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English-German Dictionary

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lightweight armLeichtbauarm {m}
light-weight arm Leichtbauarm {m}
lightweight auto body constructionKarosserieleichtbau {m}
lightweight (building) block Leichtbaustein {m}
light-weight concrete Leichtbeton {m}
lightweight concreteLeichtbeton {m}
lightweight construction Leichtbau {m}
lightweight construction Leichtbauweise {f}
lightweight construction leichte Bauweise {f}
lightweight designLeichtbauweise {f}
lightweight design Leichtbau {m}
lightweight frame Leichtgewichtsrahmen {m}
lightweight gripper Leichtbaugreifer {m}
lightweight metal constructionMetallleichtbau {m}
lightweight packagingLeichtverpackung {f} <LVP>
light-weight steel construction Stahlleichtbau {m}
lightweight torpedo <LWT>Leichtgewichtstorpedo {m}
lightwood [Am.] [kindling] Anfeuerholz {n} [Kienspäne]
lightwood [Am.] [resinous pine wood]Kienholz {n} [Kienspan]
Lightwood-Albright syndromeButler-Albright-Lightwood-Syndrom {n} [auch: Lightwood-Butler-Albright-Syndrom, Lightwood-Albright-Syndrom] [renale tubuläre Azidose mit Nephrokalzinose]
light-year <ly> Lichtjahr {n} <Lj>
lightyear <ly> Lichtjahr {n} <Lj>
lignanLignan {n}
ligneous holzig
ligneous flax [Linum arboreum]Baumartiger Lein {m}
ligneous pink [Dianthus arboreus] Baum-Nelke / Baumnelke {f}
ligneous pink [Dianthus arboreus] Strauch-Nelke / Strauchnelke {f}
lignicole holzbewohnend
lignicole lignicol
lignicolous lignicol
lignification Verholzung {f}
lignification Lignifizierung {f}
lignified lignifiziert
lignifying verholzend
lignin Lignin {n}
ligninHolzstoff {m} [ugs.] [Lignin]
lignin concentrationLigninkonzentration {f}
lignin content Ligningehalt {m}
lignin polymerLigninpolymer {n}
lignite Braunkohle {f}
ligniteLignit {m}
lignite ash Braunkohlenasche {f}
lignite briquette Braunkohlebrikett {n}
lignite briquetteBraunkohlenbrikett {n}
lignite briquette Lignitbrikett {n}
lignite excavator Braunkohlebagger {m}
lignite exploitationBraunkohlegewinnung {f}
lignite gasification Braunkohlevergasung {f}
lignite mine Braunkohlegrube {f}
lignite miningBraunkohlenbergbau {m}
lignite mining Braunkohlebergbau {m}
lignite mining Braunkohleabbau {m}
lignite miningBraunkohlegewinnung {f}
lignite opencast mine Braunkohletagebau {m}
lignite power station Braunkohlekraftwerk {n}
lignite productionBraunkohleförderung {f}
lignite production Braunkohlegewinnung {f}
lignite tar Braunkohlenteer {m}
lignite-fired power plantBraunkohlekraftwerk {n}
lignitic coal trockene Steinkohle {f}
lignitic coalunterbituminöse Steinkohle {f}
lignivorous [feeding on wood] holzfressend
lignocelluloseLignocellulose {f}
lignocellulosic lignozellulosehaltig
lignoceric acid Lignozerinsäure {f}
lignoceric acid [C24H48O2, C23H47COOH]Lignocerinsäure {f}
lignoceryl alcohol [C24H50O]Lignocerylalkohol {m}
lignophagiaLignophagie {f}
lignophytesLignophyten {pl}
lignosulfonate [Am.] Ligninsulfonat {n}
lignosulphonate [Br.]Ligninsulfonat {n}
lignosulphonates [Br.] [E-565, in animal feed] Ligninsulfonate {pl}
lignotuber Lignotuber {n}
ligroin Ligroin {n} [Petroleumbenzin]
ligroin Petroleumbenzin {n}
Liguasan Marsh Ligawasan {m} (Flussmarschen)
ligular groove Ligulargrube {f}
ligulate ligulat
ligulate flower Zungenblüte {f}
ligule [also ligula] [of Poaceae and Cyperaceae] Ligula {f} [Blatthäutchen, bei Süß- und Sauergräsern]
ligule [of Poaceae and Cyperaceae] Blatthäutchen {n} [bei Süß- und Sauergräsern]
Ligures / Ligurians Ligurier {pl} [Ligurer]
Ligurian Alps Ligurische Alpen {pl}
Ligurian ant-cricket [Myrmecophilus aequispina]Ameisengrille {f}
Ligurian bee [Apis mellifera ligustica]Ligurische Biene {f}
Ligurian bellflower [Campanula rapunculoides, syn.: C. cordifolia, C. rapunculoides var. ucranica, C. rhomboidales, C. trachelioides] [also: Lygurian bellflower] Rapunzel-Glockenblume / Rapunzelglockenblume {f}
Ligurian bellflower [Campanula rapunculoides, syn.: C. cordifolia, C. rapunculoides var. ucranica, C. rhomboidales, C. trachelioides] [also: Lygurian bellflower]Acker-Glockenblume / Ackerglockenblume {f}
Ligurian bellflower [Campanula rapunculoides, syn.: C. cordifolia, C. rapunculoides var. ucranica, C. rhomboidales, C. trachelioides] [also: Lygurian bellflower] Ausläufertreibende Glockenblume {f}
Ligurian bellflower [Campanula rapunculoides, syn.: C. cordifolia, C. rapunculoides var. ucranica, C. rhomboidales, C. trachelioides] [also: Lygurian bellflower]Kriechende Glockenblume {f}
Ligurian clover [Trifolium ligusticum]Ligurischer Klee {m}
Ligurian Sea Ligurisches Meer {n}
Ligurian yarrow [Achillea ligustica]Mediterrane Schafgarbe {f}
Ligurians Ligurer {pl}
« lighlighlighlighlighlighligulikelikelilalily »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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