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linear predictionlineare Vorhersage {f}
linear predictive coding <LPC>Linear-Predictive-Coding {n} <LPC> [Verfahren der Audiosignal- und Sprachverarbeitung]
linear probeLinearsonde {f} [Ultraschall]
linear programming <LP>lineare Programmierung {f} <LP>
linear programming <LP>lineares Programmieren {n}
linear programming relaxation LP-Relaxation {f}
linear progression lineare Progression {f}
linear progression [esp., in Schenkerian analysis] Zug {m}
linear range linearer Bereich {m}
linear rating scale model <LRSM> lineares Rating-Scale-Modell {n} <LRSM>
linear recurrence lineare Rekurrenz {f}
linear recurrence relation <LRR>lineare Differenzengleichung {f}
linear recursion lineare Rekursion {f}
linear regressionlineare Regression {f}
linear regulatorLinearregler {m}
linear relationshiplinearer Zusammenhang {m}
linear relaxationlineare Relaxation {f}
linear representationlineare Darstellung {f}
linear responsibility chart <LRC> [RACI matrix] RACI-Diagramm {n} [RACI-Matrix]
linear robotLinearroboter {m}
linear scale linearer Maßstab {m}
linear scaleLinearmaßstab {m}
linear scalelineare Skala {f}
linear scannerLinearscanner {m} [auch: Linear-Scanner]
linear scriptLinearschrift {f}
linear searchlineare Suche {f}
linear separabilitylineare Separierbarkeit {f}
linear sequence Linearsequenz {f}
linear sequence lineare Sequenz {f}
linear slide Linearführung {f}
linear solenoidHubmagnet {m}
linear space [vector space]linearer Raum {m} [Vektorraum]
linear speedLineargeschwindigkeit {f}
linear spring Migrakrene {f} [Wanderquelle, lineare Quelle]
linear springWanderquelle {f} [Migrakrene]
linear stage Lineartisch {m}
linear strain Dehnlänge {f}
linear stresslineare Spannung {f}
linear subspace linearer Unterraum {m}
linear subspacelinearer Teilraum {m}
linear support Linearlagerung {f}
linear system [system of linear equations] lineares Gleichungssystem {n}
linear tableLineartisch {m}
linear tactics {pl} [theory and practice of waging battles in linear formations] Lineartaktik {f} [Theorie und Praxis der Kriegführung in linearen Formationen]
linear technologyLineartechnik {f}
linear tester Analogtester {m}
linear thermal expansion coefficient Längenausdehnungskoeffizient {m}
linear time lineare Zeit {f}
linear time-invariant system <LTI system>lineares zeitinvariantes System {n} <LZI-System>
linear topological space linearer topologischer Raum {m}
linear transformationlineare Abbildung {f}
linear ultrasonic piezoelectric motor Ultraschall-Piezolinearmotor {m}
linear unitLineareinheit {f}
linear velocityLineargeschwindigkeit {f}
linear vibratory conveyor Linearschwingförderer {m}
linear walk Wanderweg {m} [mit nicht identischem Ausgangs- und Zielpunkt]
linear weightLineargewicht {n}
(linear) momentum operatorImpulsoperator {m}
(linear) spanlineare Hülle {f}
linearisation [Br.]Linearisierung {f}
linearised [Br.]linearisiert
linearising [Br.] linearisierend
linearity Linearität {f}
linearity deviationLinearitätsabweichung {f}
linearity error Linearitätsfehler {m}
linearity error Linearitätsabweichung {f}
linearity tolerance Linearitätstoleranz {f}
linearizabilityLinearisierbarkeit {f}
linearizationLinearisierung {f}
linearization theorem Linearisierungssatz {m} [Satz von Hartman-Grobman]
linearized linearisiert
linearizing linearisierend
linearizing action Linearisierung {f}
linearleaf snapdragon [Misopates orontium, syn.: Antirrhinum orontium, A. orontium var. grandiflorum] [rarely linear-leaf snapdragon] Wildes Löwenmaul {n}
linearleaf snapdragon [Misopates orontium, syn.: Antirrhinum orontium, A. orontium var. grandiflorum] [rarely linear-leaf snapdragon] Goldkeulen-Löwenmaul / Goldkeulenlöwenmaul {n}
linearleaf snapdragon [Misopates orontium, syn.: Antirrhinum orontium, A. orontium var. grandiflorum] [rarely linear-leaf snapdragon] Feld-Löwenmaul / Feldlöwenmaul {n}
linearleaf snapdragon [Misopates orontium, syn.: Antirrhinum orontium, A. orontium var. grandiflorum] [rarely linear-leaf snapdragon] Acker-Löwenmaul / Ackerlöwenmaul {n}
linearleaf snapdragon [Misopates orontium, syn.: Antirrhinum orontium, A. orontium var. grandiflorum] [rarely linear-leaf snapdragon]Großer Orant {m}
linearleaf snapdragon [Misopates orontium, syn.: Antirrhinum orontium, A. orontium var. grandiflorum] [rarely linear-leaf snapdragon] Feld-Katzenmaul / Feldkatzenmaul {n}
linear-leaved snapdragon [Misopates orontium, syn.: Antirrhinum orontium, A. orontium var. grandiflorum] Acker-Löwenmaul / Ackerlöwenmaul {n}
linear-leaved snapdragon [Misopates orontium, syn.: Antirrhinum orontium, A. orontium var. grandiflorum] Feld-Katzenmaul / Feldkatzenmaul {n}
linear-leaved snapdragon [Misopates orontium, syn.: Antirrhinum orontium, A. orontium var. grandiflorum]Feld-Löwenmaul / Feldlöwenmaul {n}
linear-leaved snapdragon [Misopates orontium, syn.: Antirrhinum orontium, A. orontium var. grandiflorum] Großer Orant {m}
linear-leaved snapdragon [Misopates orontium, syn.: Antirrhinum orontium, A. orontium var. grandiflorum]Goldkeulen-Löwenmaul / Goldkeulenlöwenmaul {n}
linear-leaved snapdragon [Misopates orontium, syn.: Antirrhinum orontium, A. orontium var. grandiflorum] Wildes Löwenmaul {n}
linearly geradlinig
linearly degeneratelinear ausgeartet
linearly dependent linear abhängig
linearly independentlinear unabhängig
linearly polarised [Br.]linear polarisiert
linearly polarized linear polarisiert
linear-phase linearphasig
line-at-a-time printer Zeilendrucker {m}
lineated barbet [Megalaima lineata] Streifenbartvogel {m}
lineated cuckoo shrike [Coracina lineata] Gelbaugen-Raupenfänger {m}
lineated foliage-gleaner [Syndactyla subalaris] Streifenblattspäher {m}
lineated lerista [Lerista lineata]Australischer Skink {m}
lineated woodcreeper [Lepidocolaptes albolineatus] Layardbaumsteiger {m}
lineated woodpecker [Dryocopus lineatus] Linienspecht {m}
« linelinelinelinelinelinelinelinelinelingling »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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