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lesser red knotgrass [Polygonum arenarium]Sandvogelknöterich / Sand-Vogelknöterich {m}
lesser red musk shrew [Crocidura hirta]Wimperspitzmaus {f}
lesser red-breasted meadowlark [Sturnella defilippii, syn.: S. defillippi, Leistes defilippii, Pezites defilippii, P. defillippi] Pampa-Lerchenstärling {m}
lesser red-breasted meadowlark [Sturnella defilippii]Schwarzschenkelstärling {m}
lesser red-headed babbler [Malacopteron cinereum] Rotstirn-Zweigtimalie {f}
lesser red-headed parrotbill [Paradoxornis atrosuperciliaris] Schwarzbrauen-Papageimeise {f}
lesser redpoll [Acanthis cabaret, syn.: Acanthis flammea cabaret, Carduelis cabaret, Carduelis flammea cabaret]Alpenbirkenzeisig {m}
lesser rhea [Pterocnemia / Rhea pennata]Darwinnandu {m}
lesser rhea [Pterocnemia / Rhea pennata]Darwin-Nandu {m}
lesser ricefield rat [Rattus losea, syn.: R. sakeratensis] Kleine Reisfeldratte {f}
lesser ringneck snake [Liopeltis calamaria]Kleine Nackenstreifennatter {f}
lesser roadrunner [Geococcyx velox]Rennkuckuck {m}
lesser robin-chat [Cossypha semirufa]Braunrückenrötel {m} [auch: Braunrücken-Rötel]
lesser rock sparrow [Petronia dentata] Buschsperling {m}
lesser sand eel [Ammodytes tobianus] Tobiasfisch {m}
lesser sand eel [Ammodytes tobianus] Kleiner Sandaal {m}
lesser sand plover [Charadrius mongolus]Mongolenregenpfeifer {m}
lesser scaup [Aythya affinis]Kleine Bergente {f}
lesser scaup (duck) [Aythya affinis, syn.: Marila affinis, Nyroca affinis] Kanadabergente {f}
lesser scaup (duck) [Aythya affinis] Veilchenente {f}
lesser sea spurrey [Am.] / spurry [Br.] [Spergularia marina, syn.: S. salina, Arenaria rubra var. marina]Salz-Schuppenmiere / Salzschuppenmiere {f}
lesser sea spurrey [Am.] / spurry [Br.] [Spergularia marina, syn.: S. salina, Arenaria rubra var. marina] Salz-Spärkling {m}
lesser searcher (beetle) [Calosoma (Calosoma) inquisitor]Kleiner Puppenräuber {m}
lesser searcher (beetle) [Calosoma (Calosoma) inquisitor] Brauner Puppenräuber {m}
lesser searcher (beetle) [Calosoma (Calosoma) inquisitor] Kletterlaufkäfer {m}
lesser seed finch [Oryzoborus angolensis] Schwarzkopf-Reisknacker {m}
lesser seedcracker [Pyrenestes minor]Grantastrild {m}
lesser sephenous vein <LSV> [Vena saphena parva]kleine Stammvene {f}
lesser seriema [Chunga burmeisteri] Schwarzfußseriema {f}
lesser seriema [Chunga burmeisteri]Tschunja {f}
lesser sheathbill [Chionis minor] Schwarzgesicht-Scheidenschnabel {m}
lesser short-nosed fruit bat [Cynopterus brachyotis] Gemeiner Kurznasenflughund {m}
lesser shortwing [Brachypteryx leucophrys] Zwergkurzflügel {m}
lesser shothole / shot-hole borer [Xyleborinus saxeseni, syn.: Xyleborus pecanis, X. quercus, X. saxeseni, X. tsugae] Kleiner Holzbohrer {m}
lesser shrike-tyrant [Agriornis murinus] Maustyrann {m}
lesser shrike-tyrant [Agriornis murinus]Kleinhakentyrann {m}
lesser silver water beetle [Hydrochara caraboides]Kleiner Kolbenwasserkäfer {m}
lesser silver water beetle [Hydrochara caraboides] Stachelwasserkäfer {m}
lesser siren [Siren intermedia]Kleiner Armmolch {m}
lesser skullcap [Scutellaria minor] Kleines Helmkraut {n}
lesser skullcap [Scutellaria minor] Moorschildkraut {n}
lesser slipper lobster [Scyllarus arctus] Kleiner Bärenkrebs {m}
lesser small-toothed rat [Macruromys elegans] Kleine Kleinzahnratte {f}
lesser smoothcap (moss) [Atrichum angustatum]Steifblättriges Katharinenmoos {n}
lesser snapdragon [Misopates orontium, syn.: Antirrhinum orontium, A. orontium var. grandiflorum] [rarely linear-leaf snapdragon] Wildes Löwenmaul {n}
lesser snapdragon [Misopates orontium, syn.: Antirrhinum orontium, A. orontium var. grandiflorum] [rarely linear-leaf snapdragon] Goldkeulen-Löwenmaul / Goldkeulenlöwenmaul {n}
lesser snapdragon [Misopates orontium, syn.: Antirrhinum orontium, A. orontium var. grandiflorum] [rarely linear-leaf snapdragon]Acker-Löwenmaul / Ackerlöwenmaul {n}
lesser snapdragon [Misopates orontium, syn.: Antirrhinum orontium, A. orontium var. grandiflorum] [rarely linear-leaf snapdragon] Feld-Löwenmaul / Feldlöwenmaul {n}
lesser snapdragon [Misopates orontium, syn.: Antirrhinum orontium, A. orontium var. grandiflorum] [rarely linear-leaf snapdragon] Feld-Katzenmaul / Feldkatzenmaul {n}
