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Lawrence (quail) dove [Geotrygon lawrencii] Purpurrücken-Wachteltaube {f}
Lawrence's cacique [Cacicus cela] Gelbbürzelkassike {f}
Lawrence's cacique [Cacicus cela]Gelbrücken-Stirnvogel {m}
Lawrence's goldfinch [Spinus lawrencei, syn.: Carduelis lawrencei] Maskenzeisig {m}
Lawrence's quail dove [Geotrygon lawrencii]Purpurrückentaube {f}
Lawrence's thrush [Turdus lawrencii]Lawrencedrossel {f}
Lawrence's thrush [Turdus lawrencii] Braundrossel {f}
Lawrence's tuftedcheek [Pseudocolaptes lawrencii] Fahlwangen-Astspäher {m}
Lawrence's tuftedcheek [Pseudocolaptes lawrencii]Panamaschopfohr {n}
Lawrence's warbler [Vermivora pinus, syn.: V. cyanoptera, Helminthophila pinus]Blauflügel-Waldsänger {m}
lawrencite [FeCl2] Lawrencit {m}
lawrencium <Lr>Lawrencium {n} <Lr>
lawrencium atomLawrenciumatom {n}
lawrencium isotope Lawrenciumisotop {n} [auch: Lawrencium-Isotop]
laws Gesetze {pl}
laws {pl} of war Kriegsrecht {n}
laws {pl} regarding professions [esp. learned ones] Berufsrecht {n}
laws [esp. fig.]Gesetzlichkeiten {pl} [bes. fig.]
Laws [treated as sg.] [Platonic dialogue] Nomoi {pl} [auch: Gesetze] [platonischer Dialog]
laws enactedbeschlossene Gesetze {pl}
laws governing data protection and data security Gesetze {pl} zum Datenschutz und zur Datensicherheit
laws governing inheritance Erbgesetze {pl} [nicht fachspr.] [Erbrecht, verschiedene Gesetze in den EU-Staaten]
laws of association Regeln {pl} der Vereinigung
laws of behavior [Am.]Verhaltensgesetze {pl}
laws of behaviour [Br.] Verhaltensgesetze {pl}
laws of descent and distribution [Am.] gesetzliche Erbfolge {f}
Laws of Form [George Spencer Brown] Laws of Form - Gesetze der Form
laws of heredityVererbungsgesetze {pl}
laws of motion Bewegungsgesetze {pl}
laws of natureNaturgesetze {pl}
laws of physics physikalische Gesetze {pl}
laws of the game Spielregeln {pl}
Laws of the Game <LOTG> [association football] Fußballregeln {pl}
laws of the marketplace Marktgesetze {pl}
laws of thermodynamics Hauptsätze {pl} der Thermodynamik
laws of thought Denkgesetze {pl}
[laws pertaining to Jews] Judengesetze {pl}
[laws restricting the number of Jewish families in Bohemia]Familiantengesetze {pl}
lawsonbauerite [(Mn,Mg)9Zn4(SO4)2(OH)22·8H2O] Lawsonbauerit {m}
Lawsonia intracellularis bacteriaLawsonia-intracellularis-Bakterien {pl}
lawsonite [CaAl2Si2O7(OH)2·H2O] Lawsonit {m}
Lawson's batis [Batis occulta] Lawsonschnäpper {m}
Lawson's batis [Batis occulta] Lawson-Batis {m}
Lawson's cypress [Chamaecyparis lawsoniana] Lawsons Scheinzypresse {f}
Lawson's cypress [Chamaecyparis lawsoniana]Oregonzeder {f}
Lawson's dragon [Pogona henrylawsoni]Zwergbartagame {f}
law-style Kanzleistil {m} [veraltet]
lawsuit gerichtliche Anklage {f}
lawsuitGerichtsverfahren {n}
lawsuit Klage {f}
lawsuitProzess {m}
lawsuitRechtsstreit {m}
law-suitGerichtsverfahren {n}
lawsuitProzeß {m} [alt]
lawsuitVerfahren {n} [Gerichtsverfahren]
lawsuitRechtshandel {m} [geh.]
lawsuit for breach of contract Vertragsverletzungsverfahren {n}
lawsuit-monger [rare] [pej.] [litigious person]Prozesshansel {m} [pej.]
lawyerAdvokat {m} [bes. schweiz.]
lawyer Anwalt {m}
lawyer Jurist {m}
lawyer Rechtsanwalt {m} <RA>
lawyerRechtsberater {m}
lawyerFürsprech {m} [schweiz.]
lawyer [female] Advokatin {f} [bes. schweiz.]
lawyer [female] Anwältin {f}
lawyer [female]Juristin {f}
lawyer [female] Rechtsanwältin {f} <RA>
lawyer - schmawyer Advokaten - Schadvokaten {pl}
lawyer trust account Rechtsanwalt-Anderkonto {n}
[lawyer's document exchange box, similar to a post office box at the courthouse] Gerichtsfach {n}
lawyerly anwaltlich
lawyers Anwälte {pl}
lawyers Rechtsanwälte {pl}
lawyer's / lawyer vine [Calamus muelleri, syn.: C. muelleri var. macrospermus, Palmijuncus muelleri] Südliche Rotangpalme {f}
lawyers clerk Rechtsanwaltsgehilfe {m}
lawyers' compensation actRechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz {n} <RVG>
lawyer's fee Anwaltshonorar {n}
lawyer's fees Rechtsanwaltskosten {pl}
lawyers' feesAnwaltskosten {pl}
lawyers in private practice niedergelassene Rechtsanwälte {pl}
lawyer's office Rechtsanwaltskanzlei {f}
lawyer's office Rechtsanwaltsbüro {n}
lawyer's office Anwaltsbüro {n}
lawyer's officeAnwaltskanzlei {f}
lawyer's office Advokaturbüro {n} [schweiz.]
lawyer's office Advokaturskanzlei {f} [veraltet]
Lawyers' Remuneration Act Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz {n} <RVG>
lawyer's wig [Coprinus comatus] Schopftintling {m}
lawyer's wig [Coprinus comatus] Tintenschopfling {m} [ugs.] [Schopf-Tintling, Schopftintling]
lawyer's wig [Coprinus comatus]Spargelpilz {m}
lawyer's wig [Coprinus comatus]Porzellantintling {m}
lawyer's wig [Coprinus comatus]Tintenpilz {m}
lawyer's wig [Coprinus comatus] Schopf-Tintling {m}
lax locker
lax lasch
lax lax
lax corydalis [Corydalis intermedia] Zwerg-Lerchensporn {m}
lax disciplinelockere Disziplin {f}
« lavelawelawolawolawlLawrLaxelayplayelayilayo »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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