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Kenya guineafowl [Guttera pucherani] Kräuselhauben-Perlhuhn {n}
Kenya Hildebrandt francolin [Francolinus hildebrandti, syn.: Pternistis hildebrandti, Sceloptera hildebrandti]Hildebrandtfrankolin {m} [auch: Hildebrandt-Frankolin]
Kenya horned viper [Bitis worthingtoni] Kenya-Puffotter {f}
Kenya mealybug [Planococcus kenyae, syn.: Pseudococcus kenyae, P. kenyaensis]Afrikanische Kaffeeschmierlaus {f}
Kenya montane viper [Montatheris hindii]Ostafrikanische Bergotter {f}
Kenya mountain viper [Montatheris hindii] Ostafrikanische Bergotter {f}
Kenya olive thrush [Turdus ludoviciae, syn.: Turdus smithi] Somalidrossel {f}
Kenya pink-throated longclaw [Macronyx ameliae] Rubinkehlpieper {m}
Kenya pink-throated longclaw [Macronyx ameliae] Rotkehlgroßsporn {m}
Kenya rock lizards [genus Agama] (Echte) Agamen {pl}
Kenya rufous sparrow [Passer rufocinctus]Keniasperling {m}
Kenya short-toed lark [Alaudala athensis, syn.: Alaudala somalica athensis, Calandrella athensis, Calandrella rufescens athensis, Calandrella somalica athensis, Spizocorys athensis] Kenialerche {f}
Kenya short-toed lark [Alaudala athensis, syn.: Alaudala somalica athensis, Calandrella athensis, Calandrella rufescens athensis, Calandrella somalica athensis, Spizocorys athensis]Bensonlerche {f}
Kenya star [Choriaster granulatus]Walzenseestern {m}
Kenya star [Choriaster granulatus] Walzenstern {m}
Kenya star [Choriaster granulatus]Gekörnter Kissenstern {m} [Seesternart]
Kenya tick typhus [boutonneuse fever]Kenia-Fieber {n}
Kenya tree coral [genus Capnella] Keniabäumchen {n} [Gattung der Weichkorallen]
Kenya violet-backed sunbird [Anthreptes orientalis] Schwalbennektarvogel {m}
Kenya wagtail [Motacilla grandis, syn.: M. capensa, M. simplicissima]Kapstelze {f}
Kenya yellow white-eye [Zosterops abyssinicus]Somalibrillenvogel {m} [auch: Somali-Brillenvogel]
Kenya yellow-rumped canary [Serinus reichenowi, syn.: Ochrospiza reichenowi, Crithagra reichenowi] Reichenowgirlitz {m}
Kenya yellow-rumped canary [Serinus reichenowi, syn.: Ochrospiza reichenowi, Crithagra reichenowi] Graubrustgirlitz {m}
Kenya yellow-rumped seedeater [Serinus reichenowi, syn.: Ochrospiza reichenowi, Crithagra reichenowi]Reichenowgirlitz {m}
Kenya yellow-rumped seedeater [Serinus reichenowi, syn.: Ochrospiza reichenowi, Crithagra reichenowi] Graubrustgirlitz {m}
Kenya yellow-throated seedeater [Serinus reichenowi, syn.: Ochrospiza reichenowi, Crithagra reichenowi] Reichenowgirlitz {m}
Kenya yellow-throated seedeater [Serinus reichenowi, syn.: Ochrospiza reichenowi, Crithagra reichenowi] Graubrustgirlitz {m}
kenyacola butterfly bat [Glauconycteris kenyacola, syn.: Chalinolobus kenyacola]Kenia-Schmetterlingsfledermaus {f} [auch: Kenya-Schmetterlingsfledermaus]
kenyaite [NaSi11O20.5(OH)4·3H2O] Kenyait {m}
KenyanKenianer {m}
Kenyan kenianisch
Kenyan [female] Kenianerin {f}
Kenyan African mole-rat / mole rat [Tachyoryctes ibeanus] Kenia-Maulwurfsratte {f}
