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Koeleria eriostachya [Junegrass species] Wollährige Kammschmiele {f} [Süßgrasspezies]
Koeleria eriostachya [Junegrass species] Wollige Kammschmiele {f} [Süßgrasspezies]
Koeleria eriostachya [Junegrass species]Wolliges Schillergras {n}
Koeleria eriostachya [Junegrass species]Woll-Schillergras {n}
Koeleria hirsuta [Junegrass species; Poaceae] Behaarte Kammschmiele {f} [Süßgrasspezies]
Koelliker's glass lizard [Ophisaurus koellikeri, syn.: Hyalosaurus koellikeri]Marokko-Schleiche {f}
Koelsch [beer from Cologne]Kölsch {n}
koenenite [Na4Mg9Al4Cl12(OH)22]Koenenit {m}
Koenig & Bauer (AG) [manufacturer of printing presses] Koenig & Bauer AG {f}
Koepcke's hermit [Phaethornis koepckeae]Koepckeeremit {m}
Koepcke's hermit [Phaethornis koepckeae] Orangebrauner Schattenkolibri {m}
Koepcke's screech owl [Megascops koepckeae]Koepcke-Kreischeule {f}
Koeppe's nodules [also: Koeppe nodules] Koeppe-Knötchen {pl}
Koerwitz GlacierKoerwitz-Gletscher {m}
Koettlitz GlacierKoettlitz-Gletscher {m}
Koettlitz Névé Koettlitz-Firnfeld {n}
koff [archaic]Kuff {f} [veraltet]
Kofiau monarch [Monarcha julianae] Julianamonarch {m}
Kofiau paradise kingfisher [Tanysiptera ellioti] Elliotliest {m}
Kofiau paradise-kingfisher [Tanysiptera ellioti]Elliotliest {m} [auch: Elliot-Liest]
Koforea barbet [Megalaima javensis, syn.: Psilopogon javensis]Javabartvogel {m}
koftaKöfte {f} {n}
kogal [coll.] [stylish Japanese girl often wearing a mini skirt]Kogal {f} [ugs.] [junge konsumorientierte Japanerin, oft Minirock tragend]
kogarkoite [Na3(SO4)F] Kogarkoit {m}
Koh Tao caecilian [Ichthyophis kohtaoensis] Koa-Tao-Blindwühle {f}
Koh Tao snake frog [Ichthyophis kohtaoensis]Koa-Tao-Blindwühle {f}
Koheleth Kohelet {m}
kohlKajal {n}
kohl pencil Kajalstift {m}
kohl powderKajalpuder {m} [ugs. auch {n}]
kohled eyesschwarz umrandete Augen {pl}
Kohler relation kohlersche Beziehung {f}
Köhler-Pellegrini shadow [Köhler-Pellegrini-Stieda syndrome]Stieda-Pellegrini-Köhler-Schatten {m}
Köhler-Stieda-Pellegrini syndrome [Köhler-Stieda-Pellegrini disease]Stieda-Pellegrini-Köhler-Schatten {m}
kohlrabi Kohlrabi {m}
kohlrabiesKohlrabi {pl}
kohlrabies {pl} Kohlrabis {pl}
Kohlrausch's fold Kohlrausch-Falte {f}
Kohnstamm's phenomenon Kohnstamm-Phänomen {n}
Kohona cat Gummihautkatze {f} [Kohona-Katze]
Kohona catKohona-Katze {f}
Kohona cat Glatzenkatze {f} [Kohona-Katze]
koi [Cyprinus carpio]Koi {m}
koi breederKoizüchter {m}
koi breedingKoizucht {f} [Züchten von Kois]
koi (carps) [short for: nishikigoi (carps)] Kois {pl} [kurz für: Nishikigoi, Nishikigois]
koi pondKoiteich {m}
koilocyte Koilozyt {m}
koilocytic atypia [koilocytosis] Koilozytose {f}
koilocytosisKoilozytose {f}
koilocytotic atypia [koilocytosis] Koilozytose {f}
koilonychia Löffelnagel {m}
