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English-German Dictionary

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keyaki [Zelkova serrata, syn.: Z. acuminata, Z. hirta, Z. keaki] Japanische Zelkove {f}
keyaki [Zelkova serrata, syn.: Z. acuminata, Z. hirta, Z. keaki]Keakibaum {m}
keybed [also: key bed] Klaviaturboden {m}
key-binding [also: keybinding] [shortcut] Tastenbelegung {f}
keybindings {pl}Tastaturbelegung {f}
keyboard Tastatur {f}
keyboardTastenfeld {n}
keyboardKeyboard {n}
keyboardManual {n} [Tasteninstrument]
keyboardComputertastatur {f}
keyboard [also fig.]Klaviatur {f} [auch fig.]
keyboard [attr.] [e.g. connection, driver, entry, layout, lockout] Tastatur- [z. B. Anschluss, Treiber, Eingabe, Belegung, Verriegelung]
keyboard [attr.] [e.g. instrument, shortcut, stroke]Tasten- [z. B. Instrument, Kürzel, Anschlag]
keyboard [attr.] [piano] [e.g. arrangement, technique] Klavier- [z. B. Bearbeitung, Technik]
keyboard [for hanging keys] Schlüsselbrett {n}
keyboard amp [coll.] [keyboard amplifier] Keyboardverstärker {m}
keyboard amplifier Keyboardverstärker {m}
keyboard arrangement Klavierbearbeitung {f}
keyboard bench Keyboardbank {f}
keyboard buffer Tastaturspeicher {m}
keyboard buffer Tastaturpuffer {m}
keyboard cleaning kit Tastaturreinigungsset {n}
keyboard collection [keyboard instrument/music] Klaviersammlung {f} [Klavierinstrument oder Klaviermusik]
keyboard configuration Tastaturkonfiguration {f}
keyboard connection Tastaturanschluss {m}
keyboard correction Korrektur {f} über Tastatur
keyboard design Tastaturgestaltung {f}
keyboard driver Tastaturtreiber {m}
keyboard encoder Tastaturcodierer {m}
keyboard entry Tastatureingabe {f}
keyboard entry error Tastatureingabefehler {m}
keyboard input manuelle Programmeingabe {f}
keyboard inquiryTastaturabfrage {f}
keyboard instrumentKlavierinstrument {n}
keyboard instrument Clavier {n} [bis zum 18. Jahrhundert allgemein ein Tasteninstrument]
keyboard instrument Tasteninstrument {n}
keyboard instruments Tasteninstrumente {pl}
keyboard interlock Tastatursperre {f}
keyboard keyTastaturtaste {f}
keyboard layout Tastaturbelegung {f}
keyboard layoutTastaturlayout {m}
keyboard literature Tastaturliteratur {f}
keyboard lockout Tastaturverriegelung {f}
keyboard musicMusik {f} für Tasteninstrumente
keyboard music Tastenmusik {f}
keyboard player Keyboarder {m}
keyboard player Keyboardspieler {m}
keyboard player [female]Keyboarderin {f}
keyboard printer Terminaldrucker {m}
keyboard program input [Am.]manuelle Programmeingabe {f}
keyboard range Klaviaturumfang {m}
keyboard shortcut Tastaturkurzbefehl {m}
keyboard shortcutTastaturkürzel {n}
keyboard shortcutTastenkürzel {n}
keyboard shortcutsTastaturkürzel {pl}
keyboard shortcutsTastaturkurzbefehle {pl}
keyboard stand Keyboardständer {m}
keyboard strokeTastenanschlag {m}
keyboard technique Tastenspieltechnik {f} [selten]
keyboard technique [esp. piano technique] Klaviertechnik {f}
keyboard type Tastaturtyp {m}
keyboard warrior [coll.] [pej.]Tastaturkrieger {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
keyboard with 7 membrane-switch arrays Folientastatur {f} mit 7 Tastenfeldern
["keyboard exercises": understatement for challenging pieces, J.S. Bach in particular]Clavier-Übung {f} [veraltet]
["keyboard exercises": understatement for challenging pieces, J.S. Bach in particular] Klavierübung {f}
[keyboard instrument strung with gut strings, the tone of which is produced by a steadily revolving well rosined cylinder] Bogenklavier {n}
[keyboard instrument strung with gut strings, the tone of which is produced by a steadily revolving well rosined cylinder] Streichklavier {n}
[keyboard instrument strung with gut strings, the tone of which is produced by a steadily revolving well rosined cylinder] Bogenflügel {m}
[keyboard instrument strung with gut strings, the tone of which is produced by a steadily revolving well rosined cylinder]Geigenwerk {n} [Streichklavier]
[keyboard instrument strung with gut strings, the tone of which is produced by a steadily revolving well rosined cylinder] Geigenklavizimbel {n} [veraltet]
[keyboard with normal key layout and raised Braille letters on the keys] Schwarzschrifttastatur {f}
keyboard-actuated tastengesteuert
keyboard-controlled tastaturgesteuert
keyboarderDatenerfasser {m}
keyboardist Spieler {m} von Tasteninstrumenten
keyboardist Keyboarder {m}
keyboardist Keyboardspieler {m}
keyboardist Tastenmann {m}
keyboardist [female]Spielerin {f} von Tasteninstrumenten
keyboardist [female] Keyboarderin {f}
keyboard-operated tastengesteuert
keyboard-operated tastaturgesteuert
keyboardsTastaturen {pl}
keybounceTastenprellen {n}
keycard Schlüsselkarte {f}
keycard Kartenschlüssel {m}
keycard system Schlüsselkartensystem {n}
keychainSchlüsselanhänger {m}
keycodes Tastencodes {pl}
key-controlled tastaturgesteuert
key-controlled tastengesteuert
key-cutting service Schlüsseldienst {m}
key-cutting shop [Br.] Schlüsselfachgeschäft {n}
keydesk [organ console] Spielanlage {f} [Orgelspieltisch]
keydesk [organ console] Spieltisch {m} [Orgel]
key-driven tastengesteuert
keyed getastet
« ketokeyakeyfkeyokeyrkeyakeyekey-KhalKhopkick »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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