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kip [Irish] [coll.] [dirty place]Dreckloch {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
kipa [spv.] Kippa {f}
kipa [spv.]Kippah {f}
kipah [spv.]Kippa {f}
kipah [spv.]Kippah {f}
Kipchaks Kumanen {pl} [Kyptschaken]
Kipfler potatoes [also: kipfler potatoes] Kipfler {pl} [österr.] [Kartoffelsorte aus der Gruppe der Fingerkartoffeln, Hörnchenkartoffeln oder Zapfenkartoffeln]
kippah Kippa {f} [jüdische Kopfbedeckung]
kippahKippah {f}
kipper Bückling {m}
kipper Räucherhering {m}
kipper [Aus.] [archaic] [sl.] [British man] Brite {m}
kippered Räucher- [Fisch]
kippered herring geräucherter (englischer) Hering {m}
kippersBücklinge {pl}
kippers [Br.] [coll.]Nesthocker {pl} [ugs.]
kippot {pl} [skullcaps]Kippot {pl}
kipunji [Rungwecebus kipunji] Kipunji-Affe {m}
kipunji [Rungwecebus kipunji] Kipunji {m}
kipunji [Rungwecebus kipunji] Hochlandmangabe {f}
kipushite [(Cu,Zn)5Zn(PO4)2(OH)6·H2O]Kipushit {m}
kir Kir {m}
Kir (River)Kir {m} [Fluss]
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse [North America] Kirby und der Regenbogen-Pinsel
Kirby and the Rainbow PaintbrushKirby und der Regenbogen-Pinsel
kirby grip [also: Kirbigrip ®] [Br.]Haarklemme {f}
Kirby's Epic YarnKirby und das magische Garn
Kirby's sand wasp [Podalonia affinis] [rare] Kurzstiel-Sandwespe {f}
Kirchenkampf [1933-1945]Kirchenkampf {m}
kircherite [[Na5Ca2K]8(Si6Al6O24)(SO4)2·0.33H2O]Kircherit {m}
kirchhoffite [CsBSi2O6] Kirchhoffit {m}
Kirchhoff's 1st law 1. Kirchhoff'sches Gesetz {n}
Kirchhoff's 2nd law 2. Kirchhoff'sches Gesetz {n}
Kirchhoff's circuit laws <KCLs> kirchhoffsche Regeln {pl} [1. und 2. kirchhoffscher Satz]
Kirchhoff's current lawKnotenregel {f}
Kirchhoff's current law <KCL> Knotenpunktsatz {m}
Kirchhoff's current law <KCL> 1. Kirchhoff'sches Gesetz {n}
Kirchhoff's current law <KCL> [also: Kirchhoff current law] Kirchhoff'sches Stromgesetz {n}
Kirchhoff's current law <KCL> [also: Kirchhoff current law]kirchhoffsches Stromgesetz {n}
Kirchhoff's first law Knotenregel {f}
Kirchhoff's first law Knotenpunktsatz {m}
Kirchhoff's first lawerstes Kirchhoff'sches Gesetz {n}
Kirchhoff's junction rule [Kirchhoff's first law]Knotenregel {f} [1. Kirchhoff'sches Gesetz]
Kirchhoff's lawKirchhoffsches Gesetz {n} [alt]
Kirchhoff's law Kirchhoff'sches Gesetz {n}
Kirchhoff's lawkirchhoffsches Gesetz {n}
Kirchhoff's law of thermal radiation Kirchhoffsches Strahlungsgesetz {n} [alt]
Kirchhoff's law of thermal radiationkirchhoffsches Strahlungsgesetz {n}
Kirchhoff's law of thermal radiationKirchhoff'sches Strahlungsgesetz {n}
Kirchhoff's lawsKirchhoff'sche Gesetze {pl}
Kirchhoff's lawsKirchhoff'sche Regeln {pl}
Kirchhoff's loop rule [Kirchhoff's second law] Maschensatz {m} [2. Kirchhoff'sches Gesetz]
