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leavening Treibmittel {n}
leavening agent Backtriebmittel {n}
leavening (agent) Gärmittel {n}
leaves Blätter {pl}
leaves Lauber {pl} [ugs.] [bayer.] [die Blätter, das Laub]
leaves {pl}Kraut {n} [das Grüne]
leaves {pl} Laub {n}
leaves {pl}Belaubung {f}
Leaves of Grass [Walt Whitman] Grashalme
leave-takingVerabschiedung {f}
leave-taking Abschied {m}
Leavetaking Abschied von den Eltern [Peter Weiss]
leave-taking [act]Abschiednehmen {n}
leave-taking formulaVerabschiedungsformel {f}
leavingAbgang {m} [Weggehen, Verlassen]
leaving Überlassung {f}
leavingGehen {n} [Abschied]
leavingWeggang {m}
leaving Verlassen {n}
leaving [a country] ausreisend [attr.]
leaving [e.g. of sth. somewhere] Belassen {n}
leaving [exit] Hinausgehen {n}
leaving [job, profession, etc.] Ausstieg {m} [fig.] [aus dem Beruf]
leaving [train etc.]abfahrend [attr.]
leaving a church [by an official declaration]Kirchenaustritt {m} [offiziell]
leaving a church / the Church [ceasing to attend a given church or to practice its faith]Kirchenaustritt {m} [inoffiziell]
leaving a partyParteiaustritt {m}
leaving ajarangelehnt lassend [Tür, Fenster]
Leaving aside the fact that ...Abgesehen davon, dass ...
leaving certificate Abschlusszeugnis {n}
leaving certificateSchulabgangszeugnis {n}
Leaving Certificate [Irish: A-Levels]Matura {f} [österr.]
leaving certificate [Irish]Abgangszeugnis {n} [Abitur, Matura etc.]
leaving date Austrittsdatum {n}
leaving do [Br.] [coll.] Ausstandsfeier {f}
leaving do [Br.] [coll.]Ausstand {m} [Abschiedsfeier]
leaving do [Br.] [coll.] Abschiedsfete {f} [ugs.]
leaving examination [Br.] Abgangsprüfung {f}
leaving groupAbgangsgruppe {f}
leaving groupFluchtgruppe {f}
Leaving Las Vegas [Mike Figgis]Leaving Las Vegas
leaving open auflassend [Tür, Fenster]
leaving passengersabfahrende Passagiere {pl}
leaving presentAbschiedsgeschenk {n}
leaving school Abgehen {n} von der Schule
leaving schoolAbgang {m} von der Schule
leaving service [procedure that ends the service of a sailor]Abmusterung {f}
leaving undisturbed Belassung {f}
leaving without noticeNichteinhaltung {f} der Kündigungsfrist
leaving-certificate Abgangszeugnis {n}
leavingsAbgänge {pl}
leavingsReste {pl}
leavings Vererbungen {pl}
leavings Hinterlassenschaften {pl}
leavings [remnants] Überbleibsel {pl} [ugs.]
Leb [pej.] [sl.] [Aus.][libanesischstämmiger Australier]
LebaneseLibanese {m}
Lebanese libanesisch
Lebanese {pl}Libanesen {pl}
Lebanese {pl} [female]Libanesinnen {pl}
Lebanese [female]Libanesin {f}
Lebanese cedar [Cedrus libani] Libanon-Zeder {f} [auch: Libanonzeder]
Lebanese Civil War [1975-1990]Libanesischer Bürgerkrieg {m}
Lebanese cucumber Landgurke {f}
Lebanese oregano [Origanum syriacum, syn.: Majorana syriaca, Origanum maru] Syrischer Majoran {m} [Syrischer Ysop]
Lebanese pound <LBP, L£> Libanesisches Pfund {n} <LBP, L£>
Lebanon <.lb> Libanon {m}
Lebanon cedar [Cedrus libani] Libanon-Zeder {f} [auch: Libanonzeder]
Lebanon lizard [Lacerta laevis]Syrische Eidechse {f}
Lebanon oak [Quercus libani] Libanon-Eiche {f}
Lebanon squill [Puschkinia scilloides, syn.: P. libanotica, P. scilloides var. libanotica]Apollo-Zwerghyazinthe {f}
Lebanon squill [Puschkinia scilloides, syn.: P. libanotica, P. scilloides var. libanotica] Puschkinie {f}
Lebanon squill [Puschkinia scilloides, syn.: P. libanotica, P. scilloides var. libanotica] Kegelblume {f} [Puschkinie]
Lebanon stonecress [Aethionema coridifolium] Zierliches Steintäschel {n}
Lebanon War Libanonkrieg {m}
lebbeck tree [Albizia lebbeck, syn.: A. latifolia, Feuilleea lebbeck, Mimosa lebbeck] Regenbaum {m} [Lebbekbaum]
lebbek (tree) [Albizia lebbeck, syn.: A. latifolia, Feuilleea lebbeck, Mimosa lebbeck] Regenbaum {m} [Lebbekbaum]
Lebensform Lebensform {f}
lebensraumLebensraum {m}
Leberkäse rollLeberkässemmel {f} [bayer.] [österr.]
Leberkäse roll Leberkäsbrötchen {n} [ugs.] [Leberkäsebrötchen]
Leberkäse sandwich Leberkäsweckle {n} [schwäb.]
Leber's congenital amaurosis <LCA> [Amaurosis congenita (Leber)] Leber'sche kongenitale Amaurose {f} <LCA>
Leber's congenital amaurosis <LCA> [Amaurosis congenita (Leber)]Lebersche kongenitale Amaurose {f} [alt] <LCA>
Leber's congenital amaurosis <LCA> [Amaurosis congenita (Leber)] lebersche kongenitale Amaurose {f} <LCA>
Leber's hereditary optic atrophy <LHOA> Lebersche hereditäre Optikusatrophie {f} <LHOA> [alt]
Leber's hereditary optic atrophy <LHOA>Leber'sche hereditäre Optikusatrophie {f} <LHOA>
Leber's hereditary optic atrophy <LHOA>lebersche hereditäre Optikusatrophie {f} <LHOA>
Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy <LHON> Lebersche hereditäre optische Neuropathie {f} <LHON> [alt]
Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy <LHON>Lebersche hereditäre Optikusneuropathie {f} <LHON> [alt]
Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy <LHON>Leber'sche hereditäre Optikusneuropathie {f} <LHON>
Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy <LHON> Leber'sche hereditäre optische Neuropathie {f} <LHON>
Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy <LHON>lebersche hereditäre optische Neuropathie {f} <LHON>
Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy <LHON>lebersche hereditäre Optikusneuropathie {f} <LHON>
Leber's optic neuropathy <LON> Lebersche Optikusneuropathie {f} <LON> [alt]
Leber's optic neuropathy <LON> lebersche Optikusneuropathie {f} <LON>
Lebesgue covering dimension Lebesgue'sche Überdeckungsdimension {f}
Lebesgue integralLebesgue-Integral {n}
Lebesgue measure Lebesgue-Maß {n}
« leasLeasleatleatleatleavLebelectledgleesLeft »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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