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leafless aphyllisch
leafless bluebush [Kickxia spuria, syn.: Antirrhinum spurium, Linaria spuria] Unechtes Tännelkraut {n}
leafless bluebush [Kickxia spuria, syn.: Antirrhinum spurium, Linaria spuria]Eiblättriges Tännelkraut {n}
leafless bluebush [Kickxia spuria, syn.: Antirrhinum spurium, Linaria spuria] Schlangenkraut {n}
leafless cassia [Senna artemisioides, syn.: Cassia artemisioides, C. circinnata, C. desolata, C. nemophila, C. sturtii, C. zygophylla] Silber-Kassie / Silberkassie {f}
leafless hawk's-beard / hawksbeard [Crepis praemorsa, syn.: Hieracium praemorsum] Abbiss-Pippau / Abbisspippau {m}
leafless hawk's-beard / hawksbeard [Crepis praemorsa]Abgebissener Pippau {m}
leafless in winter winterkahl
leafless plantAphylle {f}
leafless spurge [Euphorbia aphylla] Blattlose Wolfsmilch {f}
leafless stemmed speedwell [Veronica aphylla]Blattloser Ehrenpreis {m}
leaflessnessBlattlosigkeit {f}
leafless-stemmed globularia [Globularia nudicaulis] Nacktstängelige Kugelblume {f} [alt: Nacktstengelige Kugelblume]
leafless-stemmed globularia [Globularia nudicaulis]Schaft-Kugelblume {f}
leafletBlättchen {n}
leafletBroschüre {f}
leaflet Faltblatt {n}
leaflet Flugblatt {n}
leaflet Prospekt {m} {n}
leaflet Werbeprospekt {n}
leaflet Handzettel {m}
leaflet Merkzettel {m}
leafletFlugschrift {f}
leafletFlugzettel {m}
leaflet Werbezettel {m}
leaflet [containing instructions] Merkblatt {n}
leaflet bomb Flugblattbombe {f}
leafleting Flugblattverteilung {f}
leafletsFlugblätter {pl}
leaflike blattartig
leaf-like blattähnlich
leaf-like blättchenförmig
leaf-like lacewing [Drepanepteryx phalaenoides] Totes Blatt {n} [Netzflügler]
leaf-like lacewing [Drepanepteryx phalaenoides] Blattlauslöwe {m} [Netzflügler]
leaf-lip grouper [Pogonoperca punctata] Schneeflocken-Seifenbarsch {m}
leaf-lip soapfish [Pogonoperca punctata]Schneeflocken-Seifenbarsch {m}
leaf-love [Pyrrhurus scandens] Uferbülbül {m}
leaf-miner flies [family Agromyzidae]Minierfliegen {pl}
leaf-miner moths [family Gracillariidae, syn.: Gracilariidae] Miniermotten {pl}
leaf-mining / leafmining moth Miniermotte {f}
leaf-mining moth Miniermotte {f}
leaf-nosed viper [Eristicophis macmahonii] MacMahon-Viper {f}
leaf-pathogenic blattpathogen
leafroller (moth) Wickler {m} [ein Falter]
leafroller weevil [Rhynchites bacchus]Purpurroter Apfelfruchtstecher {m}
leaf-rolling crickets [family Gryllacrididae]Gryllacrididae {pl} [Familie der Heuschrecken]
leaf-rolling sawflies [family Pamphiliidae]Gespinstblattwespen {pl}
leaf-rolling tortrix [Sparganothis pilleriana, syn.: S. uniformata, Oenophthira obscurana, Pyralis danticana, P. vitis, Tortrix luteolana] Springwurm-Wickler / Springwurmwickler {m}
leaf-rolling tortrix [Sparganothis pilleriana, syn.: S. uniformata, Oenophthira obscurana, Pyralis danticana, P. vitis, Tortrix luteolana]Laubwurm {m} [Springwurm-Wickler]
leaf-rolling tortrix [Sparganothis pilleriana, syn.: S. uniformata, Oenophthira obscurana, Pyralis danticana, P. vitis, Tortrix luteolana]Springwurm {m} [Springwurm-Wickler]
leaf-rolling weevil [family Attelabidae]Blattroller {m} [Käfer]