Kirchhoff's matrix tree theoremMatrix-Gerüst-Satz {m} [Satz von Kirchhoff]
Kirchhoff's mesh rule [Kirchhoff's second law]Maschenregel {f} [2. Kirchhoff'sches Gesetz]
Kirchhoff's nodal rule [Kirchhoff's first law] Knotenpunktregel {f} [1. Kirchhoff'sches Gesetz]
Kirchhoff's point rule [Kirchhoff's first law]Kirchhoff'scher Knotenpunktsatz {m} [1. Kirchhoff'sches Gesetz]
Kirchhoff's second law Maschensatz {m}
Kirchhoff's second lawMaschenregel {f}
Kirchhoff's second law zweites Kirchhoff'sches Gesetz {n}
Kirchhoff's theorem [also: theorem of Kirchhoff-Trent]Satz {m} von Kirchhoff-Trent [auch: Satz von Kirchhoff]
Kirchhoff's voltage lawMaschenregel {f}
Kirchhoff's voltage law <KVL>Maschensatz {m}
Kirchhoff's voltage law <KVL>2. Kirchhoff'sches Gesetz {n}
Kirchhoff's voltage law <KVL>Maschengleichung {f}
Kirchhoff's voltage law <KVL> [also: Kirchhoff voltage law]kirchhoffsches Spannungsgesetz {n}
Kirchhoff's voltage law <KVL> [also: Kirchhoff voltage law] Kirchhoff'sches Spannungsgesetz {n}
kireji Kireji {n}
Kirghiz kirgisisch
Kirghiz Kirgise {m}
Kirghiz {pl} [rarely also: Kirghizes] Kirgisen {pl}
Kirghiz [female]Kirgisin {f}
Kirghiz Soviet Socialist Republic <KSSR / KiSSR> Kirgisische Sozialistische Sowjetrepublik {f} <KSSR / KiSSR>
Kirghizia even-fingered gecko [Alsophylax tokobajevi] Tien Schan-Gecko {m}
Kirghizia even-fingered gecko [Alsophylax tokobajevi]Tokobajew-Gecko {m}
Kirgiz Kirgisen {pl}
Kirgizia [dated] [part of the Russian Empire] Kirgisien {n} [veraltet]
Kiribati <.ki> Kiribati {n}
Kiribatian kiribatisch
KiribatianKiribatier {m}
Kiribatian [female]Kiribatierin {f}
kirigami Kirigami {n}
Kiritimati reed warbler [Acrocephalus aequinoctialis, syn.: A. pistor] Fanning-Rohrsänger {m}
Kirk [Scot.] [Church of Scotland] Kirche {f} von Schottland
kirk [Scot.] [N. Engl.] Kirche {f}
Kirkby Glacier Kirkby-Gletscher {m}
kirkiite [Pb10Bi3As3S19] Kirkiit {m}
Kirk's dik-dik [Madoqua kirkii, Madoqua kirki] Kirk-Dikdik {n} [Zwergantilope]
Kirk's dik-dik [Madoqua kirkii, Madoqua kirki] Damara-Dikdik {m}
Kirk's francolin [Peliperdix rovuma]Kirkfrankolin {m}
Kirk's red colobus [Piliocolobus kirkii, syn.: Procolobus kirkii] Sansibar-Stummelaffe {m}
Kirk's woodpecker [Veniliornis kirkii] Blutbürzelspecht {m} [auch: Blutbürzel-Specht]
Kirkwood / Kirkwood's gap Kirkwoodlücke {f}
Kirlian photography Kirlianfotografie {f}
Kirlian photographyKoronaentladungsfotografie {f} [auch: Hochfrequente Hochspannungs- oder Kirlianfotografie]
kirn [Scot.]Butterfass {n}
kirner Handbohrer {m}
kirnmilk [Scot., N. Engl.: buttermilk]Buttermilch {f}
Kirombo courol [Leptosomus discolor]Kurol {m}
Kirov Kirow {n}
« kingkingKingKingkinkkip[kirskisskitckitckith »
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