lesser snow goose [Anser caerulescens caerulescens]Kleine Schneegans {f}
lesser sooty owl [Tyto multipunctata, syn.: Tyto tenebricosa multipunctata]Flecken-Rußeule {f}
lesser sooty owl [Tyto multipunctata] Fleckenrußeule {f}
lesser soupfin shark [Hypogaleus hyugaensis] Kleiner Suppenflossenhai {m}
lesser speckled bush-cricket [Leptophyes albovittata]Gestreifte Zartschrecke {f}
lesser spectral tarsier [Tarsius pumilus] Zwergkoboldmaki {m}
lesser spiny eel [Macrognathus aculeatus] Augenfleck-Stachelaal {m}
lesser spot-nosed guenon [Cercopithecus petaurista] Kleine Weißnasenmeerkatze {f}
lesser spot-nosed monkey [Cercopithecus petaurista] Kleine Weißnasenmeerkatze {f}
lesser spotted eagle [Clanga pomarina, syn.: Aquila pomarina]Schreiadler {m}
lesser spotted fritillary [Melitaea trivia] [butterfly]Bräunlicher Scheckenfalter {m}
lesser spotted woodpecker [Dryobates minor, syn.: Dendrocopos minor, Picoides minor]Kleinspecht {m}
lesser spotted woodpecker [Dryobates minor, syn.: Dendrocopos minor, Picoides minor]Kleiner Buntspecht {m}
lesser spotted woodpecker [Dryobates minor, syn.: Dendrocopos minor, Picoides minor]Zwergspecht {m}
lesser spruce shoot beetle [Hylurgops palliatus] Brauner Fichtenbastkäfer {m}
lesser spruce shoot beetle [Hylurgops palliatus] Fichtenstammbastkäfer {m}
lesser spruce shoot beetle [Hylurgops palliatus] Fichtenstammsplintkäfer {m}
lesser spurge [Euphorbia peplus] Garten-Wolfsmilch / Gartenwolfsmilch {f}
lesser stag beetle [Dorcus parallelipipedus] Balkenschröter {m} [Käfer]
lesser stag beetle [Dorcus parallelipipedus]Zwerghirschkäfer {m}
lesser starwort [Stellaria graminea]Gras-Sternmiere / Grassternmiere {f}
lesser starwort [Stellaria graminea] Grasmiere {f}
lesser stick-nest rat [Leporillus apicalis] [possibly extinct]Kleine Häschenratte {f} [möglicherweise ausgestorben]
lesser stitchwort [Stellaria graminea] Gras-Sternmiere {f}
lesser stitchwort [Stellaria graminea] Grasmiere {f}
lesser striped flea beetle [Phyllotreta undulata] Geschweiftstreifiger Erdfloh {m}
lesser striped flea beetle [Phyllotreta undulata](Gewelltstreifiger) Kohlerdfloh {m}
lesser striped shrew [Sorex bedfordiae]Kleine Streifenspitzmaus {f}
lesser striped swallow [Cecropis abyssinica] Maidschwalbe {f}
lesser striped swallow [Cecropis abyssinica] Kleine Streifenschwalbe {f}
lesser striped swallow [Cecropis abyssinica] Zwergrötelschwalbe {f}
lesser suckling clover [Trifolium micranthum]Kleinster Klee {m}
lesser suckling clover [Trifolium micranthum] Armblütiger Klee {m}
lesser sulfur-crested cockatoo [Cacatua sulphurea] [Am.] Gelbwangenkakadu {m}
lesser sulphur-crested cockatoo [Cacatua sulphurea] [Br.] Gelbwangenkakadu {m}
Lesser Sunda blindsnake / blind snake [Sundatyphlops polygrammicus] Timor-Blindschlange {f}
lesser Sunda flowerpecker [Dicaeum maugei] Macklot-Mistelfresser {m}
lesser Sunda flowerpecker [Dicaeum maugei] Blauwangen-Mistelfresser {m}
Lesser Sunda Islands [Indonesia] Kleine Sundainseln {pl}
Lesser Sunda kingfisher [Todiramphus australasia / Halcyon australasia] Timorliest {m}
lesser Sunda mountain white-eye [Lophozosterops superciliaris] Gelbbrauen-Brillenvogel {m}
Lesser Sundas python [Malayopython timoriensis, syn.: Liasis amethystinus var. timoriensis, Python timoriensis, Broghammerus timoriensis] Timor-Python {m} [nicht fachspr. auch {f}]
Lesser Sundas python [Malayopython timoriensis, syn.: Liasis amethystinus var. timoriensis, Python timoriensis, Broghammerus timoriensis]Timorpython {m} [nicht fachspr. auch {f}]
lesser swallow prominent [Pheosia gnoma]Birken-Zahnspinner {m} [Nachtfalter]
lesser swallow prominent [Pheosia gnoma]Birken-Porzellanspinner {m} [Nachtfalter]
lesser swallow-tailed swift [Panyptila cayennensis]Kleiner Schwalbensegler {m}
lesser swamp warbler [Acrocephalus gracilirostris] Kaprohrsänger {m}
lesser swine cress [Lepidium didymum, syn.: Coronopus didymus] Zweiknotiger Krähenfuß {m}
lesser swineweed / swine-weed [Lepidium didymum, syn.: Coronopus didymus] Zweiknotiger Krähenfuß {m}
Lesser Syrtis [Gulf of Gabes]Kleine Syrte {f} [heute: Golf von Gabès]
lesser Taiwanese shrew [Chodsigoa sodalis] Kleine Taiwan-Spitzmaus {f}
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