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left ventricular insufficiency <LVI> Linksherzinsuffizienz {f} <LHI>
left ventricular load Linksherzbelastung {f}
left ventricular pressure <LVP> Druck {m} in der linken Herzkammer
Left wheel! Links schwenk marsch!
Left wheel! Links schwenkt marsch!
left whiskLinkswischer {m} [langsamer Walzer]
left wing linker Flügel {m}
left wing [football] Linksaußen {m}
left wing [rugby] kurzer Außendreiviertel {m}
Left yields to right.Rechts vor Links.
left zero divisor Linksnullteiler {m}
(left) renal vein entrapment syndrome Nussknackersyndrom {n}
left-adjusted linksbündig
leftard [pej.] [sl.]Linker {m}
left-associative linksassoziativ [auch: links-assoziativ]
left-back [football] Linksverteidiger {m}
left-back <LB> [football / soccer] linker Außenverteidiger {m} [Fußball]
left-bank Ukraine [capitalization varies]linksufrige Ukraine {f}
left-conservative linkskonservativ
left-continuous linksstetig
left-continuouslinksseitig stetig
left-continuous process linksseitig stetiger Prozess {m}
left-contorted linksgedreht
left-coronary linkskoronar
left-exact functorlinksexakter Funktor {m}
lefteye flounders [family Bothidae] Butte {pl}
lefteye flounders [family Bothidae] Linksaugen-Flundern {pl}
left-eyed linksäugig
left-eyed flounder family {sg} [family Bothidae] [also: lefteyed flounder family] Linksaugen-Flundern {pl} [auch: Linksaugenflundern]
left-eyed flounder family {sg} [family Bothidae] [also: lefteyed flounder family]Bothidae {pl} [Familie der Butte]
left-eyednessLinksäugigkeit {f}
left-field [Am.] [coll.] [experimental] experimentell [unkonventionell]
left-fitter [left-footed shot] Linksschuss {m}
left-fitter [left-footer] [sportsperson, footballer] Linksfuß {m} [Sportler, Fußballer]
left-footed goal Tor {n} mit dem linken Fuß
left-footed playerLinksfüßer {m} [Fußball]
left-footed shotLinksschuss {m}
left-footednessLinksfüßigkeit {f}
left-footer [Br.] [coll.] [pej.] [esp. in Ireland and Scotland] [a Roman Catholic]Katholik {m}
left-footer [left-footed shot]Linksschuss {m}
left-hand linksseitig
left-handlinksgängig [Schraube, Gewinde, Schnecke]
left-hand [thread, rotation]linksdrehend
lefthand <LH> [view, access] (von / mit) links
left-hand bend Linkskurve {f}
left-hand cutlinksschneidend
left-hand daggerLinkshanddolch {m}
left-hand drive <LHD>Linkssteuerung {f}
left-hand drive <LHD> Linkslenker {m}
left-hand drive <LHD>Links-Lenker {m}
left-hand drive <LHD> linksgesteuert
left-hand drive <LHD> Linkslenkung {f}
left-hand drive vehicle [steering wheel on the left]Linkslenker {m} [Lenkrad auf der linken Seite]
left-hand driving Linksverkehr {m}
left-hand grooveLinksgewinde {n} [Seiltrommel]
left-hand limitlinksseitiger Grenzwert {m}
left-hand loading Linksladung {f}
left-hand marginAnfangsrand {m}
left-hand margin for correctionslinker Korrekturrand {m}
left-hand margin key Anfangsrandsteller {m}
left-hand motionLinkslauf {m}
left-hand path <LHP>Pfad {m} zur linken Hand
left-hand path <LHP> [also in esotericism] Pfad {m} der linken Hand [auch Esoterik]
left-hand polarization [counterclockwise polarization]linksdrehende Polarisation {f} [Polarisation gegen den Uhrzeigersinn]
left-hand polarized wavelinksdrehend polarisierte Welle {f}
left-hand rule Linke-Hand-Regel {f}
left-hand rule Linkehandregel {f}
left-hand sheet bend linksgesteckter Schotstek {m}
left-hand side linke Seite {f}
left-hand side of the road linke Straßenseite {f}
left-hand thread Linksgewinde {n}
lefthand thread [spv.]Linksgewinde {n}
left-hand tooth surface [gearing]Linksflanke {f} [Verzahnung]
left-hand traffic [driving on the left] Linksverkehr {m}
left-hand turnAbbiegung {f} nach links
left-hand turn Linkswendung {f}
left-hand turn-off lane Linksabbiegerspur {f}
left-hand version Linksausführung {f}
lefthand view <LH view> Ansicht {f} von links
left-hand zerosführende Nullen {pl}
left-handed linkshändig
left-handed linksdrehend
left-handed [fig.] [clumsy] linkisch
left-handed [fig.] [pej.] [physically clumsy] tollpatschig
left-handed circular linkszirkular
left-handed compliment [idiom]zweifelhaftes Kompliment {n}
left-handed elliptical <LHE> linkselliptisch
left-handed femaleLinkshänderin {f}
left-handed guitar Linkshänder-Gitarre {f}
left-handed helix linkshändige Helix {f}
left-handed hermit crabs [family Diogenidae]Linkshändige Einsiedlerkrebse {pl}
left-handed male Linkshänder {m}
left-handed marriage Ehe {f} zur linken Hand
left-handed mouse Linkshändermaus {f}
left-handed or right-handed version Links- oder Rechtsvariante {f}
« LechlectleeeLefsleftleftleftleftlegllegalega »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers