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English-German Dictionary

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« backPage 26 for words starting with K in the English-German dictionarynext page »
key money Abstand {m} [ugs.]
key money rate Leitzinssatz {m}
key note Grundgedanke {m}
key note Leitmotiv {n}
key number Kennziffer {f}
key number Tastennummer {f}
key objective Schlüsselziel {n}
key objective Leitziel {n}
key of attachment [male] Verankerungselement {n} [männlicher Teil] [bei Prothesen]
key of payment Kostenschlüssel {m}
key of the Nile Nilschlüssel {m}
key of the Nile Anch {n}
key opinion leader <KOL>Key-Opinion-Leader {m} <KOL>
key opinion leader <KOL> Hauptmeinungsführer {m}
key opinion leaders <KOLs> Hauptmeinungsführer {pl}
key organism Schlüsselorganismus {m}
key ownerSchlüsselinhaber {m}
key padTastatur {f}
key pad Klappenpolster {n}
key pad [on woodwind instruments] Klappenunterlage {f}
key pad areaTastaturbereich {m}
key pair Schlüsselpaar {n}
key panel Tastenfeld {n}
key parameters Eckpunkte {pl}
key part Kernstück {n}
key part Schlüsselfunktion {f}
key part [of a person, organisation]Schlüsselrolle {f}
key partner Schlüsselpartner {m}
key passage Schlüsselpassage {f}
key path Schlüsselpfad {m}
key pendant Schlüsselanhänger {m}
key peopleSchlüsselpersonen {pl}
key performance indicator <KPI>Schlüsselertragstreiber {m}
key performance indicator <KPI>Leistungskennzahl {f}
key performance indicator <KPI> Kennzahl {f}
key performance indicator <KPI>(wichtiger) Leistungsindikator {m}
key performance indicator <KPI> Key-Performance-Indikator {m} <KPI>
key performance indicators die wichtigsten Erfolgskennzahlen {pl}
key person Schlüsselperson {f}
key person insuranceSchlüsselkraftversicherung {f} [Lebensversicherung]
key personal data persönliche Kerndaten {pl}
key personalitySchlüsselperson {f}
key personnelLeistungsträger {pl}
key phrase Kernsatz {m}
key piece of evidence Hauptbeweisstück {n}
key piece of evidencewichtigstes Beweisstück {n}
key pinchSchlüsselgriff {m}
key plateSchlüsselplatte {f}
key plateSchlüsselschild {n}
key player Leistungsträger {m}
key playerHauptakteur {m}
key playerSchlüsselspieler {m}
key player Schlüsselfigur {f}
key player [female]Leistungsträgerin {f}
key plug Stöpsel {m}
key pointStichpunkt {m}
key pointKernpunkt {m}
key pointsStichpunkte {pl}
key points Eckpunkte {pl}
key points Stichworte {pl} [Stichpunkte]
key policy decision Entscheidung {f} von politischer Tragweite
key political battle politische Schlüsselschlacht {f}
key position Schlüsselstellung {f}
key positionSchlüsselposition {f}
key positionSchlüsselstelle {f}
key positionSchaltstelle {f}
key post Schlüsselstelle {f} [Posten, Position]
key prerequisite Hauptvoraussetzung {f}
key press Tastendruck {m}
key principles Grundprinzipien {pl}
key problem Schlüsselproblem {n}
key problemHauptproblem {n}
key process Kernprozess {m}
key product Schlüsselprodukt {n}
key product Hauptprodukt {n}
key program [Am.] Schlüsselprogramm {n}
key programme [Br.]Schlüsselprogramm {n}
key projectSchlüsselprojekt {n}
key projectLeitprojekt {n}
key propertiesSchlüsseleigenschaften {pl}
key propertieswesentliche Eigenschaften {pl}
key protein Schlüsselprotein {n}
key qualification Schlüsselqualifikation {f}
key questionSchlüsselfrage {f}
key question Grundsatzfrage {f}
key question Kernfrage {f}
key questions Kernfragen {pl}
key questionsSchlüsselfragen {pl} [zentrale Fragen]
key rack Schlüsselbrett {n}
key reasons entscheidende Gründe {pl}
key regions Schwerpunktregionen {pl}
key regulation [piano] Klaviaturregulierung {f}
key relationshipTonartverwandtschaft {f}
key relay Tastrelais {n}
key releaseSchlüsselfreigabe {f}
key repeatDaueranschlag {m}
key repeatTastenwiederholfunktion {f}
key research area Forschungsschwerpunkt {m}
key resourcehauptsächliche Rohstoffquelle {f}
key responsibilities Hauptzuständigkeiten {pl}
« kerbkeroketokeyakeyekeymkeyrkeywkey-keynkhak »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers