp-Feldmaus {f}
Kemp's longbill [Macrosphenus kempi] Rostflanken-Bülbülgrasmücke {f}
Kemp's ridley [Lepidochelys kempii]Karibische Bastardschildkröte {f}
Kemp's ridley sea turtle [Lepidochelys kempii] Atlantik-Bastardschildkröte {f}
Kemp's ridley turtle [Lepidochelys kempii] Karibische Bastardschildkröte {f}
Kemp's spiny mouse [Acomys kempi] Kemp-Stachelmaus {f}
KemptenKempten {n}
ken Horizont {m} [einer Person]
kenGesichtskreis {m}
ken Wissensgebiet {n}
ken [Br.] [sl.] [rare] [shelter, den] Unterschlupf {m} [Haus]
kenaf Kenaf {n}
kenaf fiber [Am.] Kenaffaser {f}
kenaf fibre [Br.]Kenaffaser {f}
Kenai PeninsulaKenai-Halbinsel {f}
kenarinut tree [Canarium indicum, syn.: C. amboinense, C. commune, C. mehenbethene, C. moluccanum, C. vulgare] Galipnuss {f}
kenarinut tree [Canarium indicum, syn.: C. amboinense, C. commune, C. mehenbethene, C. moluccanum, C. vulgare] Indischer Kanaribaum {m}
kenarinut tree [Canarium indicum, syn.: C. amboinense, C. commune, C. mehenbethene, C. moluccanum, C. vulgare] Kanarinuss {f}
kenarinut tree [Canarium indicum, syn.: C. amboinense, C. commune, C. mehenbethene, C. moluccanum, C. vulgare]Javamandel {f}
kencur [Alpinia officinarum]Siam-Galgant {m}
kencur [Alpinia officinarum] Kleiner Galgant {m}
kencur [Alpinia officinarum]Galgantwurzel {f}
kencur [Alpinia officinarum]Echter Galgant {m}
kencur [Kaempferia galanga] Gewürzlilie {f}
kendang [also: gendang]Kendang {f} [auch: Gendang]
kendo Kendo {n}
kendo instructorKendolehrer {m}
kendo instructor [female] Kendolehrerin {f}
kendo masterKendo-Meister {m}
kendo schoolKendoschule {f}
kendo studentKendoschüler {m}
kendo student [female]Kendoschülerin {f}
kendokaKendoka {m} [jd., der Kendo betreibt]
kendokaKendokämpfer {m}
kendoka [female]Kendokämpferin {f}
kenhsuite [Hg3S2Cl2]Kenhsuit {m}
Kenilworth ivy [Cymbalaria muralis, syn.: Linaria cymbalaria]Zymbelkraut {n}
Kenilworth ivy [Cymbalaria muralis, syn.: Linaria cymbalaria] (Mauer-)Zimbelkraut {n}
Kenilworth ivy [Cymbalaria muralis, syn.: Linaria cymbalaria]Mauer-Leinkraut / Mauerleinkraut {n}
Kenilworth ivy [Cymbalaria muralis, syn.: Linaria cymbalaria]Gemeines Zimbelkraut {n}
kenned [Scot., N. Engl.]gekannt
kenned [Scot., N. Engl.]gewusst
Kennedy assassinationKennedy-Attentat {n}
Kennedy bar Kennedy-Bügel {m}
Kennedy Channel Kennedy-Kanal {m}
Kennedy class I: shortened dental arch in one jaw.Kennedy-Klasse I: reduzierte Bezahnung in einem Kiefer.
Kennedy half (dollar) [U.S. coin]Kennedy-Half-Dollar-Münze {f}
Kennedy's / Kennedy disease [spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy]Kennedy-Krankheit {f} [spinobulbäre Muskelatrophie Typ Kennedy]
Kennedy's Brain [Henning Mankell] Kennedys Hirn
Kennedy's leafnose snake [Lytorhynchus kennedyi] Syrische Schnauzennatter {f}
Kennedy's phenomenon [Gowers-Paton-Kennedy syndrome] Kennedy-Syndrom {n}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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