Kenyan cheetah [Acinonyx jubatus raineyii, syn.: A. j. velox, A. j. fearsoni]Ostafrikanischer Gepard {m}
Kenyan mole-rat [Tachyoryctes ibeanus] Kenia-Maulwurfsratte {f}
Kenyan sand boa [Eryx colubrinus, syn.: Gongylophis colubrinus]Ostafrikanische Sandboa {f}
Kenyan shilling <KES, K.Sh.>Kenia-Schilling {m} <KES, K.Sh.>
Kenyan striped skaapsteker [Psammophylax multisquamis] Kleinschuppiger Skaapsteker {m}
Kenyan wattled bat [Glauconycteris kenyacola, syn.: Chalinolobus kenyacola] Kenia-Schmetterlingsfledermaus {f} [auch: Kenya-Schmetterlingsfledermaus]
KenyansKenianer {pl}
Kenyans [female]Kenianerinnen {pl}
Kenyon cell Kenyon-Zelle {f}
Kenyon's shag [Phalacrocorax kenyoni]Amchitka-Kormoran {m}
(Keoki Stender's) knobby star [Pentaceraster cumingi, syn.: Oreaster hawaiiensis, O. occidentalis, Pentaceros cumingi, P. hawaiiensis, P. occidentalis] Panamaischer Noppen-Seestern {m}
kepi Käppi {n}
Kepler [John Banville] Kepler
Kepler conjectureKepler'sche Vermutung {f}
Kepler conjectureKeplersche Vermutung {f} [alt]
Kepler conjecturekeplersche Vermutung {f}
Kepler orbit Keplerbahn {f}
Kepler telescopeKepler'sches Fernrohr {n}
Kepler telescopekeplersches Fernrohr {n}
Keplerian orbitKeplerbahn {f}
Kepler's law of planetary motion [first, second, third law] keplersches Gesetz {n} [erstes, zweites, drittes Gesetz]
Kepler's laws of planetary motion Keplersche Gesetze {pl} [alt]
Kepler's laws of planetary motion keplersche Gesetze {pl}
Kepler's laws of planetary motion Kepler'sche Gesetze {pl}
KępnoKempen {n} (in Posen)
kept gehalten
kept [financially] ausgehalten [finanziell]
kept apart auseinander gehalten [alt]
kept apartauseinandergehalten
kept as a pet [postpos.] als Haustier gehalten
kept away ferngehalten
kept back vorenthalten
kept closed zugehabt
kept cool kaltgeblieben
kept freefreigehalten
kept from abgehalten
kept house gewirtschaftet
kept imprisoned gefangengehalten
kept in reserve [postpos.]in Reserve gehalten
kept manGigolo {m}
kept onanbehalten [ugs.]
kept safely wohlverwahrt [geh.]
kept shutzugehalten
kept silentgeschwiegen
kept still stillgehalten
kept up durchgehalten
kept warm [postpos.] warmgehalten
kept womanMätresse {f}
kept womanausgehaltene Frau {f}
keractasiaKeraktasie {f}
KeraitsKeraiten {pl}
Kerala burrowing snake [Plectrurus aureus] Goldener Schildschwanz {m}
Kerala laughingthrush [Trochalopteron fairbanki, syn.: Strophocincla fairbanki, Strophocincla fairbanki fairbanki]Graubrusthäherling {m}
Kerala shieldtail [Plectrurus aureus] Goldener Schildschwanz {m}
Kerala shield-tail snake [Plectrurus aureus] Goldener Schildschwanz {m}
kerargyrite [AgCl]Kerargyrit {m}
keratan sulfate [Am.] Keratansulfat {n}
keratan sulfate chain Keratansulfatkette {f}
keratan sulphate [Br.]Keratansulfat {n}
keratectasia [corneal ectasia] Keratektasie {f}
keratectomy Keratektomie {f}
keratin Hornstoff {m}
keratinHornsubstanz {f}
keratinKeratin {n}
« KeepKeepkeepkeloKennKenykerakerbkeroketokeya »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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