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line of force Kraftlinie {f}
line of force Feldlinie {f}
line of gaze Blickrichtung {f}
line of goodsArtikelserie {f}
line of goodsSortiment {n}
line of head [palmistry]Kopflinie {f} [Handlesekunst]
line of health [line of Mercury] [palmistry]Gesundheitslinie {f} [Handlesekunst]
line of hillsHügelkette {f}
line of hills Hügelzug {m}
line of houses Häuserreihe {f}
line of identityIdentitätslinie {f}
line of industry Industriezweig {m}
line of inquiry Ermittlungsansatz {m}
line of interpretationDeutungslinie {f}
line of intersectionSchnittlinie {f}
line of latitude Breitengrad {m}
line of least resistanceWeg {m} des geringsten Widerstands
line of least resistanceWeg {m} geringsten Widerstands [selten neben: Weg des geringsten Widerstands]
line of LenzmannLenzmann-Linie {f}
line of longitudeLängengrad {m}
line of merchandise Sortiment {n}
line of Mercury [palmistry] Merkurlinie {f} [Handlesekunst]
line of movement Bewegungslinie {f}
line of mustard Senfstrang {m}
line of occupationBerufszweig {m}
line of outcropAusstrichlinie {f}
line of peaksGipfelkette {f}
line of people [Am.]Menschenschlange {f}
line of plane trees Platanenreihe {f}
line of play (at contract bridge) Spieldurchführung {f}
line of poetry Gedichtzeile {f}
line of policePolizeikordon {m}
line of poplars Pappelreihe {f}
line of printDruckzeile {f}
line of production Produktionszweig {m}
line of products Produktschiene {f}
line of purples [color theory]Purpurgerade {f} [Farbsystem]
line of reasoning Argumentation {f}
line of reasoning Gedankenfaden {m}
line of reasoningArgumentationsstrang {m}
line of reasoningGedankengang {m}
line of research Forschungsrichtung {f}
line of research Forschungslinie {f}
line of resistance [tactical]Widerstandslinie {f}
line of retreat Rückzugslinie {f}
line of samples Musterserie {f}
line of scrimmage [American football] Gedrängelinie {f}
line of scrimmage <LOS> [american football]Trennlinie {f} zwischen Offense und Defense
line of separation [at the horizon]Scheidungslinie {f}
line of sightFluchtlinie {f} [Ausrichtung]
line of sightBlickachse {f}
line of sight Blickrichtung {f}
line of sight <LOS, LoS>Sichtlinie {f}
line of sight <LOS, LoS>Sichtverbindung {f}
line of skirmishers Feuerkette {f}
line of skirmishers Schützenlinie {f}
line of succession [Reihenfolge der] Nachfolge {f}
line of succession [throne]Thronfolge {f}
line of supplyNachschublinie {f}
line (of the song) Liedzeile {f} [Zeile des Liedes]
line of thinkingGedankengang {m}
line of thinking Denkweise {f}
line of thoughtGedankenfolge {f}
line of thought Gedankengang {m}
line of thought Gedankenkette {f}
line of thought Gedankenfaden {m}
line of thought [direction]Denkrichtung {f}
line of traffic Autoschlange {f}
line of trees Baumreihe {f}
line of vehicles [esp. Am.] Fahrzeugkolonne {f}
line of verse Gedichtzeile {f}
line of verse Verszeile {f}
line of visibility [Br.] [imaginary line beyond which cross traffic passing through a blind intersection becomes visible, as opposed to the official stop line]Sichtlinie {f} [im Ggs. zur Haltelinie]
line of visionBlickrichtung {f}
line of work Metier {n} [Beruf]
line of work Arbeitsgebiet {n}
line of work Branche {f}
line of work Beruf {m} [Arbeitsgebiet]
line of workArbeitsbereich {m}
line of worrySorgenfalte {f}
(line of) businessBranche {f}
(line of) traditionTraditionslinie {f}
line organisation [Br.] Linienorganisation {f}
line organization Linienorganisation {f}
line output transformer <LOPT>Zeilentransformator {m}
line pair <LP, lp>Linienpaar {n} <LP>
line pairs per millimeter <LP/mm, lp/mm> [Am.]Linienpaare {pl} pro Millimeter <LP/mm, lp/mm>
line pattern Linienmuster {n}
line pattern Strichraster {n}
line perforation Linienzähnung {f}
line pipe Leitungsrohr {n}
line pitch Zeilenabstand {m}
line player [handball]Kreisläufer {m}
line plot [line chart]Liniendiagramm {n}
line position Linienposition {f}
line pressure Leitungsdruck {m}
line printerZeilendrucker {m}
line printer Linienschreiber {m}
line printerKettendrucker {m}
line producerHerstellungsleiter {m}
« limilimoLinclinelinelinelinelinelinelineline »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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