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khanneshite [(NaCa)3(Ba,Sr,Ce,Ca)3(CO3)5]Khanneshit {m}
Khanty Chanten {pl}
Khanty [also: Hanti]Chantisch {n}
Khanty languagechantische Sprache {f}
khapra beetle [Trogoderma granarium]Khaprakäfer {m}
khapra beetles [family Dermestidae] Speckkäfer {pl}
kharaelakhite [(Pt,Cu,Pb,Fe,Ni)9S8] Kharaelakhit {m}
Kharijites [Islamic sect]Chardschiten {pl} [auch: Charidschiten, Kharidjiten, Khawaridj, Ḥarūrīya]
Khariton Prokofievich Laptev Chariton Prokofjewitsch Laptew {m}
KharkivCharkiw {n}
KharkovCharkow {n}
KharkovCharkiw {n}
Khartoum Khartum {n}
Khartoum Khartoum {n}
Khartoum [Basil Dearden]Khartoum
kharza [Martes flavigula]Buntmarder {m}
Khasab al-Chasab {n}
Khasavyurt Chassawjurt {n}
KhashuriChaschuri {n}
Khasi (language) Khasi {n} [Sprache]
Khasi (people) [also: Khāsi] Khasi {pl}
Khasi pine [Pinus kesiya, syn.: P. insularis, P. khasya]Luzon-Kiefer {f}
Khasi pine [Pinus kesiya, syn.: P. insularis, P. khasya] Philippinen-Kiefer {f}
Khasia berry / khasiaberry [Cotoneaster simonsii] Himalaya-Zwergmispel {f}
Khasia berry / khasiaberry [Cotoneaster simonsii] Steife Zwergmispel {f}
Khasia berry / khasiaberry [Cotoneaster simonsii] Steife Strauchmispel {f}
Khasia pine [Pinus kesiya, syn.: P. insularis, P. khasya]Luzon-Kiefer {f}
Khasia pine [Pinus kesiya, syn.: P. insularis, P. khasya]Philippinen-Kiefer {f}
khat [Catha edulis]Abessinischer Tee {m}
khat [Catha edulis] Khatstrauch {m}
khat [Catha edulis] Kath {n}
khat [Catha edulis] Abessiniertee {m}
khat [Catha edulis] Arabischer Kathstrauch {m}
khat plant [Catha edulis]Kathstrauch {m}
khatyrkite [(Cu,Zn)Al2]Khatyrkit {m}
Khazar [attr.]chasarisch
Khazars Chasaren {pl}
khazi [Br.] [coll.] Toilette {f}
khazi cleaner [male] [Br.] [coll.] [pej.]Klomann {m} [ugs.]
Khedivate of Egypt [1867-1914]Khedivat {n} Ägypten [auch: Chedivat Ägypten]
khedive Khedive {m}
Kheiron [Chiron] Cheiron {m}
khella [Ammi visnaga]Bischofskraut {n}
khella [Ammi visnaga] Zahnstocherkraut {n}
khella [Ammi visnaga] Zahnstocherammei {m}
khella [Ammi visnaga] Ammei {m}
khella [Ammi visnaga] Khella {f}
Khentkaus I [also: Khentkawes I, Khentkawess I] [queen of Ancient Egypt during the 4th dynasty] Chentkaus {f} I. [altägyptische Königin gegen Ende der 4. Dynastie]
Kher [Ind.] [Senegalia senegal, syn.: Acacia senegal] [gum arabic tree] Gummiarabikumbaum {m}
Kherson [Ukraine] Cherson {n}
Khevsureti Chewsuretien {n}
Khevsureti [dialect of Georgian] Chewsur {n} [auch: Chevsur]
Khevsuria [Khevsureti] Chewsurien {n}
khibinskite [K2ZrSi2O7] Khibinskit {m}
KhimkiChimki {n}
Khinchin-Kolmogorov theorem [Wiener-Khintchin theorem] Chintschin-Kolmogorow-Theorem {n} [Wiener-Chintschin-Theorem]
Khinchin's constantChintschin-Konstante {f}
Khinghan fir [Abies nephrolepis, syn.: A. sibiriconephrolepis, A. koreana f. prostrata, A. sibirica var. nephrolepis] Mandschurische Tanne {f}
Khinghan fir [Abies nephrolepis, syn.: A. sibiriconephrolepis, A. koreana f. prostrata, A. sibirica var. nephrolepis] Ostsibirische Tanne {f}
khinite-3T [PbCu(OH)2TeO6] Khinit-3T {m}
khinite-4O [PbCu(OH)2TeO6] Khinit-4O {m}
Khíos Chios {n}
Khitan Kitan {m}
Khitan people Kitan {pl} [auch: Khitan, Qidan] [nordostasiatisches Volk]
KhitansKitan {pl} [auch: Khitan, Qidan] [nordostasiatisches Volk]
Khlysts [Russian sect] Chlysten {pl}
Khlysty [Russian sect]Chlysten {pl}
khmaralite [(Mg,Al)7Fe [O2|(Al,Si,Be)6O18]] Khmaralit {m}
Khmelnytsky Uprising [also: Chmielnicki Uprising] Chmelnyzkyj-Aufstand {m}
Khmer Khmer {n}
Khmer kravanh chruk [Cyperus rotundus] [coco-grass, Java grass] Knolliges Zypergras {n}
Khmer peopleKhmer {pl}
Khmer RougeRote Khmer {pl}
Khmer (woman) Khmer {f}
Khmerian khmerisch
Khnum [also: Khnemu] [Egyptian god] Chnum {m} [ägyptischer Gott]
Khoikhoi Khoikhoi {pl}
Khoisan [also: Khoesaan, Khoesan or Khoe–San]Khoisan {pl}
Khoisan languages [also: Khoesan, Khoesaan] Khoisansprachen {pl}
khoja Hodscha {m}
khojah [spv.]Hodscha {m}
khol pencilKajalstift {m}
Khoni Choni {n}
khopesh [sickle sword] Chepesch {n} [Sichelschwert]
Khopyor [river in Russia]Chopjor {m} [Fluss in Russland]
Khopyor [river in Russia]Choper {m} [Fluss in Russland]
Khor [Ind.] [Senegalia senegal, syn.: Acacia senegal] [gum arabic tree]Gummiarabikumbaum {m}
Khorasan Chorasan {n}
Khorasan wheat [Triticum turanicum, syn.: Triticum turgidum subsp. turanicum] Khorasan-Weizen / Khorasanweizen {m}
Khorramshahr Chorramschahr {n}
Khoshots Choschuten {pl}
KhoshotsKhoshuud {pl}
Khosrow I Chosrau {m} I.
Khovanshchina [Mussorgsky]Chowanschtschina [Mussorgski]
Khrushchyovka Chruschtschowka {f}
khubz [also: khoubz, khobz] [Arabic flatbread; an Arabic word for bread] Chubz {n} [auch: Khubz, Khuboos, Khubus] [arabisches Fladenbrot]
Khuff Formation Khuff-Formation {f}
Khufu [Cheops] Chufu {m} [Cheops]
Khumbu GlacierKhumbu-Gletscher {m}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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