koilonychia Koilonychie {f}
koilonychia Hohlnagel {m}
koilonychia Nagelverdünnung {f}
koilonychia Eierschalennagel {m} [Koilonychie]
koilosternia [Pectus excavatum, Pectus infundibulum, Pectus recurvatum] [funnel chest] Trichterbrust {f}
Koine Greek Koine {f}
Koiné language Koine {f} [Verkehrssprache einer Region]
koiné (language) Ausgleichssprache {f} [Koinesprache]
koinobiont koinobiont
koinobiont parasitoidkoinobionter Parasitoid {m}
koinon Koinon {n}
KojakKojak – Einsatz in Manhattan
koji [fermentation substance used in Japanese cuisine] Koji {n} [in Japan verwendete Fermentationssubstanz]
kojic acid Kojisäure {f}
Kojiki [Japanese chronicle] Kojiki {n}
Kök Türks [also: Göktürks]Kök-Türken {pl} [auch: Göktürken]
kokako [Callaeas cinerea] Graulappenvogel {m}
kōkako [Callaeas cinereus, syn.: C. cinerea]Lappenkrähe {f}
kōkako [Callaeas cinereus, syn.: C. cinerea]Kokako {m}
kokanee (salmon) [Am.] [Can.] [Oncorhynchus nerka] [sockeye salmon] Rotlachs {m} [Blaurückenlachs]
kokchetavite [KAlSi3O8] Kokchetavit {m} [ein Kalifeldspat]
kokkenmoddinger {pl} [shell middens]Kökkenmöddinger {pl}
kokkenmoddinger {pl} [shell middens] Kjökkenmöddinger {pl}
koklass [Pucrasia macrolopha]Koklassfasan {m}
koklass [Pucrasia macrolopha]Koklasfasan {m}
koklass [Pucrasia macrolopha] Schopffasan {m}
koklass pheasant [Pucrasia macrolopha] Koklasfasan {m}
koklass pheasant [Pucrasia macrolopha]Schopffasan {m}
koklass pheasant [Pucrasia macrolopha] Koklassfasan {m}
koko [Albizia lebbeck, syn.: A. latifolia, Feuilleea lebbeck, Mimosa lebbeck] [lebbek tree]Regenbaum {m} [Lebbekbaum]
Koko [Peter Straub]Koko
Kokoda Track [Aus.] Kokoda Track {m}
Kokoda Trail [Am.] Kokoda Track {m}
kokoshnik [traditional Russian headdress worn by women] Kokoschnik {m} [nationaler Kopfputz russischer Frauen]
kokrodua (tree) [Pericopsis elata, syn.: Afrormosia elata] [Afromosia, Afrormosia]Kokrodua {f} [Laubbaumart]
Kokshetau [city in Kazakhstan] Kökschetau {n} [Stadt in Kasachstan]
koktaite [(NH4)2Ca(SO4)2·H2O] Koktait {m}
kola nut Kolanuss {f}
kola nut (tree) [Cola nitida, syn.: Sterculia nitida] Großer Kolabaum {m}
Kola Peninsula Halbinsel {f} Kola
Kola PeninsulaKola-Halbinsel {f} [auch: Kolahalbinsel]
kola (tree) [Cola nitida, syn.: Sterculia nitida] Großer Kolabaum {m}
kola weevil [Balanogastris kolae] Kolanussrüssler {m}
kolache Kolatsche {f} [bes. österr.]
Kolahoi GlacierKolahoi-Gletscher {m} [auch: Kolahoigletscher]
Kolan vole [Caryomys inez, syn.: Eothenomys inez, Microtus nux] Kolan-Rötelmaus {f}
Kolan vole [Caryomys inez, syn.: Eothenomys inez, Microtus nux] Inez-Rotrücken-Wühlmaus {f}
kolarite [PbTeCl2]Kolarit {m}
« knotknowknowknowknurKoelKolbKondKoraKorfKoso »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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