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English-German Dictionary

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lily of Japan [Lilium auratum, syn.: L. auratum var. wittei, L. auratum var. virginale](Japanische) Goldband-Lilie / Goldbandlilie {f}
lily of St. Nicholas [Pancratium maritimum]Dünen-Trichternarzisse {f}
lily of St. Nicholas [Pancratium maritimum] Dünen-Pankrazlilie {f}
lily of St. Nicholas [Pancratium maritimum]Meerstrandtrichterlilie {f}
lily of St. Nicholas [Pancratium maritimum] Strandpankrazlilie / Strand-Pankrazlilie {f}
lily of the Incas [Alstroemeria psittacina] Papageien-Inkalilie {f}
lily of the Incas [genus Alstroemeria]Inkalilie {f}
lily of the Nile [Agapanthus umbellatus, syn.: Agapanthus praecox]Frühe Schmucklilie {f}
lily of the Nile [Zantedeschia aethiopica]Zimmercalla {f}
lily of the Nile [Zantedeschia aethiopica] Gewöhnliche Calla {f}
lily of the valley [Convallaria majalis] Maiglöckchen {n}
lily of the valley [Convallaria majalis] Maieriesli {n} [schweiz.] [Maiglöckchen]
lily pad Seerosenblatt {n}
lily pad [Nymphea lutea]Mummel {f}
lily pink [Aphyllanthes monspeliensis] (Blaue) Binsenlilie {f}
lily pink [Aphyllanthes monspeliensis]Blaue Binse {f}
lily pond Lilienteich {m}
lily pondSeerosenteich {m}
lily royal [Lilium superbum] Prächtige Türkenbund-Lilie / Türkenbundlilie {f}
lily streak virus Lily-Mottle-Virus {n} <LMoV>
lily trotters [family Jacanidae] Blatthühnchen {pl}
lily trotters [family Jacanidae]Jacanas {pl}
lilyleaf ladybell [genus Adenophora] Becherglocke {f}
lilyleaf ladybell [genus Adenophora] Schellenblume {f}
lilyleaf ladybells {pl} [treated as sg.] [Adenophora liliifolia] Pendelglöckchen {n}
lilyleaf ladybells {pl} [treated as sg.] [Adenophora liliifolia] Becherglocke {f}
lilyleaf ladybells {pl} [treated as sg.] [Adenophora liliifolia] Drüsenglocke {f}
lilyleaf ladybells {pl} [treated as sg.] [Adenophora liliifolia] Schellenblume {f}
lilyleaf ladybells {pl} [treated as sg.] [Adenophora liliifolia]Lilienblättrige Becherglocke {f}
lilylivered feige
lily-livered hasenfüßig [feige]
lily-of-the-field [Sternbergia lutea] Herbst-Goldbecher {m}
lily-of-the-field [Sternbergia lutea] [autumn daffodil] Gelbe Gewitterblume {f}
lily-of-the-field [Sternbergia lutea] [autumn daffodil] Goldkrokus {m}
lily-of-the-Nile / lily of the Nile [Agapanthus africanus, syn.: A. umbellatus, Abumon africanum, Crinum africanum] Afrikanische Blaulilie {f}
lily-of-the-Nile / lily of the Nile [Agapanthus africanus, syn.: A. umbellatus, Abumon africanum, Crinum africanum]Afrikanische Schmucklilie {f}
lily-of-the-Nile / lily of the Nile [Zantedeschia aethiopica, syn.: Arodes aethiopicum, Calla aethiopica, Richardia aethiopica] (Gewöhnliche) Calla {f} [Rsv.: (Gewöhnliche) Kalla]
lily-of-the-valley [spv.] [Convallaria majalis]Maiglöckchen {n}
lily-of-the-valley [spv.] [Convallaria majalis]Maieriesli {n} [schweiz.] [ugs.] [Maiglöckchen]
lily-of-the-valley tree [Clethra arborea] [also: lily of the valley tree] Baumförmige Scheineller {f}
lily-of-the-valley tree [Clethra arborea] [also: lily of the valley tree] Madeira-Zimterle {f}
lily-of-the-valley tree [Clethra arborea] [also: lily of the valley tree] Baum-Scheineller {f}
lilypad whiteface [Leucorrhinia caudalis]Zierliche Moosjungfer {f} [Libellenart]
lily-pily / lilypily [Rsv.] [Syzygium smithii, syn.: Acmena smithii] [myrtle family Myrtaceae]Lilly-Pilly {f}
lilytrotter [Irediparra gallinacea] Kammblatthühnchen {n}
lilyturf / lily turf [Liriope muscari, syn.: L. platyphylla] Lilientraube {f}
lilyturf / lily turf [Liriope muscari, syn.: L. platyphylla] Traubenlilie {f}
lily-white lilienweiß
Lim (River) Lim {m} [Fluss]
Lima Lima {n}
lima bean [Phaseolus lunatus] Limabohne {f}
lima beans [Am.] Limabohnen {pl}
Lima Declaration [World Council of Churches] Lima-Konvergenzerklärung {f}
Lima Declaration [World Council of Churches] Lima-Erklärung {f} [Lima-Konvergenzerklärung]
Lima Document "Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry" Lima-Texte {pl} "Taufe, Eucharistie und Amt"
Lima wood Limaholz {n}
limabean [Canavalia ensiformis, syn.: C. ensiformis var. albida, C. gladiata var. alba, Canavaia ensiformis, Dolichos ensiformis] Jackbohne {f}
limacinids [family Limacinidae] Flügelschnecken {pl} [Meeresnacktschneckenfamilie]
limacology Limakologie {f}
limaçon pascalsche Schnecke {f}
limaçon Pascal'sche Schnecke {f}
limanLiman {m}
Limapontiidae [family of sea slugs; syn.: Stiligeridae] Lanzettschnecken {pl}
Limassol Limassol {n}
limau purut [Citrus hystrix] Kaffir-Limette {f}
limau purut [Citrus hystrix]Mauritius-Papeda {f}
limb Glied {n} [Gliedmaße]
limb Schenkel {m} [Falte]
limb Extremität {f}
limb Körperglied {n}
limb Gliedmaße {f}
limb Gradbogen {m}
limb Seitengebäude {n}
limb [of a bow]Wurfarm {m}
limb [of a tree] Ast {m}
limb darkening Randverdunkelung {f}
limb developmentGliedmaßenentwicklung {f}
limb ischaemia [Br.] Gliedmaßenischämie {f}
limb lengthening Gliedmaßenverlängerung {f}
limb loss Gliedmaßenverlust {m}
limb movement Bewegung {f} der Gliedmaßen
limb of (the) manometerManometerschenkel {m}
limb orientation Extremitätenausrichtung {f}
limb pain {sg}Gliederschmerzen {pl}
limb paraesthesia [Br.] Parästhesie {f} der Glieder
limb paresthesia [Am.]Parästhesie {f} der Glieder
limb salvage Extremitätenerhalt {m}
limb wood Astholz {n}
limba [Terminalia superba] Limbabaum {m}
limba [Terminalia superba]Weiße Myrobalane {f}
limba (wood)Limbaholz {n}
limbal relaxing incision <LRI> limbale relaxierende Inzision {f} <LRI>
limberlocker [Muskeln etc.]
limber Protze {f}
limber gelenkig
limber ammunition chestProtzkasten {m}
« lighlikeLikelikelilalilylimblimelimelimilimi »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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