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English-German Dictionary

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« backPage 24 for words starting with K in the English-German dictionarynext page »
key aspect Kernpunkt {m}
key aspectHauptmerkmal {n}
key aspectsSchlüsselaspekte {pl}
key aspects of activity Schwerpunkte {pl} der Aktivität
key assumptionzentrale These {f}
key bank Tastenreihe {f}
key bar chuck Keilstangenfutter {n}
key battleground [also fig.]Hauptschlachtfeld {n} [auch fig.]
key bed Klaviaturauflage {f}
Key Biscayne [Florida] Key Biscayne {f} [Insel]
Key Biscayne [Florida] Key Biscayne {n} [Stadt]
key bitSchlüsselbart {m}
key bladeSchlüsselhalm {m}
key blankSchlüsselrohling {m}
key bolt Keilbolzen {m}
key bow Schlüsselräute {f} [auch: Schlüssel-Räute] [veraltet bzw. selten] [Reide]
key bow Schlüsselreite {f} [auch: Schlüssel-Reite] [veraltet bzw. selten] [Reide]
key bow [end or ornamental part of a key] Schlüsselreide {f}
key boxSchlüsselkasten {m}
key business Kerngeschäft {n}
key businessmen führende Geschäftsleute {pl}
key buttonTastenknopf {m}
key cabinet Schlüsselschrank {m}
key capabilities Schlüsselfähigkeiten {pl}
key card Kartenschlüssel {m}
key card system Schlüsselkartensystem {n}
key carer [Br.] Bezugspflegekraft {f}
key carer [Br.] Bezugsperson {f} in der Schule
key case Schlüsseletui {n}
key category Schlüsselkategorie {f}
key chainSchlüsselanhänger {m}
key challenge entscheidende Herausforderung {f}
key chamber [channel inside the wind chest of an organ which delivers wind to a pipe or pipes] Tonkanzelle {f} [Orgel]
key change wesentliche Änderung {f}
key characteristicSchlüsseleigenschaft {f}
key clickTastenklick {m}
key clickTastenknacken {n}
key clientsSchlüsselkunden {pl}
key combination Tastenkombination {f}
key compassTastaturumfang {m} [Klaviatur]
key competenceSchlüsselkompetenz {f}
key competences Schlüsselkompetenzen {pl}
key competencies Schlüsselkompetenzen {pl}
key competencySchlüsselkompetenz {f}
key componententscheidende Komponente {f}
key component Schlüsselkomponente {f}
key components Schlüsselkomponenten {pl}
key concept Schlüsselbegriff {m}
key concept Schlüsselkonzept {n}
key concept Leitbegriff {m}
key concepts Schlüsselbegriffe {pl}
key consideration [decision factor] Entscheidungsfaktor {m}
key contribution Schlüsselbeitrag {m}
key contribution wesentlicher Beitrag {m}
key control consoleTastenbedienpult {n}
key course element Ausbildungsschwerpunkt {m}
key covering [esp. on keyboard instruments] Tastenbelag {m} [bes. auf Tasteninstrumente]
key cup [wind instrument]Schale {f} [Klappenschale]
key cup [wind instrument] Klappenschale {f}
key currencyLeitwährung {f}
key currency Schlüsselwährung {f}
key cushion [also: key-cushion] Klappenpolster {n}
key customerSchlüsselkunde {m}
key customerHauptkunde {m}
key customers Schlüsselkunden {pl}
key cutting machine Schlüsselschneidemaschine {f}
key cylinderSchließzylinder {m}
key dataEckdaten {pl}
key data Ordnungsdaten {pl} [Schlüsseldaten]
key dataEckpunkte {pl} [Eckdaten]
key dataKerndaten {pl}
key date Stichtag {m}
key date Schlüsseldatum {n}
key deliverySchlüsselübergabe {f}
key depression Tastenanschlag {m}
key depressionTastendruck {m}
key designationTastenbezeichnung {f}
key deskOrgelpult {n}
key determinantSchlüsselfaktor {m}
key differentiatorHauptunterscheidungsmerkmal {n}
key dip Tiefgang {m} [Klaviaturtaste]
key discovery Schlüsselentdeckung {f}
key document Schlüsseldokument {n}
key driftKeiltreiber {m}
key driver Schlüsselfaktor {m}
key drop Tastenhub {m}
key element Schlüsselelement {n}
key element Kernsatz {m}
key elementKernelement {n}
key element Hauptelement {n}
key element [in a text] Schlüsselstelle {f} [in einem Text]
key employeeSchlüsselmitarbeiter {m}
key encapsulation mechanism <KEM> Schlüsselkapselungsverfahren {n}
key enzyme Schlüsselenzym {n}
key enzymesSchlüsselenzyme {pl}
key errorFehleingabe {f}
key escrow Hinterlegung {f} des Schlüssels bei einer Behörde [Kryptographie]
key eventSchlüsselereignis {n}
key experience Schlüsselerlebnis {n}
key factorSchlüsselfaktor {m}
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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