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Klein-Gordon equation Klein-Gordon-Gleichung {f}
kleingrass [Am.] [Panicum coloratum] Buntes Hirsegras {n}
kleinite [Hg2N(Cl,SO4)·H2O] Kleinit {m}
Kleinmann's tortoise [Testudo kleinmanni, syn.: T. leithii, T. werneri]Ägyptische Landschildkröte {f}
Klein's ® (pliers) [Am.] [also: Kleins (generic trademark)] Kombizange {f}
Klein's butterflyfish [Chaetodon kleinii] Kleins Falterfisch {m}
Klein's group [also: Klein group] (kleinsche) Vierergruppe {f}
Kleinstaaterei [proliferation of small states] Kleinstaaterei {f}
Kleinwalsertal ["Little Walser Valley"] [Vorarlberg, Austria] Kleinwalsertal {n}
Kleio [also Clio] Kleio {f}
Kleist bottle [less common for: Leyden jar] Kleist'sche Flasche {f}
Klemmer's day gecko [Phelsuma klemmeri]Blauer Bambusgecko {m}
Klemmer's day gecko [Phelsuma klemmeri] Blauer Bambus-Taggecko {m}
Klenow enzyme Klenow-Enzym {n} [auch: Klenowenzym]
Klenow fragmentKlenow-Fragment {n}
klepht Klephte {m}
klepht Klefte {m} [Rsv.] [Klephte]
Klepper coat [Klepper ®] Kleppermantel {m} [Klepper ®]
kleptic [rare] [thievish] diebisch
kleptochemistryKleptochemie {f}
kleptocnidae Kleptocniden {pl}
kleptocracyKleptokratie {f}
kleptocracy Herrschaft {f} der Plünderer [fig.]
kleptocracy Diebesherrschaft {f} [ugs.]
kleptocratKleptokrat {m}
kleptography Kleptographie {f}
kleptomaniaNeigung {f} zum Stehlen
kleptomania Stehlsucht {f}
kleptomaniaKleptomanie {f}
kleptomaniaStehltrieb {m}
kleptomaniacKleptomane {m}
kleptomaniac [female]Kleptomanin {f}
kleptomaniacal kleptomanisch
kleptoparasitic kleptoparasitisch
kleptoparasitism Kleptoparasitismus {m}
kleptophobia Kleptophobie {f}
kleptophobic kleptophob
kleptoplastid Kleptoplastid {m} {n}
kleptothermyKleptothermie {f}
klewang [sword]Klewang {n}
klezmer [female] [musician]Klezmerin {f} [Musikerin]
klezmer [music]Klezmer {m} {f} [Musik]
klezmer [musician]Klezmer {m} [Musiker]
klick [coll.] [kilometer, kilometre]Kilometer {m} <km>
klieg eyes {pl} [sometimes also: Klieg eyes] [eye inflammation] Augenentzündung {f} [durch grelles Scheinwerferlicht hervorgerufen]
klieg eyes [also: Klieg eyes, kleig eyes] [watering of the eyes from exposure to intense light] tränende Augen {pl} [durch Einwirkung grellen Scheinwerferlichts]
klieg lightJupiterlampe {f} [lichtstarke Bogenlampe zur Film- u. Bühnenbeleuchtung]
klik [coll.] [spv.] [klick] Kilometer {m} <km>
klinai [type of ancient Greek / Roman furniture]Kline {f}
Klinefelter syndrome <KS> Klinefelter-Syndrom {n} <KS>
Klinggraeff's bryum moss [Bryum klinggraeffii]Klinggräffs Birnmoos {n}
Klingon klingonisch
Klingon Klingone {m}
Klingon [female] Klingonin {f}
Klingon language klingonische Sprache {f} [Eigenbezeichnung: tlhIngan Hol]
Klingons [Star Trek]Klingonen {pl}
Kling's file snake [Gonionotophis klingi] Westliche Zwerg-Feilennatter {f}
Klinkapel Kleinkapell {n}
klinobisvanite [BiVO4] Klinobisvanit {m}
klinohumite [(Mg,Fe)9(SiO4)4(F,OH)2] Klinohumit {m}
klinokinesis Klinokinese {f}
klinotaxisKlinotaxis {f}
klinoungemachite [K3Na9Fe [(OH)3|(SO4)6]·9H2O]Klinoungemachit {m}
klipfish Klippfisch {m}
klippe Klippe {f}
Klippel-Feil syndrome [also Klippel-Feil's syndrome] Klippel-Feil-Syndrom {n}
Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome <KTWS> Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber-Syndrom {n} <KTWS>
klipspringer [Oreotragus oreotragus]Klippspringer {m}
klirr factor Klirrfaktor {m}
kliseometer Kliseometer {n}
kliseometer Beckenneigungsmesser {m}
klobuk Klobuk {m}
klöchite [KNaFe2Zn3 [Si12O30]] Klöchit {m}
Klochor birch mouse [Sicista kluchorica] Kluchor-Birkenmaus {f}
klockmannite [CuSe]Klockmannit {m}
Kłodzko ValleyGlatzer Kessel {m}
KlondikeKlondike {m}
kloof [S.Afr.] tiefe Schlucht {f}
klootschieten [standing-style ball shooting, played along the coast and borders of North Germany] Klootschießen {n} [nordd.] [eine Art Eisschießen]
klöpper head [torispherical or decimal head] Klöpperboden {m} [gewölbter Boden]
Kloss' rough water snake [Fimbrios klossi]Kleine Lippennatter {f}
Kloss' snake [Fimbrios klossi] Kleine Lippennatter {f}
Kloss squirrel [Callosciurus notatus albescens, syn.: C. albescens]Kloss-Hörnchen {n}
Kloss's gibbon [Hylobates klossii] Kloss-Gibbon {m}
Kloss's gibbon [Hylobates klossii] Mentawai-Gibbon {m}
Kloss's gibbon [Hylobates klossii] Zwergsiamang {m}
Kloss's gibbon [Hylobates klossii]Biloh {m}
Kloss's mole [Euroscaptor klossi]Kloss-Maulwurf {m}
Kloss's squirrel [Callosciurus notatus albescens, syn.: C. albescens]Kloss-Hörnchen {n}
Klotho [protein] Klotho {n} [Protein]
Kluber ® grease Klüberfett {n} [Klüber ®]
Kluchor birch mouse [Sicista kluchorica] Kluchor-Birkenmaus {f}
kludgeMurks {m} [ugs.]
kludge Pfusch {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
kludge [Am.] Programmiertrick {m}
kludge [Br.] [coll.] [a botched or makeshift program] Drecksprogramm {n} [vulg.]
kludge [Br.] [sl.]Bastellösung {f}
kludge [coll.] [workaround] [schnelle, temporäre Problemlösung]
« kisskitckitckithkiwiKleikludknavkneekneeknif »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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