leaf-rolling weevils [family Attelabidae] Blattroller {pl}
leafs [rare, dialectal or in proper names (Toronto Maple Leafs)] Blätter {pl}
leafscale gulper shark [Centrophorus squamosus, syn.: Centrophorus ferrugineus]Blattschuppen-Schlinghai {m}
leafscale gulper shark [Centrophorus squamosus]Blattschuppen-Schlingerhai {m}
leaf-shaped blattförmig
leafstalk Blattstiel {m}
leafstorm [rare] Laubsturm {m} [selten]
leaf-strewnmit / von Blättern übersät
leaftail geckos [genus Phyllurus]Blattschwanzgeckos {pl}
leaf-toed geckos [genus Hemidactylus]Hausgeckos {pl}
leaf-toed geckos [genus Hemidactylus]Halbfingergeckos {pl}
leaf-toed geckos [genus Hemidactylus]Halbzehengeckos {pl}
leaf-toed geckos [genus Hemidactylus] Halbzeher {pl}
leaf-veinBlattader {f}
leaf-vein Blattrippe {f}
leaf-vein gall causer [Andricus testaceipes, syn.: A. sieboldi] Eichenwurzelknotengallwespe / Eichenwurzelknoten-Gallwespe {f}
leaf-winged bat [Glauconycteris variegata] Genetzte Schmetterlingsfledermaus {f}
leafwork [in art, carving, etc.]Laubwerk {n}
leafy mit viel Grün [nachgestellt] [Pflanze]
leafy blattartig
leafy blätterreich
leafy [abounding in foliage] blattreich [viele Blätter besitzend] [mit viel Laub]
leafy [branch, tree] grün [belaubt]
leafy bladderwort [Utricularia foliosa] Blättriger Wasserschlauch {m}
leafy bossiaea [Bossiaea foliosa]Belaubte Bossiaea {f}
leafy bower schattiges Plätzchen {n}
leafy brain (fungus) [Tremella foliacea]Rotbrauner Zitterling {m}
leafy brain (fungus) [Tremella foliacea]Blattartiger Zitterling {m}
leafy bryozoan [Flustra foliacea] (Großes) Blätter-Moostierchen / Blättermoostierchen {n}
leafy canopy [literary] Laubdach {n} [dichter.]
leafy goosefoot [Chenopodium foliosum, syn.: Blitum virgatum, Chenopodium acuminatum var. virgatum, C. virgatum]Durchblätterter Erdbeerspinat {m}
leafy goosefoot [Chenopodium foliosum] Echter Erdbeerspinat {m}
leafy hornmouth [Chicoreus palmarosae, syn.: C. (Triplex) palmarosae, C. (Triplex) rosaria, C. foliatus, Murex argyna, M. palmarosae, Triplex palmarosae] [species of sea snail]Rosenzweigschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
leafy inflorescencefrondose Beblätterung {f}
leafy liverworts beblätterte Lebermoose {pl}
leafy lousewort [Pedicularis foliosa] Blattreiches Läusekraut {n}
leafy lousewort [Pedicularis foliosa] Beblättertes Läusekraut {n}
leafy lousewort [Pedicularis foliosa]Durchblättertes Läusekraut {n}
leafy lousewort [Pedicularis foliosa] Vielblättriges Läusekraut {n}
leafy murex [Chicoreus brevifrons, syn.: C. (Chicoreus) vokesae, C. (Triplex) brevifrons, Murex approximatus, M. brevifrons, M. crassivaricosa, M. elongatus, M. pudoricolor, M. purpuratus] Kurzdornige Stachelschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
leafy murex [Chicoreus brevifrons, syn.: C. (Chicoreus) vokesae, C. (Triplex) brevifrons, Murex approximatus, M. brevifrons, M. crassivaricosa, M. elongatus, M. pudoricolor, M. purpuratus] Kurzsprossige Stachelschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
leafy passage Laubgang {m} [heute noch bei Krumbach, sonst veraltet] [Spazierweg im Wald]
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