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Lenkoran acacia [Albizia julibrissin]Seidenakazie {f}
Lenkoran acacia [Albizia julibrissin]Schlafbaum {m}
Lennard-Jones potential <L-J potential> Lennard-Jones-Potential {n}
Lennert's lymphomaLennert-Lymphom {n}
lennilenapeite [K6-7(Mg,Mn,Fe,Fe,Zn)48(Si,Al)72(O,OH)216·16H2O]Lennilenapeit {m}
Lennox [Craig Russell] Lennox
Lennox syndrome [Lennox-Gaustaut syndrome] Lennox-Syndrom {n} [Lennox-Gaustaut-Syndrom]
Lennox-Gastaut's / Lennox-Gastraut syndrome <LGS> Lennox-Gastaut-Syndrom {n} <LGS>
Lennox-King Glacier Lennox-King-Gletscher {m}
Lenny [Bob Fosse] Lenny
leno net bag [woven net bag] [packaging] Leno-Sack {m} [auch: Lenosack] [gewebter Netzsack] [Verpackung]
leno weave (fabric)Lenogewebe {n}
lenoblite [V2O4·2H2O] Lenoblit {m}
lenograstim Lenograstim {n}
Lenormand cards Lenormandkarten {pl} [auch: Lenormand-Karten]
lens Linse {f}
LensLens {n}
lens [of an optical instrument, e.g. camera]Objektiv {n}
lens [of spectacles] Glas {n} [Brillenglas]
lens [of spectacles] Glas {n} [Brillenglas]kuckuck
lens [part of a pair of glasses] Brillenglas {n}
lens aberrationLinsenfehler {m}
lens antenna Linsenantenne {f}
lens barrel Objektivtubus {m}
lens barrelTubus {m}
lens brushObjektivpinsel {m}
lens cap Schutzkappe {f}
lens cap Objektivdeckel {m}
lens cap Objektivabdeckung {f}
lens case Objektivköcher {m}
lens changeObjektivwechsel {m}
lens cleanerLinsenreiniger {m}
lens cleaningLinsenreinigung {f}
lens (cleaning) cloth Linsenputztuch {n} [auch: Linsenwischtuch]
lens clothOptik-Reinigungstuch {n}
lens cloth Optikreinigungstuch {n}
lens coverObjektivdeckel {m}
lens coverObjektivabdeckung {f}
lens cover Schutzkappe {f}
lens distortion Linsenverzerrung {f}
lens effectLinseneffekt {m}
lens element Linsenelement {n}
lens extraction Linsenextraktion {f}
lens eye Linsenauge {n}
lens filter Objektivfilter {m}
lens flare Blendenfleck {m}
lens formula Linsengleichung {f}
lens fungusGlaspilz {m}
lens grinder Linsenschleifer {m}
lens height [eyeglasses]Glashöhe {f} [Brille]
lens hoodSonnenblende {f}
lens hood Gegenlichtblende {f}
lens hoodStreulichtblende {f}
lens hood Objektivhaube {f}
lens hood (with bellows extension) Kompendium {n}
lens implantation Linsenimplantation {f}
lens mountObjektivanschluss {m}
lens mount Objektivfassung {f}
lens mountLinsenfassung {f}
lens movement Linsenhub {m}
lens of clayTonlinse {f}
lens of high power Linse {f} von hoher Stärke
lens of silt Schlufflinse {f}
lens of (the) eye [Lens oculi] Augenlinse {f}
lens opacificationLinsentrübung {f}
lens openingBlende {f}
lens paper [cleaning] Linsenpapier {n}
lens pepperweed [Lepidium repens]Kriechende Kresse {f}
lens prescription Linsenverordnung {f}
lens profile Objektivprofil {n}
lens releaseObjektiventriegelung {f}
lens release button Objektiventriegelungsknopf {m}
lens resolution Objektivauflösung {f}
lens shade Gegenlichtblende {f}
lens shade Streulichtblende {f}
lens shiftLinsenverstellung {f} [Projektionstechnik]
lens strength Brillenstärke {f}
lens system Linsensystem {n}
lens system of a / the cameraKameraoptik {f}
lens technologyLinsentechnik {f}
lens tissue Optik-Reinigungspapier {n}
lens tubeTubus {m}
lens tubeObjektivtubus {m}
lens width [eyeglasses]Glasbreite {f} [Brille]
lens wipe [lens (cleaning) cloth] Linsenputztuch {n}
lens wipe [lens (cleaning) cloth] Linsenwischtuch {n}
(lens) mount Objektivanschluss {m}
lensatic compassMarschkompaß {m} [alt]
lensatic compassMarschkompass {m}
lensbaby [generic term; Lensbaby ®]Lensbaby {n} [Gattungsbegriff; Lensbaby ®]
lens-distortion correction Linsenverzerrungskorrektur {f}
lensed eyeLinsenauge {n}
Lensen Glacier Lensen-Gletscher {m}
lenses Linsen {pl}
lenses [of an optical instrument, e.g. camera]Objektive {pl}
lenses [of spectacles]Brillengläser {pl}
lenses [of spectacles] Gläser {pl} [Brillengläser]
lensless linsenlos
lenslet Mikrolinse {f}
lenslet [part of a lenslet array] Lenslet {n}
« lemmlemolemolendlengLenklenslentleoplepelept »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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