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lightning raid Blitzüberfall {m}
lightning research Blitzforschung {f}
lightning rod Fangstange {f}
lightning rod [also fig.]Blitzableiter {m} [auch fig.]
lightning roundBlitzrunde {f}
lightning spike Fangspitze {f}
lightning startBlitzstart {m}
lightning storm Gewittersturm {m}
lightning strike Blitzeinschlag {m}
lightning strike Blitzunfall {m}
lightning strike [work stoppage] spontaner Streik {m}
lightning strikesBlitzeinschläge {pl}
lightning stroke Blitzeinschlag {m}
lightning stroke Blitzschlag {m}
lightning symbol Blitzsymbol {n}
lightning talkBlitzvortrag {m}
lightning talk Lightning Talk {m} [wissenschaftlicher Kurzvortrag]
lightning visible, no thunder heard [WMO code 13] sichtbares Wetterleuchten, kein Donner gehört
lightning visitBlitzbesuch {m} [ugs.]
lightning warBlitzkrieg {m}
lightning whelk [Busycon contrarium, syn.: B. perversum, B. sinistrum] Blitzschnecke {f}
lightning whelk [Busycon contrarium, syn.: B. perversum, B. sinistrum] Linksgewundene Feige {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
lightning-fast blitzschnell [ugs.]
lightning-fastpfeilgeschwind [regional]
lightning-inducedvom Blitz ausgelöst
lightning-induced von Blitzen ausgelöst
lightning-proof transformer blitzgeschützter Transformator {m}
lightning-quickblitzschnell [ugs.]
lightning-quick [coll.] [very intelligent] blitzgescheit [ugs.]
lightnings <l> [literary] [lightning strikes or flashes] Blitze {pl}
(Lightning-Struck) Tower <XVI> [also: (lightning-struck) tower] [Tarot card] Turm {m} <XVI> [Tarotkarte]
Light-o'-Love [also: Playing with Love] [older translations] Liebelei [Arthur Schniztler]
lightpainting [also: light painting, light-painting] Lichtmalerei {f}
lightpen Lichtgriffel {m}
lightpensLichtgriffel {pl}
lightproof lichtdicht
light-protection cover Lichtschutzhülle {f}
light-rail Stadtbahn {f}
light-resistant lichtfest
lights Beleuchtungen {pl} [selten]
lightsLichter {pl}
lights {pl} Beuschel {n} [österr.]
lights {pl} [lungs of sheep, pigs, or bullocks as food] Lunge {f}
lights {pl} [lungs]Gelünge {n}
lights {pl} [traffic lights] Ampel {f}
lights and darks of a picture Licht und Schatten eines Bildes
Lights in the Dusk [Aki Kaurismäki]Lichter der Vorstadt
lights out order [blackout order: air-raid protection law]Verdunklungsbefehl {m} [Luftschutz]
[lights of veal cooked with vinegar and spices]Saures Lüngerl {n}
lightsaber [Am.] [Star Wars] Lichtschwert {n}
lightsaber [Am.] [Star Wars]Laserschwert {n} [offiziell selten, inoffiziell nicht selten neben: Lichtschwert]
lightsabre [Br.] [Star Wars]Lichtschwert {n}
light-scattering measurementStreulichtmessung {f}
light-sensitive lichtempfindlich
lightshipFeuerschiff {n}
lightship Leuchtschiff {n}
light-skirts [treated as sg.] [archaic] [loose woman]lockere Frauensperson {f} [veraltet]
lightsome [esp. poet.] [airy] luftig [leicht]
lightsome [esp. poet.] [nimble]behende [alt]
lightsome [literary] [bright, full of light] hellicht [veraltend]
lightsome [literary] [buoyant, cheery] beschwingt
lightsome [literary] [cheerful, lighthearted] heiter [fröhlich]
lightsome [literary] [happy and carefree] wohlgemut [geh.]
lightsome [literary] [lighthearted, carefree]unbeschwert [heiter, sorgenfrei]
lightsome [literary] [lighthearted] frohgemut [geh.]
lightsomeness Helligkeit {f}
lights-out [ship, barracks, prison] [Ausschalten der Lichter]
lightspot corydoras [Corydoras aeneus] Metallpanzerwels {m} [auch: Metall-Panzerwels]
lightspot corydoras [Corydoras aeneus]Goldstreifenpanzerwels {m} [auch: Goldstreifen-Panzerwels]
light-spot recorderLichtpunktschreiber {m}
light-spot recorderLichtpunktlinienschreiber {m}
light-squared [chess] weißfeldrig [Schach]
light-table Leuchttisch {m}
light-tight lichtdicht
light-tight cassette lichtdichte Kassette {f}
light-toned [color, shade] hell
light-toned [color, shade]licht [hell]
light-up shoesBlinkschuhe {pl}
light-vented bulbul [Pycnonotus sinensis]Chinabülbül {m}
light-vented bulbul [Pycnonotus sinensis] Chinesenbülbül {m}
light-verb construction Funktionsverbgefüge {n}
light-wave cable Glasfaserkabel {n}
lightweight Leichtgewicht {n}
lightweight Leichtgewichtler {m}
light-weight Leichtgewicht {n}
lightweight [lacking intellectual depth]seicht [fig.]
lightweight [light in weight]leicht [aus leichtem Material]
lightweight [57-60 kg] Leichtgewicht {n} [Boxen]
lightweight [coll.] Dünnbrettbohrer {m} [fig.] [ugs.] [hum.]
lightweight [sl.] [pej.] [sb. who cannot handle much alcohol]Milchtrinker {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [(noch) nicht trinkfester Mann]
lightweight airplane [Am.] Leichtflugzeug {n}
light-weight apronLeichtschürze {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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