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English-German Dictionary

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key rule Grundregel {f}
key safe Schlüsseltresor {m}
key sceneSchlüsselszene {f}
key sector Schlüsselbranche {f}
key sectorSchlüsselsektor {m}
key seed Schlüsselwert {m}
key sentence Kernsatz {m}
key sentenceSchlüsselsatz {m} [Aussage]
key sequence Tastenfolge {f}
key sequence Tastenkombination {f}
key service Schlüsseldienst {m}
key set Tastensatz {m}
key settlement area [local or regional population center] Siedlungsschwerpunkt {m}
key signal Tastensignal {n}
key signatureGeneralvorzeichen {pl}
key signature Tonartvorzeichnung {f}
key size Schlüsselgröße {f}
key sizeTastengröße {f}
key sizeSchlüssellänge {f}
key skillSchlüsselqualifikation {f}
key skillsSchlüsselqualifikationen {pl}
key skillsSchlüsselkompetenzen {pl}
key source Hauptquelle {f}
key spaceSchlüsselraum {m}
key species {pl} Schlüsselarten {pl}
key spot [e.g. in climbing]Schlüsselstelle {f} [z. B. beim Klettern]
key state Schlüsselstaat {m}
key step Schlüsselschritt {m}
key stimulusSchlüsselreiz {m}
key strand of criticism [rare]zentrale Kritiklinie {f}
key strategy Schlüsselstrategie {f}
key strokeTastenanschlag {m}
key subject Themenschwerpunkt {m}
key substances Schlüsselstoffe {pl}
key success factor <KSF> entscheidender Erfolgsfaktor {m}
key success factor <KSF>wesentlicher Erfolgsfaktor {m}
key success factor <KSF> wichtiger Erfolgsfaktor {m}
key supplier Hauptlieferant {m}
key supplier [key supplier management] Schlüssellieferant {m} [Schlüssellieferantenmanagement]
key supplier management <KSM> Schlüssellieferantenmanagement {n}
key supplier management <KSM> Key Supplier Management {n} <KSM> [Management von Schlüssellieferanten]
key support point Schlüsselargument {n} [das für etw. spricht]
key switchSchlüsselschalter {m}
key switch Kurzhubtaster {m} [Folientastatur]
key switch Langhubtaster {m}
key switch Tastschalter {m}
key switch Tastenschalter {m}
key tagSchlüsselanhänger {m}
key take-away wichtigste Schlussfolgerung {f}
key task Hauptaufgabe {f}
key tasksSchlüsselaufgaben {pl}
key taxon Schlüsseltaxon {n}
key technology Schlüsseltechnologie {f}
key technology Leittechnologie {f}
key term Schlüsselbegriff {m}
key terms Schlüsselbegriffe {pl}
key terrain entscheidender Geländeraum {m}
key terrainSchlüsselgelände {n} <SGL>
key test [also fig.] Schlüsseltest {m} [auch fig.]
key text Schlüsseltext {m}
key texts {pl} [for a semester, term] Semesterapparat {m}
key themeSchlüsselthema {n}
key to an apartment [Am.]Wohnungsschlüssel {m} [Schlüssel zu einer Wohnung]
key to map pagesKartenübersicht {f}
key to successSchlüssel {m} zum Erfolg
key to the apartment [Am.] Wohnungsschlüssel {m} [Schlüssel zur Wohnung]
key to the cityStadtschlüssel {m}
key to the flat [Br.]Wohnungsschlüssel {m}
key topTastenbelag {m}
key topicSchlüsselthema {n}
key topic Hauptthema {n}
key topic Kernthema {n}
key topics Schwerpunktthemen {pl}
key travelTastenhub {m}
key value Schlüsselwert {m}
key value item <KVI> Eckartikel {m}
key visualSchlüsselbild {n} [Leitbild]
key visuals {pl} Key Visuals {pl}
key wallet Schlüsseletui {n}
key way Schlüsselkanal {m}
Key West quail-dove [Geotrygon chrysia] Bahamataube {f}
Key West quail-dove [Geotrygon chrysia] Glanzerdtaube {f}
key witness Hauptzeuge {m}
key witness Kronzeuge {m}
key witnessSchlüsselzeuge {m}
Key Witness [Phil Karlson] Die Wölfe von Los Angeles
key word Schlüsselwort {n}
key word Kennwort {n}
key word Stichwort {n}
key word Leitwort {n}
key word Kernwort {n}
key work zentrales Werk {n} [Roman]
key workSchlüsselwerk {n}
key worker Schlüsselkraft {f}
key woundSchlüsselaufzug {m}
(key) bow Schlüsselkopf {m} [Schlüsselreide, Reide]
(key) financial figures Finanzkennzahlen {pl}
key-agreement protocol Schlüsselaustauschprotokoll {n}
keyaki [Zelkova serrata, syn.: Z. acuminata, Z. hirta, Z. keaki] Japanische Zelkove {f}
keyaki [Zelkova serrata, syn.: Z. acuminata, Z. hirta, Z. keaki] Keakibaum {m}
« keroketokeyakeyfkeyokeyrkeybkeyekeypkhamKhor »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers