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English-German Dictionary

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keratitides Keratitiden {pl}
keratitis Hornhautentzündung {f} (des Auges)
keratitisKeratitis {f}
keratitis Hornhautinfektion {f}
keratitis sicca [Keratoconjunctivitis sicca] [dry eye syndrome] Syndrom {n} des trockenen Auges
keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness syndrome <KID syndrome> Keratitis-Ichthyosis-Taubheitssyndrom {n}
keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness syndrome <KID syndrome>KID-Syndrom {n} [Keratitis-Ichthyosis-Taubheitssyndrom]
keratoacanthoma Keratoakanthom {n} [auch: Keratoacanthom]
keratoconjunctivitis Keratoconjunktivitis {f} [Rsv.]
keratoconjunctivitis photoelectricaKeratitis photoelectrica {f} [Verblitzung]
keratoconjunctivitis sicca <KCS>Keratokonjunktivitis sicca {f} <KCS>
keratoconus Keratokonus {m}
keratoconus Hornhautkegel {m}
keratocyst Keratozyste {f}
keratodermaKeratoderma {n}
keratoderma Keratodermatose {f}
keratodermia Keratodermia {f}
keratoepithelioplasty <KEP> Keratoepithelioplastik {f}
keratogenous membrane [nail matrix]Nagelmatrix {f}
keratoglobus Keratoglobus {m}
keratograph Keratograph {m} [auch: Keratograf]
keratography Keratographie {f} [auch: Keratografie]
keratohyalinKeratohyalin {n}
keratolysisKeratolyse {f}
keratolytic (agent) Keratolytikum {n}
keratolytic agents Keratolytika {pl}
keratolyticsKeratolytika {pl}
keratoma Keratom {n} [Keratoma]
keratoma Keratoma {n}
keratome Keratom {n}
keratometer Keratometer {n}
keratometry Keratometrie {f}
keratopathyKeratopathie {f}
keratophagous keratophag
keratoplastyKeratoplastik {f}
keratoplasty Hornhautplastik {f}
keratoprosthesisKeratoprothese {f}
keratoprosthetics [treated as sg.] Keratoprothetik {f}
keratoscope [ophthalmic instrument]Keratoskop {n} [Placido-Scheibe]
keratoscopy Keratoskopie {f}
keratosisKeratose {f}
keratosisKeratosis {f}
keratosis follicularis [Keratosis pilaris]Keratosis follicularis {f}
keratosis pilaris [chicken skin]Keratosis {f} pilaris [Reibeisenhaut]
keratotic keratotisch
keratotomy knifeKeratotomiemesser {n}
keraunophobiaKeraunophobie {f}
keraunophobic keraunophob
kerb [Br.]Bordstein {m}
kerb [Br.]Steinrand {m}
kerb [Br.] Kante {f}
kerb [Br.]Randstein {m}
kerb [Br.]Bordkante {f}
kerb [Br.] Kantstein {m} [nordd.] [Bordstein]
kerb brokeraußerbörslicher Makler {m}
kerb brokerfreier Makler {m}
kerb crawlers [Br.] [sl.]Freier {pl} [am Autostrich]
kerb dealing außerbörsliches Geschäft {n}
kerb drill [Br.] [before crossing a road]Vorsichtsmaßregeln {pl} [vor dem Überqueren einer Straße]
kerb exchangeFreibörse {f}
kerb height [Br.]Bordsteinhöhe {f}
kerb market außerbörslicher Markt {m}
kerb market [Br.] [after-hours trading] Nachbörse {f}
kerb market priceaußerbörslicher Kurs {m}
kerb price außerbörslicher Kurs {m}
kerb sets {pl}Grabanlage {f} [Grabstein mit Steineinfassung]
kerb weight Leergewicht {n}
kerb weight Leermasse {f}
kerb-crawling [Br.] [also: kerb crawling] Autostrich {m} [ugs.] [Form der Prostitution]
kerb-crawling [Br.] [car prostitution] mit dem Auto den Strich abfahrend [Autostrich]
kerb-crawling area [Br.]Autostrich {m} [ugs.] [Gegend]
kerbing damageVerletzung {f} durch Bordstein
kerbing ribScheuerleiste {f}
kerbing rib Scheuerrippe {f}
kerbmarketNachbörse {f}
kerbmarket prices Nachbörsenpreise {pl}
kerbside [Br.] Bordsteinkante {f}
kerbside collection [Br.] Bordsteinsammlung {f}
kerbside collection [Br.] Sperrmüllsammlung {f}
kerbside parker [Br.] Laternenparker {m} [hum.] [jd., der sein Auto (über Nacht) auf der Straße parkt]
kerbside parking space [Br.]Laternengarage {f} [hum.] [PKW-Stellplatz am Straßenrand]
kerbstone Prellstein {m}
kerbstone [Br.]Randstein {m}
kerbstone [Br.] Bordstein {m}
kerbstone [Br.] Rinnstein {m} [Bordstein]
kerbstone market außerbörslicher Markt {m}
kerch [archaic]Kopftuch {n}
Kerch [Crimea] Kertsch {n} [Krim]
Kerch Strait Straße {f} von Kertsch
kerchief Tuch {n} [quadratisches Hals-, Kopf- oder Taschentuch]
kerchief [literary] [handkerchief] Taschentuch {n} [Stofftaschentuch]
kerchief [round the neck] Halstuch {n}
kerchief [tied round the head] Kopftuch {n}
kerchiefed [literary] [wearing a kerchief]mit Kopftuch [postpos.]
kerchiefsHalstücher {pl}
« KeepkeepkelpkennKenykeraker-Kerrkettkeybkeyf »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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